Facebook promotion ideas for small business start from creating more than one Facebook Business Page, Groups based on targeted keywords. It’s amazing to promote your business on Facebook marketing tools. Your brand page is not enough to market your business on Facebook without paying money.
So you have to be creative. Creativity in marketing your business on Facebook is important to generate new promotional ideas. Because there are so many groups and pages with spam posts. So it is really important for you to execute unique and creative methods to promote your business facebook.
How to create Facebook Business Page strategically to promote your business?
I hope you know about keywords. Keywords are the queries people use to search on Google and Facebook. Every word that your target audience speaks, interact and communicate on the Internet are keywords. So, you need to create your Business page, groups around those keywords on Facebook.
Related: 50 benefits of using facebook for business marketing
Here you can follow the Strategic ideas to promote your Business on Facebook
This idea is to create pages that will promote your business
- First thing visits Google Keyword Planner and searches for keywords. Target more than 10K to 100K monthly searched keywords on Google.
- Create Facebook Page and groups around those keywords.
- Follow the technical part of online marketing. Create or add an attractive profile and cover photo for page and groups.
- Publish 5 to 10 posts, immediately after you create the page, but do not share your own blog posts and marketing materials. Share others content on the page.
- Add all those keywords in 3-4 sentences with a different message in about section short description. Do not write “hire me, contact me, buy from me etc. these are things you don’t need to do immediately.
- You goals are to win the trust of your customers. So, before selling anything to Facebook users have to trustworthy consistently.
- After that invite, specific friends you think are part of your audience groups.
- Add your personal review with 5 Star. Explain in the review that you dreamed to be known for this Facebook Page or group.
- Do not share your pages on your own timeline. Just take time, once there are enough people then do it.
- Leave the Facebook page for 4-5 days. After that schedule images and posts of other people. Not your own. Just share other people content that you found most popular on the Facebook. Same content.
- After getting 100+ likes minimum and then start posting your marketing content.
- Keep running.
Here is the hub of this Social Media Marketing Strategy: – Social Media marketing ideas for small Business, you can learn now then come back or press Ctrl+D, Enter to read later.
Benefits of following above 12 promotional ideas to promote your business on Facebook:
1. You will get more page likes because 10K to 100K people on the Internet already searching for that content. That’s why I told you above to create your page based on Keywords. So, it’s a great opportunity to attract 1000+ likes on Facebook.
Because according to me 70% people out 100 will be on Facebook. Because of they are looking for solutions on the Internet if they are on Google and they are on Facebook.
But you know that 1st solution is not the last solution because the quality of 1st solution and cost will turn people on the internet to search for 2nd solution of the same problem.
2. When you share other people posts, you don’t need to worry about what to tell your target customers. How to create the best content to publish on the timeline. You just share related content that is already popular on the other social media websites.
3. When you share content that is popular you have a chance to get higher ranking for your page on Facebook. Because of popularity and quality that you produced in content enable people to like it consistently.
So you will learn in the process about the taste people are interested in. And next time when you publish your content you have the plan and data of users, what can work and what not while creating and publishing marketing content of your own business.
4. The benefits of inviting only those friends who are around the zone of your targeted audience are that they are connected with similar people. A CEO attracts to be a friend of CEO, A Job seekers friends network mostly Job Seekers.
They are in the network on social media because their habits are same. So there is very high chance that when one of your friends likes, comment and engage with your page feeds it will impact on the similar people of their groups. That’s why you need to target specific people for higher conversion rate.
5. It’s tough to contest to get high rank on Google for your blog post and targeted keywords. Because those keywords are well ranked by Google for your competitors or high authorities websites. But if they are getting 100 people organically from Google to their website for those keywords.
Then remember, those 100 people also use Facebook. Whenever they find your page for that keywords, you have a chance to convert those invaluable business leads by creating and publishing similar content on Facebook.
6. If you review your own Facebook page then it’s great. Because it’s your belief, values and reasons “why you created that Facebook page” And also it will keep reminding and aligned you towards your Facebook business page goals.
7. When you believe in your products and other people will believe.
8. Attractive photos, images, headings are the part of marketing. Selling good products and services on Facebook is not easy. Because bad, fake and lowest quality products are getting sells by following good headings and celebrities wallpaper.
But I don’t mean here to do the opposite. Just make a slighter change in the heading of your marketing content that is already existed in spam posts.
For example: –
Spam posts look like this: – Get 100000 + likes on your Facebook Page today.
Your posts: Do not get 100000 robotic likes on your Facebook Page, Get 1000 genuine likes in a month. Those are interested in your products and services.
This is just an example. You can modify according to your product.
9. When you keep running your Facebook Pages based on keywords, it will give you the idea which social media platform is best to target to promote your business online for particular keywords.
The conclusion of creating more than 1 Facebook Page to promote your business on Facebook is simple. You can say it’s a secret of getting more likes, shares, and fans on Facebook. If you say yes, then it will work. What is the secret?
Revealing Facebook marketing formula: Your competitors created one page for 10 types of products and blog categories. Right? And they are popular. It means they planted one tree for the main keyword and getting people under that tree. But the funny thing is that they are getting very low conversion rate in reality.
They got 10000+ likes for their page but only get 20 likes when they post their blog or website content. What is that mean? That means their Facebook users are not satisfied because they are producing same fruit each time, same tree, same taste, same words! I know that you don’t like eat your favourite fruit each day.
So, you can create a garden with different fruits, taste, words each day. Just focus one Facebook Page for one day. According to this one, Facebook Page is one tree of fruits (content). But Facebook pages don’t have own fruits. That’s the opportunity here for you to add different flavor on different trees.
That’s the secret, I know so far!
Related: – How to promote your business online faster
So, you have the Facebook marketing secret idea using pages and groups. Now use it to market your business on Facebook with creatively. I hope I explained and you got my idea to promote your business on Facebook in this post creatively
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