What does a digital marketer do every day?


Digital marketing is a method & skill used to promote and advertise a business online. There are various digital marketing skills such as Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and Social Media marketing that is mostly used by almost all kind of digital marketers daily. It means digital marketers’ communications/learning/reporting/leadership works will be around these skills. So let’s get started:

If you’re willing to learn specifically what would digital marketers do online and in the workplace each day, then this post is very effective for beginners.

Now the following digital marketer can be a freelancer, agency owners, employees and managers, and digital marketing students. This post is written for digital marketing students for learning purposes. So that they can get an idea about digital marketing they can learn more and ask questions from their digital marketing teachers. The following mentioned points are very important for digital marketing students.


1. Digital marketers learn every day:

Find out in the following paragraph what digital marketers learn each day or once a week.

They learn the skills they need to use each day to become successful. The advancement in Technology is changing the ways of online marketing each day. Digital marketers have to learn each day, what’s going on in the digital marketing world. What kind of methods, platforms, and tools big companies and top digital marketers are using to advertise and promote content?

They learn what technologies and methods other digital marketers are using for their clients. They learn what marketing strategies their competitors are using for clients.

They experiment and learn new search engine optimization techniques, they learn the best practices to create advertising campaigns etc. It means they are always in the mode of learning digital marketing skills such as SEO, SEM, Email Marketing, PPC landing page conversion methods etc.

Not only technical things, but sometimes digital marketers learn to optimize their bosses and clients at certain times in a week or month so that they can work on their ideas. It means they learn what their boss and clients want them to do and they listen carefully to each detail and expectation from them. And that helps them to work faster, and more effectively on any marketing campaigns and day-to-day marketing tasks.

They learn how they will sell the digital marketing plan. They learn which project is best to start. They learn how to bid on the right digital marketing project that gives them and their clients maximum profits in the long and short run.

They learn which is the best digital marketing skill, method, and platform for certain clients. For example, the political campaign will be different from than real estate campaign. So they learn and figure out the ways to do it, how much time it will take to get results and how the results can be with the client’s expectations.

When they have a problem they research and learn and mostly got ways to solve it. It means they learn everything that will help them achieve their own and clients’ goals. They learn on the internet using digital tools and methods.

They do online digital marketing courses, read digital marketing blogs, follow digital marketing leaders on Twitter, they watch youtube videos related to digital marketing, listen to digital marketing audio and attend digital marketing webinars etc. to learn step-by-step techniques of digital marketing.

They read books, magazines, articles, and newspapers of marketing leaders, teachers and stories and many learn on Amazon Kindle devices in the bus, car, garden, swimming pool, and plane and very often at home in the early morning or after dinner.  They see some point in learning in most of the things they do and see.

2. Digital Marketers generate and create new ideas:

Find out in the following paragraphs, what kind of ideas they generate and how they do it.

Creative ideas help them to advertise the brands in the market differently. So that each brand gets the best out of the investment in the digital marketer. If something is not different, creative, and unique in the advertisement, marketing, social posts, blog post, emails, and landing pages then it’s tough to get the attention of potential customers on the internet. That’s why digital marketers learn every day.

Learning to help them to create new ideas. They are always thinking, creating, and looking for ideas for search engine marketing campaigns so that they can get higher conversion rates at a lower cost. They research and create new ideas for ranking any website higher on Google. They find ideas while they are reading books, doing online courses, and learning on the internet. They also get ideas from digital marketing tools and most importantly they create ideas from analysis of customers’ behaviors online and offline.

It means digital marketers have to create and generate unique ideas daily. So that they can perform better in the current project than in the last project. 

3. They create the step by steps plans to execute marketing strategies:

They create a step-by-step process to execute ideas daily. They create a step-by-step process so that they can do it effectively and control all the details. This helps not only them but also their assistants.

For example, they got a digital marketing project for an ABCD client, now what?

They will do the SEO audit by using various search engine optimization tools. They will learn all about the ABCD website, its products, target audience, location, and detailing of smaller and bigger things. While learning and analyzing they were making notes. These notes are the ideas that will help them to rank this website on search engines.

Now they create step by step by step processes, content flow, customer journeys, and content.

They will create an execution plan for search engine optimization, content marketing, pay-per-click, email marketing, social media marketing, inbound marketing, and many other plans they never tell to you.

Plan example: Audience Research, keywords research, content creation, content optimization, SEM ad campaign, social media ad campaign, landing page optimization (leads), reporting etc.

4. They execute and delegate the strategies effectively:

They take advice on the project from their seniors and leaders after the creation of a certain digital marketing execution plan and it can be in the beginning and or at the end. They need the green signal from their boss, team leader, client, and upper management.

Not all the time their plans are accepted as it is by clients and team leaders. Sometimes their plans are rejected on the spot. Sometimes clients learn and find ideas and then hire other people to implement that plan. There are many things in the digital marketing profession.

But after the creation of the marketing strategies and plan they execute it effectively with their team member or alone. They delegate effectively, communicate respectfully and talk to the point with their assistants.

They believe in skills, passion, dedication, honesty, creativity, and leadership. And you will find that many digital marketing teams have these talents and skills.

5. They communicate very often with their team members and business owners:

Communication is the key to digital marketing success. In a day digital marketers have to communicate effectively with team members, clients and without compromising productivity.

They communicate to identify the needs and skills development in local and remote teams. They have to talk with their team members about many things and in the day when there are more than 2 or 10 marketing campaigns running. Such as within one person they have to communicate about Facebook marketing campaigns, with another person they are communicating about Google Ads lead generation. After that, they are communicating with graphics/web designers about redesigning, and creating, an attractive landing page. After that, they are communicating with clients, reply to emails, listen to the boss etc. These types of works and methods are very often and it works like a cycle. That’s why excellent spoken, writing, and listening skills are very important for digital marketers.

6. They identify key performance indicators (KPI) in the data:

They recreate marketing strategies to advertise and promote business if something is not working. They recreate marketing strategies if SEM didn’t work then they will look at social media. They identify key performance indicators in data analysis by using Google Analytics and other marketing campaign tracking tools. They create content for social media marketing, and develop new social media campaigns from zero and according to their learning. They monitor what’s going on. And they believe that they can do this, without focusing on campaign failures.

7. They keep looking to get new clients:

On any average day, they are busy with learning, execution, meetings, delegation, reporting etc. But they never forget to keep marketing their services. They keep looking for high-paying clients online and offline. In that way, they have to deal each day with inquiries and potential customers. They start early and go late to bed. Many are working 50 to 60 hours a week. That’s lots of work and they manage, and delegate works effectively.

There are many digital marketers unable to grow business and revenue. There can be reasons for delegation problems, client management, skills problems and motivation, and lower productivity, etc. But many are successful in the digital marketing field and able to grow it from 1 client to 20 or 50 active clients.

They build communities around their products and services on the Internet. Digital marketers have to work each day on various marketing campaigns and projects. But in their spare time, they use it to build communities and professional relationships with people on the internet. For that most marketers create and use YouTube and blogs. They share their experiences with other digital marketers. They use content marketing methods to attract new clients from the blog. They get emails by distributing free tips, books, notes etc. Later they send an email newsletter to potential learners.

Many send product links, endorse products in videos and create a strong side hustle into passive income.

They share quality tips that help other digital marketers to learn and execute certain techniques in search engine marketing campaigns.

They earn and enjoy the money, they can promote any failed item into success. They identify key problems in sales and marketing. They create reports and updates. They change if something is not profitable for customers and the company. They do what is important to them.

So what you learned?

I learned that digital marketing is a big and creative job. It required wide knowledge of business products & services, knowledge about consumers, digital marketing tools, leadership, and reporting. It’s a challenging job, in which they have to work to win and there are no options than winning. Most of the time clients will not pay for failures and leave bad reviews. That’s why they work hard and most of them are successful in their goals.

If someone says that they can’t learn that much, can’t communicate and manage such things, can’t work without money, are not able to think creatively, are not able to work on goals, and does not have any passion to win then it’s almost impossible to become successful in the digital marketing field.

If any digital marketer got this post, then I am grateful to them if they share their own digital marketing experiences in the comments, so that our students can learn more from them.

Thanks, I hope you liked it, don’t forget to share.

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