How to automate your business by using modern technologies


The best method to automate the business is to combine the power of human and artificial intelligence technologies to achieve specific business goals with accuracy and high speed.

To automate your business process, to grow profit and to expand business you must use the computers, internet, mobile, robots, artificial intelligence applications, cloud computing, and many other technologies with human power.

Things to remember: Your business automation process can be different from the other business. You can’t automate the business without people. Machines need inputs for everything. Artificial intelligence doesn’t mean the actual brain. It’s just a new term or updates to the old technologies.

Let’s get started:

In this article, I am sharing 4 parts of automation and its pieces that you can apply in your business.

Part: 1: It’s all about planning and brainstorming:

  • Imagine the way you want to see your business working automatically:

It’s your business and you must imagine the way you want to see your business working and growing without your constant presence in the workplace within 1 year. When you imagine the process that is working automatically without your presence then it will help you to create executable plans.

  • Now think practically and make a list of things that you can automate within your budget:

Search and find out the expert in your country or overseas and contact with them. Make a list of people and organizations that will do the same for you that you want. It can be 10 people team or only you, that works only on your business automation.

Following are the works that can be automated almost in every business through technologies   

  • Employee’ attendance and monitoring through Biometric machines and apps.
  • You can automate your business banking, invoicing and bookkeeping. And you can also use prepaid visa cards that you and your team can use daily business activities.
  • You can use online marketing methods and lead generation tools to get more customers, grow your business presence in a specific state in the country and measure the performance of each online marketing campaign.
  • Connect and educate your customers on your business blog website to grow your sales indirectly.
  • Build an eCommerce website and sell online without opening physical stores in each location of the country. Learn more: Best courses for starting your own online business
  • Use freelancing platforms or search on Google for experts and hire freelancers or build virtual teams.
  • Use CRM tools to automate and increase the sales and lead generation process.
  • Automate product delivery through local retailers and delivery companies.
  • Use an automatic scheduler for interviews, meetings, and events. It means to freelance, business partners, branch managers can set up the meeting time after your schedule.
  • Use video conferencing, chatting tools for meetings, interviews, and team management. Learn more: Uses of Video Conferencing software’s in your Business
  • Use cloud storage apps or services to automate file sharing and collaboration with team members. Learn More: What is Collaboration Software and how to use them in your business
  • Automate the cash flow. It means customers can pay you through debit, credit and internet banking or through your business website/app.
  • Automate product development such as car assembly line.

Part – 2: Execution and Integration of automation tools/technologies in various business processes:


  • Product Development
  • Customers Order
  • Use of pre-programmed robots in manufacturing.


  • Online Marketing and Advertising
  • Online Selling


  • Receiving payments online directly to the bank account.
  • Bank automatically paying to employees each month.

Part -3: Monitoring: 

  • Hiring managers to monitor the business or robots.
  • Building Artificial Intelligence apps to monitor and notify the correct person on emergency.

Part – 4: Updates

  • Auto Data Analysis and decision making.
  • Received the decision and informed the stakeholders automatically including media.
  • Updated the system.

Related: What is automation in business and how it works

How it’s working:

Let’s imagine, you’re not in your shop for a month and just handing a few phone calls. But you are getting income from the shop. How it’s working?

  • You have a store in the city.
  • It opens automatically at 9 o’clock because you have automatic doors. Even you can use the app to turn the shop on or open the doors through IoT. While others are opening manually.
  • Robots are standing as a seller.
  • Customers come. They order a 5-liter paint bucket by using a touch screen that is on your front desk and pays through credit or debit cards.
  • Once the order is qualified then robots automatically collect that item and put it into the vehicle boot space.
  • Now the customer presses the feedback button on robots back.
  • All the products are in password-protected glass.
  • You’re watching the whole live sales process in a video far from the shop.
  • Once the customer goes robots get back to its own position.

I know a few things are not practical right now in business automation. But if you need them, you can do that.


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