Importance of newspaper in our daily life


The newspaper is an important part of our life. Yes, it’s not looking that much important after digital evolution but people who know its importance still buy and read.  And according to Wikipedia India is the biggest newspaper market in the world and over 100 million copies are sold each day.

Nowadays with the help of internet technologies, eNewspaper is replacing printed versions. And the biggest benefit for people is that they can read newspapers on tablets, computers, and mobile.

Learn in points, why the newspaper is important:

Importance of newspapers in education

Newspapers and news can play an important role in the development of education in any country by using the news as a practical example of the theory students are learning in books.

Such as if students are learning in college and school about demonetization methods, disadvantages, and advantages then teachers can showcase the demonetization content from the newspaper. They can include how demonetizations affect society and real-life examples.

The benefits of using the news as an example for students are that they can understand better the subject from the newspaper it’s because the news is trending and relate to the various practical aspect of the classroom subjects.

Another example such as political science students learning in the 11th or 12th about the powers of the prime minister in India.

Now teachers can explain those uses of powers in the current prime minister’s daily activities. Actions that relate to the content in the newspaper.

According to the above examples, I think a newspaper can play a very important role in the development of practical education.

Importance of newspapers for students

Students can get various benefits from newspaper reading. Such as newspapers increase vocabulary. English learners can increase their vocabulary from the newspaper.

Even economics students, Hindi language students, political science students and students of various subjects can find new words, and use words from newspapers according to their interests and subjects.

For example, it’s great for economics students to learn “the economic page of the newspaper, where political science and Hindi language or literature students can read the editorial page.

Newspaper reading not only benefits students in their subjects but also improves the general knowledge and knowledge of culture and trends in various parts of the country.

More than this, career pages, career point, jobs/career, etc. are weekly published pages in a newspaper that helps students to learn and get knowledge about various jobs, exams, and career-related issues.

Importance of newspapers for shopkeepers and business owners

In India, almost all shopkeepers and offices are regular users of the newspaper. The newspaper helps shopkeepers, business owners, and entrepreneurs to understand the current economic trends, market prices, new laws and government policies and festival dates. So they can prepare the stock and understand demand and supply.

Also, old newspapers help them to use for packaging small items such as milk packets, spices, and various other things.

Importance of newspapers for housewives

Weekly special pages of Hindi-English newspapers help housewives learn about new cooking recipes. Such as Amar Ujala Hindi newspaper publishes cooking recipes, sweet-making tips etc. content that really excites housewives to try and implement the recipes.

Importance of newspapers for elderly people

Elderly people living in the cities use newspapers as a part of life. They have been newspaper learners since childhood. It helps them to understand how people, societies, and countries are doing in today’s time. And what was it the time when they were young?

Now they can use their own experiences and knowledge to guide the younger generation, their own family, and societies to handle today’s time problems.

The newspaper is like a friend for elderly people. It helps them in time pass when they feel bored or alone at home.

Importance of newspapers for Politicians

For politicians newspaper and news is the prime source of information for politicians.

The newspaper helped them to understand people’s problems. They get information about the crisis in a particular area and what other politicians are doing on the ground level in the country.

The newspaper helps them to generate new issues and debates. It also helps them to make headlines and own political brand building and positioning in the democracy.

Importance of newspapers for Job Seekers

Job seekers can see various new jobs and employment opportunities in the newspaper. Often private companies and government departments, recruitment agencies use newspapers as prime sources for job advertisements and news. That’s why it’s important for job seekers to remain updated about the current government and private sector job opportunities.

In India, there is a special newspaper and weekly publications such as classified page, job & career, career point and employment newspaper.

If job seekers read a variety of newspapers in a month in a public library or at home then it will help them to acquire new information, knowledge and data that can help them in competitive exams and interviews. That’s why newspaper or ePaper is an important thing to streamline the day.

Importance of newspapers for teachers

News in newspaper impact people differently. Some use the news as a part of political issues, some use it as lessons, some use general knowledge and some find it funny or a subject of joy.

But only teachers can understand why it’s happening if there are financial crises in the country then only economics teachers, professors or experts can understand. They can use this information to guide students. And they can show the methods and ways to handle economic conditions in various situations. Students can learn more about the details that are impactful from teachers rather than news anchors or reporters or politicians.

That’s why I think if teachers read the newspaper then they can update and make students future-proof or train them to handle future economic, social and personal problems in the best possible methods.

It’s because they are experts in that subject, they know why something is happening and what will be the best solution so that kind of thing never happens again.

Such as if there is news on black money in newspapers then teachers can teach students how black money affects society and the country negatively. You can say that today, students can learn on the internet.

But remember that on the internet people do analyses based on their situations or knowledge. And in the classroom teachers do the analysis based on classroom goals.

The goal is a reason. The teacher’s goal is to make students powerful and knowledgeable and on the internet publisher’s goal is the make something viral and earn money quickly.

That’s why I think newspaper reading is the prime practical source of information for students. And if students are not aware of the current activities happening in the country teachers can update students with proper methods.

If they understand the news from teachers they can understand the news better. Otherwise, most of the news can impact students negatively.

Importance of newspaper for Ragman

Used or old newspapers are the income source for ragmen and scrappers. They visit each door in the village, and the city collects old newspapers and sells them to the next buyers.

It helps them to generate income and earn some money. Most of these people are not well educated. And some of them are doing it because there is no other employment scope in the city. And it also helps to recycle newspapers into newer versions or models or products. That’s how you can identify the value of the old newspaper.

Importance of newspapers for publishers

Newspaper publishing is one of the biggest industries worldwide. Here you can learn about the history of newspaper publishing in India or worldwide. Newspaper publishers generate revenue from advertisements.

There are various people involved in newspaper publishing, reporting, advertisement, marketing, designing, and management. Newspaper publishers, companies and agencies provide or generate employment for people. And most important it is providing information with facts and figures to the public.

Importance of newspapers for democracy

The newspaper is important to report to the public what the government is doing. What are new policies? What new bill was passed by a representative of people for people?

It will help people to understand the political ethics of their representative and their stand on a particular subject such as what the government is doing to increase GDP. Which political party taking this step seriously etc.? Learning about these things in the newspaper give enough idea for people to understand the past, present, and future activities of the government. That’s why I think the newspaper is important for the value established in democracy.

Marketing channel for companies and business owners

Internet marking is the trend and it’s very cost-effective and targeted. Traditional advertising such as newspaper advertising is the method by which businesses, companies, and political leaders can communicate with common people in the sense of marketing and advertising.

Now, in conclusion, I will say that the newspaper is an important source of tax collection for the government. It is a source of income and job for many people. The newspaper sometimes works as evidence and proof of incidents. And most important it is the source of data and information that helps to increase the awareness and knowledge of the citizens in a country.

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2 thoughts on “Importance of newspaper in our daily life”

  1. Totally agree with your information. Newspapers are an important part of India and it will be in future. It has its own benefits. But at the same time importance of digital news can’t be ignored. Even many newspaper companies have also started presenting news through digital media such as websites.


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