How to learn marketing skills from the Shopkeepers


Learning from shopkeepers, the salesman is a very creative and practical method to learn marketing skills. There are master shopkeepers and salespeople in showrooms in every city and in the market. They are experienced in dealing with people. They know about the product and services they are selling. And the way they do it is very personalized.

So Let’s Get Started:

  • Learn marketing skills by doing shopping:

Do the shopping from them and learn. How they sell you the item they are willing to sell. Just be an intelligent customer and ask questions from them. After that learn from them certain things such as How they talk to you, how they respond to your difficult questions, how they treat their employees in front of you, how bigger is their shop/showroom, how many customers are buying and what the expressions of people. Notice, how they have decorated the shop. How comfortable you’re feeling while in the shop. Everything is notable as a student.

Let’s take the example of a mobile selling shop.

You have entered the shop. Now you have asked the person/salesman. Sir, I am looking to buy a mobile phone. While you know which one you want to buy. But you’re asking.

The process of selling can be different according to the customers, situation, and shop.

The best salesmen asked you about the range?

For example, you told them such as 10,000 to 20,000 or 20000 to 30,000 in between.

Now the good salesman’s show you only 2 models of mobile. It can be the latest or old. Now they test your taste and learn from your expressions and behaviors.

They do it so that you will not get confused. if they show you 10 models instead of 2 in the first point, 90% of people will be confused, which is not good.

If you don’t like any of them, then they show you the next 3. After that again next 3. It means they will show you the options one by one. But there is the point, when they analyzed that you’re confused, or not interested. Now they can sell to you the mobile they want to sell in that time. There are many techniques and methods of selling.

But learn whatever looks interesting and conversion points. Keep learning. Next time when you buy clothes “learn how they marketed and sold. Visit vegetable market (sabji mandi), and listen to the sounds of sells such as 2 KG in 20 rupees (20 ki 2 kilos), bik laya maal, ynha dekho – yenha dekho.

You can also visit showrooms or big bazaars, and learn how they have decorated the items, how they have created the offers to attract the customers to spend more money.

It’s so amazing when you do the shopping, just for learning. Also whenever you buy any small or big item, always learn.

I hope you got my point.

  • Work in any small and bigger product showroom:

You can work part-time and full-time for a few months or a year. Do this job to learn marketing and selling skills. In which not only you learn but also earn.

You can learn here following things:

How to decorate the products?

How to present yourself well?

What to wear and why?

Which stuff need in front and what later?

How to talk with a customer?


If you don’t work, then just watch the things I am talking about above. It will teach you many things that you don’t find often in the marketing class.

  • Learn from the Product/Services Packages on Business Websites:

Visit similar websites such as marketing and selling web design, cloud computing, hosting packages and marketing tools, graphics designing software, video editing software etc. Learn carefully how they have optimized their website for search engine traffic, learn how they have created the products/services packages, learn what are the main attractive points that encourage website visitors to buy.

  • Work with digital marketing companies:

There are thousands of digital marketing companies marketing and selling digital marketing services and products. Try to work as a trainee or employee in such companies for learning. Not all will accept you and many do not give you the space for learning and working. But don’t worry and keep trying. When you will find anyone small and bigger and then tell the truth that you want to work free for six months, as a learner. After that If my performance is good, you can pay my salary and I will keep working for you etc.

After that start working on the job they will provide you, especially related to digital marketing such as social media marketing, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and content marketing etc.

At the start, you can not lead a project by yourself. so you have to work as an assistant. But as an assistant, you will learn many digital marketing skills from your project leader.

Learn how they manage the client, how they talk, what is the process of marketing a product and services. And most important how they report and finish the project. it will take you more than 2 years to get such knowledge. But if you’re sharper then you can do it within 6 months. But most importantly, you have to find the company that accepts you. If you have to pay, then pay them for working with them. It’s a practical way of learning. Actually, it’s a way to connect education and employment within it.

  • Learn marketing strategies from telecom companies:

Nowadays almost everyone has 2 sims on mobile. They are promoting talk time, data recharge package with the latest and new features. Many use push notifications, SMS and special apps for recharge and marketing.

You can learn here marketing skills such as how to create attractive packages, how to market and when to launch certain packages and plans.

  • Learn from E-commerce websites:

Learn marketing skills from e-commerce/online-store/shops websites such as Amazon, Flipkart, myntra, jabong, snapdeal, reliance trends, nykaa etc. Learn what type of products they are selling, how they are marketing, what time of the month they advertise on the internet and TV, what are there online and offline marketing strategies are. And most important to learn is that “how they are differentiating themselves in the overcrowded e-commerce market.”But how. Learn this. the most important skill in marketing is the way in which you choose to look unique to the world.  

  • Learn Marketing skills from India’s top 2 sellers and brands: Reliance JIO/Patanjali

Reliance JIO and Patanjali (Baba Ramdev) fastest growing brands from last 3-4 years in India. They are big but they have done small things that most of the marketers ignore. What is that? as a student, you have to find out. What are their marketing strategies? How they get support from people. How they have created a monopoly in the market. I know there are specific qualities or features in their products/services. But is not that unique that their competitors can’t integrate into their products/services. But how all is this happening in the market is a lesson for marketing students.

So learn from them, But also learn from how other companies in the same industry compete or not compete with them. And how they are surviving.

Everything is learning. Many can say, that they have more intelligence and a large amount of workforce and investment. That’s why they are able to grow. I agree with that, But such a workforce has in other companies too. The most important thing that I think is a marketing strategy and execution as per the plan.

Now as a student, you can learn how they have created the marketing plan, how they are executing that plan.

So, friends can I hope you liked it and helpful for you.

Related Article for you: How to learn digital marketing to grow your career and business

How to learn marketing skills from Advertisements

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