16 Ways to be productive as a housewife (homemaker)

Womens play a crucial role in managing and growing their family. As the backbone of family, village, city, and country development, they understand the significance of effective time management and setting the right priorities. However, amidst the daily chores and responsibilities, many women’s find themselves with some spare time at home but aren’t sure how … Read more

How to compete with competitors in business

Today, whether you’re running a blog, eCommerce store, IT company, SaaS or digital marketing business, restaurant or offline store or looking to start a business. You will get small or large competitors and companies. Even you can start a business or survive with your talent and skills for some time. But when you choose to … Read more

What is Digital Literacy? Importance of digital literacy

What is Digital Literacy? Importance of digital literacy

Digital literacy is a combination of awareness, general knowledge, and skills about modern computers and the internet basics, trends, use, and practices. Digital Skills are used on daily basis in life, organizations, education, business, and professions. Digital education, digital commerce, digital governance, digital media, digital communication, digital payments many other digital activities are promoted and … Read more

How to start online teaching at home

How to start online teaching at home

Teaching online at home or from home is the demand of the time. Teaching online is now more trending than ever worldwide. For the last 12 months, according to google trends search results, it’s rising in semi-developed and under-developing countries, and thousands of people searching to get information and ideas to start teaching online at … Read more

Ways to use Facebook business page to market your business online

The goal of the Facebook page is to build an online presence and spread awareness about your business on the web.   But many local businesses start and use the Facebook page with the goal to get customers to their business and business website. That’s ok. They post links, and videos and invite friends and that’s … Read more

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Importance of self study for students

Importance of self study for students