How to Choose a Career in Information Technology


A career decision is one of the most important decisions in life. To choose the best career you have to consider demanding IT skills in the market. Then you have to select the skill-based on the interest. Your career interests need to be based on salary and creativity. Also, the demand for your career skills in the future needs to be considered by every student, parent, and career counselor while choosing the best career path.

This article can be a career finder for you. Learn a complete career path determining steps. How you can decide what career path to take after degree. What jobs will be suitable for you? And what you can do before doing offline and online degrees.

9 ways that help to find a better career in information technology, based on personal experiences

1. Create Career Development Strategies: – I think career development strategies are the plans to achieve your dreams. That’s why you need strategies for your career development. It’s about setting long-term and short-term IT career goals. What things do you want to achieve in life? Write these answers and then create strategies for career growth.

Answering these career questions can be helpful for you to create career development strategies such as what are your dreams? What do you want to become?  How can you become? What skill do you need to become successful in your career? Etc.

If you don’t know what are your dreams? What is your talent? Not have any specific interest? Then find out the problems you, your family, and our country (India) are suffering from. Then create strategies on how you can create better tomorrow for your family and India.

2. Research on Demanding IT career skills and analyze market demand: – To find a better career, you need to learn sincerely. For better learning, you need to do research. Does research mean learning about what is happening in the market? Analyze market demand for IT skills because at the end of the degree you have to be an asset for a company.

And if you’re not skillful according to the demand, then who will hire you for a job? Who will give a project? When there is not a demand for your skills and knowledge in the market.

Else you can create demand but then you have to be a Genius.

This article can help you: – How to perform market research online

You can find lots of career-related information on the internet regarding demanding IT skills. But for that, you have to search on Google. If you can’t do that, then close this article.

Why I am forcing you to do the research before doing any offline and online degree and online courses because you’re the machinery for a company. You should be updated and flexible when it’s a demand for upgrades. Do you buy a machine if it is not updated or not solving your current problems?

For example, why do I want to hire you? I want to hire you for skills because you help me to develop a product for my customers. My customers are demanding apps, responsive websites and traffic to their website for that I am looking into you not website designing or your degree but knowledge and skills about responsive websites, html5, core PHP, angular.js, node.js and search engine marketing etc.

I am not looking for a visual basic, front page knowledge, WordPress installation because those technologies and methods are old. My customers want high-speed websites so, can you design such websites?

That’s why I am suggesting you that do the research offline and online. Do the research in the market what companies are demanding. What talent staffing agencies are monetizing. Etc. Read the above-linked article to perform career research, that is for business but the methods and formulas for career research are similar to a career path.

If you read that then well! Let’s move on next point.

3. Analyze the Information, Career Interest, and Salary Expectation: – So, now you have data to analyze about your career. Now analyze the data and information you collected. You should collect minimum of 10 career details with an average salary.

Now select one or two career choices that are most interesting for you and you’re serious about that.

For that show this data to your parents or with people, who have some experience in that field. Remember: – Just listen to their opinion. Then again search for their opinion on Google for more domain-specific knowledge.

You can ask career counselors, teachers, and professors. But whatever you select, you have to remember that hard work is important for success in any career field. Because there is competition in the market, so be prepared for the battle.

4. Create a list of skills, courses, and degrees: – It’s very tough to decide which one is best. That’s why you want to learn and everything. That’s good.

But do companies hire a genius? No, they don’t believe you in the interview that you’re a genius. They just want one thing, one skill for one job. You can’t say I know everything about Website designing, in reality when you know only about WordPress installation and development.

That is good for your own business, but when you apply for the job on UpWork, or IT companies, make sure you include your skills honestly.

That’s why I want you to create a list if you want a successful career. And choose one skill that is in demand and future-proof.

Now you can list all the available courses and degrees regarding your career. Select the best online or offline course. And do that.

If you completed your degree already, or if you’re currently doing a job and want to change in a career, the same above process is helpful for you. Today, everything is available for you on the internet. But be like a learner and do it with confidence.

Related: – Top 5 free online courses for MCA students  

5. Review and look for feedback when choosing a college: – College degree and courses play a big role in our career success and failure. Most of the students I saw in India, do not do research about the college and institution. Many institutions provide you with job placement but their fees are high. Even 90% of institutions and their marketing are fake because after spending 4-5 lacks they don’t place you in high reputed companies.

They get their money by doing high promises and then teach you the theory that you can find on the internet for free. What is the importance of a degree?

I suggest you never believe in such colleges and online courses. Because even reviews are fake, it’s tough to decide which college is best to choose for a degree.

But remember there are many colleges that do not force you to the degree. The best solution to find the best college for the degree and online courses are asking their old students, ask what they say about that.  You can also look at their reputation in the market. Type any college name in Google news and then read the news about their college.

Don’t worry, if you’re not able to find the best college, just learn and complete the courses and degree. But at the same time, you can use your 2 hours daily to learn some practical skills, find someone who can teach you programming languages, designing, and digital marketing. For that take online courses, even you can do the degree online. But consider everything about the colleges and their career promises carefully.

Even after 10+2, if you learn development or demanding programming languages then it’s enough or gives more return than your IT degree, within 1 year.

6. Personality Test for College Major: – Personality and career aptitude test for a major is the best option to choose a career. In which teachers and consultants can help you, to suggest the best career based on your answers and attitude. There is an online domain-specific career test. So, take the advantage of Information Technology.

7. Research on the best companies for career growth: – If you did the above things before joining any college then it’s time to look for the best companies for career growth. If you’re a degree holder, working in an IT company for 20-30000 or just want to start a career after the online course, then it’s really important again to the research.

You can select the companies for a job after checking stocks, share values and market growth of the company. You can also join a startup in which big companies invested their money.

For example, if My IT Company is developing digital marketing tools, cloud computing apps, etc. it means you have great career growth opportunities at our company.

That’s why to do research for the companies before visiting for an interview or before quitting your current job.

Ask them in the interview: Sir, What about my career growth in your company. How much will you increase my salary after one year? What is your vision? When they ask, why not you ask the question in an interview? Be like a professional.

I also suggest that startups IT companies have more job and career growth opportunities than big IT companies. So, do the research and select the best because it’s about your career path.

8. After the degree, courses, and knowledge apply for domain-specific jobs: – This is the biggest career problem in which students or professionals want to do all the things. That’s great if you’re doing a business. But when apply, apply for only domain-specific knowledge. As I told you above points about domain-specific degrees or courses.

Before writing this article I talked about my IT career with my two friends, running their software development companies in Chandigarh. Both are a programmer. I asked them what kind of people they were hiring. Why MCA completed students are not getting the job? What are the jobs in your companies for MCA students or technical course students?

They told me that, we’re hiring domain-specific candidates. Such as we’re not hiring people based only on the IT degree. But we’re looking for the skills such as Angular.js, WordPress development, Magneto, ASP.NET MVC.

They want people with one skill, in which you have mastery. I think mastering one IT skill is great for career success. I mean one by one. Slow and steady.

9. Talk to me about your IT career problem by following the contact form: – Why talk to me?

I am working in the IT field since 2007 after a 6-month basic computer course.  I have experience of 16 + jobs with a 100% success rate on Upwork. I have experience of 7 plus IT teaching jobs in various computer institutes. 1 Website designing Job experience IT park Chandigarh. Running this blog for the last 4 years and now operating an IT company.

So, I think I can help you, I am not forcing you. The above experience is nothing, this is nothing but I believe that if my suggestions can help you to find a career then why not I can help.

Friends, I am not perfect, I do lots of mistakes. I try daily to become better in my tips, thoughts, and writing.

Everyone is suffering from career problems. But try to help each other. This is great for the development of our India if we all can help each other to become successful in their career and business.

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