Importance of English in India


Knowing English in India today has become very important. English is used in many fields more than any other language. English is important in India because most higher education books are printed in English. English is the third most spoken language in the world.

The “How to learn English” keyword is searched on Google monthly and  44.9% (55,364) of people search in India. If one has to survive in today’s cut-throat competition one should have a good command of English.

Language is the dress of thought. It is the expression of life, emotions, and aspirations. When we are born the only language that we know and understand is ‘smile’ and ‘cry’.

When we are happy we smile and when we are sad or we need something we cry. As we grow up we imitate the people around us and hence begin to learn the language. The world is full of different languages. Our country which is a land of diversity has numerous languages too. The 8th schedule recognized, Hindi, English, and 21 other languages as the official languages.

Though Hindi serves as a lingua franca English has become a more important and popular language nowadays. It is used almost everywhere and therefore it has become a need of the hour to be good at English. It’s not just in India but it is used as a common medium to communicate between two nations that have no other common language.

English has become very important in today’s world due to its International importance. The world has become a global village and to communicate effectively and exchange ideas, beliefs, and technology there is no better medium than English. The importance of English can be because of the fact that it is the language of the two most important and progressive nations the USA and the UK. Since both these nations directly or indirectly control the affairs of other nations worldwide their language is also important.

Since English people had colonies throughout the world, their language was adopted by the natives. Like India, many countries were colonized and is the language of the Educated and colonizers it left a mark on people across the globe. India too was colonized by Britishers for more than 300 years.

In India Lord William Bentick made English the medium of higher education after the recommendations of Macaulay. English was used by the Britishers as a medium to instruct. They educated Indians in the English language so that Indians could communicate well and serve Britishers well in various departments. Till the time our country got freedom English language was incorporated into various fields and hence it was not possible to take this language out but to use it well because of its growing need and influence.

The corporate sector employs people who are confident and speak fluent English apart from the basic skills required for the job. Even if one has got a perfect resume, education, and experience that makes one eligible for a job but lacks in English will certainly not get his/her dream job. If you desire a good and well-paid job it’s very important to have a good command of English. Globalization has turned the whole world into a small village and has resulted in lots of inter-nation businesses and bilateral deals.

Almost all countries use English as a business language so by communicating effectively one can make better business partners. India is a developing country and most of the developed countries that India deals with use English so it becomes necessary to have a good command of English. Most of the technologies that are used in India are received from English nations so to use technology well, English is important.

To get good scores and understand the matter well students should be taught well in the English Language. It has been seen that many students in India suffer because of this as they do not have a strong foundation in the English language. So if Indian students have to compete with students in their country and across the globe, a good knowledge of English is a must. Knowledge of English is important to qualify for competitive exams in India.

Starting from the top-level services like civil services, SC, Banking, Education, and Armed services all have given a lot of weightage to the English section that is hard to be ignored. Its growing importance has also given an opportunity to many to get employment by teaching English in various coaching centers.

The world has become a global village because of the internet and people get to know about the literature, culture, and customs of other countries through it. The internet provides knowledge about each and every country mostly in English. Most of the literature of various countries is translated into English so knowing English would mean that one can have access to a vast treasure of knowledge. Those who wish to learn more can quench their thirst then.

English’s popularity can be felt from the emergence of a lot of poets novelists, and dramatists from India who wrote exclusively in English. Due to English’s international importance, many writers write in English and they write well. It helps them to get an International identity and multitudes of readers and critics. Indian English literature began as early as the 1930s and was made popular by the works of R.K Narayan, MulkRaj Anand, and Raja Rao. Though Indian diasporic writers have grabbed the attention of people worldwide. Salman Rushdie, Kiran Desai, Arundhati Roy, Jumpha Lahiri, and many others have attained International fame and many prizes.

Another important role that English plays is in International relations. Literally “International Relations” mean relations between countries. It refers to relations in the field of science, politics, and the economy. So to have good international relations one should be able to communicate effectively and build strong ties.

English is an international medium of communication and almost every country uses it as either a native or second language. People have understood the fact that good knowledge of English is the key factor for a good career, status in society, and a huge advantage in knowledge and better communication in the entire world. If India has to progress then it cannot ignore the importance of the English language. As

Frank Smith says “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”

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1 thought on “Importance of English in India”

  1. It us one og best article which really helped me out in making my assignment and giving me knowledge about the english language and its importance.i really appreciate the writer for this article.


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