The uses of cloud computing are similar to the uses of normal computing (PC, Server) in business. But the biggest difference is that cloud computing is an infrastructure, software, a platform that expands as per the demand.
For example, if you want to deploy your application, programs, anything else that required higher configuration, more bandwidth, speed, storage then cloud-based computing provides that to the user.
And you have to pay when it’s in use. Internet-based Cloud apps increase customer satisfaction. Cloud computing requires less IT infrastructure investment for businesses.
Cloud computing is a virtual IT infrastructure located in more secure physical dimensions. Cloud computing is a new internet business model.
The use of cloud applications in business is to provide stable, continuous, flexible, beautiful, durable, and cheap solutions to manage and run the business successfully.
In other words, Cloud computing is used to run and store data such as documents, images, applications, on the internet that is called cloud storage such as Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, Dropbox, etc. That is managed by the cloud storage service provider.
But now you can manage, access, calculates data and information anytime by the use of cloud applications. These are installed on cloud platforms and the installation/access location is a server, with similar computer software installed on a hard drive. But the benefits of cloud computing for the business are that it will save time, money, labor that in the past invested in downloading, managing, server, and computers.
You can run, work, program, test new applications and software without installing and integrating anything in your personal and official computers. For working on clouds apps you only need a computer/laptop and internet connection with web browsers.
You can work on almost all business operations from any place. With cloud applications, you can collaborate with teams, customer relationship management, data storage, etc. by using cloud applications such as sales cloud (,, Google docs, Google apps engine, and, etc.
There are three main Cloud Computing business model services such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). These internet-based cloud models benefit the business in various ways that I will explain in points below.
Now it’s time to explore the ways, solutions, and benefits that cloud computing can provide your businesses. You see often that every information technological changes are always in the business.
Similarly, cloud computing is another IT tool for small and big businesses. In which big businesses are a vendor (as always) and small-scale business are consumers and the end-user (IT professional, students) are learners, programmers, and marketers in cloud computing technology.
But in the following points, I will cover the benefits that are possible by the use of cloud computing that business owners, project managers, freelancers, programmers can get.
Uses of Cloud Computing in Business:
1. Flexibility & Ease of doing business:-
Cloud computing applications are easy to use. You don’t need to install software on your computers. You don’t need to carry data in the pen drive. You don’t need to worry about computer crashes and other natural disasters.
Cloud computing applications are similar to those are installed on your computer. But now cloud service providers already installed those applications for you. It’s now a virtual office. And you don’t need to worry about viruses and software. Everything is controlled by third-party or cloud services providers.
Your cloud storage applications are your new hard drives. You can store your all official data and business applications in the cloud. Because it is in the cloud (internet) it means you can access it anywhere, anytime by using any device e.g. mobile, tablet, laptop or computer. Clouds are everywhere so your backend and the front end of your business process continue in a run and making a profit.
Before cloud computing, it was very tough to manage time for various installation and configurations for one thing. 1 out of 10 employees is busy every third day in the installation and configuration of tools.
But using cloud storage and computing applications in your day-to-day business operations will inspire your team to work with the latest technologies that will be profitable for you indirectly.
Related: Ways you can follow to grow your small business faster
2. Cloud computing will increase productivity:-
Productivity at the workplace maximizes profit. And behind the profit, there are great hard work and commitment to your team. But if a team wants freedom, flexibility, less frustration and you want to speed up progress in the client work then there is not a quality solution other than cloud computing.
Cloud computing allows you and your team to work collaboratively on tasks. Cloud computing applications are easy to use so they will reduce frustrations. Cloud computing allows workers to access the application or work on the project even from home then it will give them the freedom that impacts their productivity. You want flexibility and a one-stop solution then again cloud computing is there to select.
Related: – Importance of cloud computing in today’s world
Cloud computing applications allow you to find talent if you’re not finding it in your city. I mean remote workers and freelancers can use cloud apps and you can manage them by video conferencing, chats, text documents and you can see their progress in real-time.
It will not only increase productivity but reduce the cost of managing employees.
An example of MS office 365, Google Docs, CRM applications, Business Automation, etc. cloud-based applications are great solutions for small business owners to connect the power of cloud computing in their business.
3. Less IT Infrastructure, Save Money, and minimum maintenance work:-
Office rent, Assembled Server, high storage space hard disk, DVD’s, Pen Drive, original software, computers/laptop, broadband internet connection, data center, data management, employees management, and hardware maintenance tools, etc. eat your profit and business savings each month.
But using cloud computing will gives you new opportunities to reduce the cost of running a business and save more while doing less work.
You and your team work hard each day only for the profit of the company and for the improvement in cash flow. But what happened at the end of the month. Only 10% of your income you’re able to save after working more than 12 hours per day. If you save 10% of business income each month it’s a big job and even many small business owners are not able to save 10% of their business income yet.
But when you move to cloud computing everything is looking promising with data and facts. No server cost, minimum hardware maintenance cost, no need for the big office to maintain IT infrastructure, team members can work remotely, data is safe and easy to find when needed, all kinds of applications from chatting, schedule, emails, automation tool, etc. are already there.
You only need one computer, high-speed broadband internet connection, a web browser to start the business, to run business, and to grow the business anywhere and anytime. This is what we can call Automatic Business or Business automation.
And you can spend saved money after using cloud applications for marketing and product development. Cloud computing is not free but less costly than using traditional product development, data management tools, storage methods, marketing, and customer support methods.
Cloud computing gives possibilities for the business to grow if said methods can be applied by business owners then it will reduce 70% fixed costs of running a business in this competitive environment. This is the biggest benefit of cloud computing for businesses.
6 Cloud Storage Services for Secure Data Management
So, what are the advantages companies are taking from cloud computing around the world? And how they are getting these benefits from cloud computing to their business?
You will totally agree with me that in the future with the help of information technology business infrastructure cost will be only to pay rent of one room, electricity and internet bill and laptop maintenance.
Even after cloud computing applications, marketing, and sales automation, CRM, Artificial intelligence, etc. I am seeing the future of small business is one employee in a company and that can be the owner.
Everything will be run by computers and money is automatic. Even we can’t touch the money in the future (digital economy). Everything will be automatic and hybrid very soon especially in IT-related businesses e.g. hybrid cars (driverless).
You can call it smart ways to do business. But let’s get back to the benefits of cloud computing. What about security? Yes, it is the biggest debate that is slowing down cloud computing growth. But in reality, it’s not that stressful because cloud vendors are investing their money and resources in creating more secure cloud-based applications. Sooner or later we will believe in cloud computing as today we believe in Gmail account.
Even data in our computers are not that secure. You can control data and protect data but you don’t have control of others’ minds or artificial intelligent cyber-attacks. That’s why the private, government, public networks need regular checkups, updates and real-time monitoring tools too. It’s similar to your Gmail account security.
Conclusion: – Buy cloud applications subscription or package after considering your market demand, growth opportunities, traditional IT infrastructure and choose the most trustworthy cloud platform for a few days or months.
You can use the demo version or free space and it will give you the knowledge and how efficient it is to work on clouds with your team.
Try using cloud computing applications just in one part of your business processes such as in sales, data storage, and marketing automation. You can do the analysis and testing of a cloud environment, applications and deployment model, and trustworthy cloud computing platform. If cloud apps are beneficial for your business then manage the risk and do it before your competitors.
So, that’s it, friend! What I know about cloud computing. I think it’s environment-friendly and very beneficial for all kinds of computer users. Now, what do you think, is cloud computing is really beneficial for business? Leave a comment.
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