How to find freelance work to do from home? Best Platforms

Freelancing business is a big deal in itself. It looks fairly simple when you think about it in the beginning, but it starts to get difficult when you don’t find work according to your expectations. It takes time and is a litmus test of your creativity, perseverance, courage, dedication and ability to work hard along … Read more

Importance of English in India

Knowing English in India today has become very important. English is used in many fields more than any other language. English is important in India because most higher education books are printed in English. English is the third most spoken language in the world. The “How to learn English” keyword is searched on Google monthly … Read more

English Typing Speed Practice Tips – Increase Typing Speed

You can increase your typing speed by doing regular practice. Computer typing in English & Hindi languages is one the most important skill a person can have, or rather, should have. People learn this skill by taking a typing course and self-practice. Not all computer-literate people type accurately with good speed. In most, IT or … Read more

 7 Advantages of Waking up early in the Morning

The advantages of waking up early get only successful people. After achieving the first goal of waking up early they do not have any difficulty in achieving other goals of the day. If you want to become successful then get up early in the morning. Success starts with doing productive work from the beginning of … Read more

14 Tips to get your first client on Upwork

Upwork is the number one freelance website for clients and freelancers at present. It is the world’s largest online workplace. Upwork connects clients with top freelance professionals. Upwork values a mission to create economic and social value on a global scale by providing a trusted online workplace to connect, collaborate and succeed. People from 180 … Read more

What to do when client decline job proposal on Upwork?

Think about your job proposal as a part of your experiments to get a job on Upwork. You can take the suggestion, pieces of advice, tips, and knowledge from other successful freelancers. Learn and experiment. If you are doing experiments by copying and pasting your job proposal and searching for tricks on Google and calling … Read more