Google Search Console 404 Errors: An SEO Warning

not found 404 error google search console

A 404 error occurs on a website when someone tries to visit a specific URL to load or open a page or post that no longer exists. This means the server is unable to find the requested resource, typically because it has been deleted, the URL has been changed, or the URL was typed incorrectly. … Read more

Let’s Review iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max Technologies

Apple Park is in now in trends for its newly introduced new plants iPhone Pro and iPhone Pro Max. As technology enthusiasts, we’re always on the lookout for groundbreaking innovations and their real-world applications. If you’re considering your first iPhone or looking to upgrade, Apple’s latest releases, the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone … Read more

14 Online Privacy Protection Tips – Best for Beginners

Protecting privacy and personal data online is more than important these days. Protecting privacy means you can control what you share with others on the web, the things you access online, and the permission you grant others for remote access such as for freelancers or clients. Protecting privacy online involves various methods, use of tools, … Read more

How to add a recent posts widget with thumbnails in WordPress

Displaying thumbnail along with recent posts in the custom home page and sidebar widget improve the user experience of your website, increase page views, and average session duration, and lower the bounce rate. Other than displaying recent posts in the sidebar you can display them on a custom homepage, landing page, woo-commerce product page, service … Read more

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