Social media marketing ideas that work


In this article, you will learn new social media marketing ideas effective for small business owners. Small business can’t stop promoting business on social media. That’s why small business owners need new and creative ideas from marketing farms each morning.

Today, customers do not have time to click on your website and products links. That’s why it’s important for marketers and small businesses to be creative while marketing online on especially on social media.

Social media marketing is more than SEO link practices. It’s more about human relationships and less about robotic. People care about excited, attractive content on social media.

Social media marketing is important for business. But you can’t plan social media marketing each morning. But you have to be crazy and creative while marketing on social media.

Following social media marketing ideas are well tested by me. You just need to collect marketing ideas that work. The key here is the execution of these imaginative social media marketing ideas. I hope it will show you the way to build your brand.

Social media marketing ideas that work

1. Create more than one social media pages and groups based on for each product, services, and your blog category.

  • Create a page for fun around your brand that people enjoy watching and reading.

Create Facebook Page, Google+ community, board on Pinterest.  And build a community of happy people that sponsored by social media page. People want happiness in the workplace. So, your page can be “Happy Hours Works”. Share funny, jokes videos, text and fun facts.

Take time, you don’t need to explore your links right now. Just wait, give time to people to identify your content and consistency. After few days, they will like. But first, invite only 5-10 friends and follower who you feel are happy and share funny things on social media.

Only invite such people to this group. Now, when you get top 100 people in your groups or in the community or page then start sponsoring funny content. That is connected directly or indirectly with your brand.

Such as funny computer jokes, if you’re selling computers. Funny developer quotes, funny SEO quotes. This is great. And at the end of each image, text, and video add your website link or brand name. But only share one post of your own content in one week. And share more posts of others people on the same page and group.

  • Create special page and group for news and information.

Now there are people, who only like news as quick as possible. They want to keep updated with the industry trends. Then if you’re a running a web design business then create a page, group or community known for industry news. Such as Web development news, SEO News of the day, Social Media News of the day etc.

So, send an invitation to few people to join your community, predict which kind of people can like news more than others. You can find people on news website, forums, existed social media pages. In which they are commenting and liking.

If they are reading and commenting on the news blog, it means they are also on active social media users. These active social media users are easy to engage with your brand message.

  • Create another page for Tutorials and attract learners and researchers.

Now create another page that specific to tutorials and your how to posts. Of coz! There are people want to learn and experiment. These people can lower down the bounce rate of your website and content.

Now share how to post content related to your niche. Not only yours, but other people content too, because if you keep sharing your own content then it’s tough to analysis social media analytics data. Because next time when you market your products and services you will get 90% ROI.

So, even share your competitor’s posts on your social media platforms and find out, why they liked it. Then create similar content and share it at the same time you posted your competitors content on the page.

Create tutorials in creative ways. Such as one line tutorials images and for that create 20 images with number 1, 2, 3 ….20. Now share altogether. And see, what happen? It’s great idea, and it’s really beneficial for users to know about a solution with better quality.

  • Create another page for Customer Support.

Create a page that supports the queries and excitement of your customers because queries and excitement increase your CTR on a social media campaign and it will drive high traffic to your website.

You can do it by finding queries of people related to products on competitor’s website, internet forums, message board, QA sites etc. Now answer the solution in your next marketing content. If you got the idea about the problem one person is getting, it means there are various people getting this problem and want the solution quickly and accurately.

So, create and share text, video, infographics that solve, attract, excite and educate people. At the end they will thank you for sharing, commenting and liking. This is the start to build a relationship with your targeted customers.


  • Run Social Media pages only to inspire people

People search, like and share quotes pages more than anything. As I can see my quotes Facebook pages are getting 50+ likes each week. So far, what it mean? For me, It means people like things that help them to move forward from goal A to Goal B.

How you can you take advantages of these quotes demands on social media. I have an idea. Create and share quotes that inspire people. I mean don’t write about your brand anything. Just share your experience in the quotes. One line or two lines are enough. Keep sharing, keep sharing inspirational quotes not only yours but also all kind of quotes that help people to learn. You’re thinking what is this?

This is called social work and social development. And when you have more than 100+ people in your inspirational people community than start adding your website link in the page and posts. And now you can start connecting people with your brand.

  • Find Facebook groups, Google+ communities, Pinterest Board, a LinkedIn group for your each product, services, and blog categories.

Join these social networking groups those already exist. Update these pages, groups, boards, followers only one time in a week on one channel with your content. Target one group for one product, one article, and one category. And share one post once a week.

So, this is looking lots of work, to get traffic to your website from social media. But it’s the way if you start now after one month you have 1000 active social media users on different channels for your different content and products.

Else you can automate your social media marketing practices. Only spend one hour a day for this practice. Nothing! And start seeing results and conversion rate.

After 60 days, track the conversion, website interaction, drop-offs, bounce rate, traffic and revenue of each marketing channels. Track links and create excel spreadsheet for each content you shared on these social networking websites. Now collect the user’s behaviors data and analysis it.

For example, if you created 10 social media pages, groups, and communities. It means in 60 days, each channel can generate 100 people and 20 people interacting with your content. Now do the data analysis and focus on only 5 groups or pages.

If you have lower conversion then shares more unique, creative, emotional and powerful content.

If you have fewer likes in particular social media group then create a new one with new valuable content. Remember that be aggressive in your marketing strategies that can blur your competitor’s social media content. I just mean, be true to yourself and values of your brand.

But if you do it right and you have average luck. Think in this example, if you have one Facebook Page and 7 people liking your page in a week average. And total you have more than 1000 likes, but only 50 likes on the content you shared with them on Social Media. That is very lower conversion rate and I think only 10 out of 50 visits your website.

Now it’s a great social media marketing opportunity for you. So, create 10 more channels, and be able to get more than 1000 people likes in total in 60 days.

So, now it is possible that you can get 50*10 = 500 likes per day on your shared content with the links.

And if you got 70% conversions (depends on the shared content) then its’ great idea that you can execute to market your business on social media.   It’s just an Idea. I am not good at math, but good in the analysis and creating new opportunities that encourage me and help others to move forward from O to 1, 1 to 2 and ZERO to HERO. But let it be! You need social media marketing ideas and I hope you got that!

Whatever you got after 60 days, it will position you in the place where from you can create social media marketing strategies. It is because you need data and results to create strategies. If you keep doing the analysis it will help to successfully execute these social media marketing ideas.

You don’t need big data analytics application for data analysis. You even can do it with social metrics, Google analytics, Excel and free analytics tools. Even you can analysis one image, one click and you create your next social media campaign accordingly.

Be creative and smart and do the research. And remember, don’t follow your competitor’s strategies, you can learn. But do the better than their best.

Related:- How can business benefit from using analytics on their website

2. Endorse social values with your website link.

You can see what big companies do! They never talk about their products in first sight. They engage people with content. There content look interesting and they connect people emotion with their brand.

And at the end they add only one line and call to action such as “Our blog can grow your business faster. And that one line makes people crazy. Because of first they explore the excitement of people, and when people start flying with the content. Then they direct them to their website and products.

So, you just go deep into the feelings of social media users. Then create, design, record, write and upload, publish, posts images, videos, infographics, blog content that inspire people to share, like and follow. And your goal should be to provide them a solution.

You can imagine the situation of your customers feeling right now on social media. Predict where they are looking for information right now. See what existed solutions are looking good for them or not.

Find content similar to your imaginations (thinking about clients). Add some inspiring and encouraging lines that improve the situation of your customers. It will encourage them to move forward.

  • Create videos not about your product but about the problem your products and services is selling.
  • Follow the trends of the industry, and manipulate that trend into your marketing plan. For example, if you’re promoting SEO services, what is the trend, it can be backlinks, Long post, and better content.

The trend after a certain time will not be productive. Even from 4 years, Google ranking those tips on top 10 results. You know Google don’t have the option because there are not unique and better solutions.

So, be creative, innovate and show something that never existed in your industry so far. Be the leader, in whatever you do, so your competitors start following you.  And when your competitors start following you on social media channels then you’re the leader, who does not care about their own content but also value others people thoughts.

For example: See what is trending in Social Media website. Create opposite, better, related, updated conclusion for that trending keywords and cause.

3. Listen and help

See, watch and listen what your customers and clients are talking about. Give them time to talk. Don’t force them to buy. They are not living for your products and services. They have problems. First, listen what they want? Give them space to explain their situation.

This practice can increase your conversion rate. If you’re talking only about your products and services all the time then you’re in the trap. Your customers are smarter than you. They know that you’re selling. You can’t sell products. But you can sell solutions. People like solutions, not products and services.

Help everyone, if someone is sharing good content then like it, comment on it, share it and appreciate it. It’s a help. If you help someone, someone will help you. And you can’t make your small business big without helping others faster, easily and in low cost.

At the end, I want to say that if everything is looking complicated to you, then market your products and services only to one person. Yes! Create your social campaign for one person. Imagine who that person. Talk to that person in your content in not more than 3 lines.

That’s it! What I know about social media marketing so far!

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