How to become a successful freelance content writer


Content writers have to work on various projects. Many works as a freelancer. Many works in digital marketing companies. And many have started their own business and ways to generate wealth consistently from their skills. Content creation for the web, landing pages, product descriptions, sales pages, social media posts, slogans, and the use of SEO tools to make sure that the output is relevant and able to attract visitors to a business website, etc. are the daily goals of content writers.

To achieve greater success as content writers they have to face challenging situations in the project. There are various challenges in content writing and some of are the following:

  • Only have 1 client or project. And the behavior of the client is making it uncomfortable to work. Unsure about the duration of the job.
  • Need to write the product and services that never used and not have experiences. The project is very important for the content writer and really needs money and clients.
  • Want to start your own content project or application or tool or blog but are unable to get time to work on it.
  • Getting the demand for more content writing works. But not able to build the team.
  • Working very hard but not getting the payouts as per the efforts.
  • Not able to get time for family, friends, and travel.
  • Working hard on your own content projects but not being able to make them profitable.
  • Not able to get new projects from freelancing websites.
  • Expenses are increasing but income is stable or not growing.
  • Confused about a content writing career.


Almost all content writers and marketers face one of these challenges and many have more than one challenge.

But then what is the solution? How can a content writer become successful? How can a content writer earn more money? How content writers can feel happy and secure for the job. What they can do to achieve their personal and career goals?

If you’re facing these challenges then I will hope that this article will help you to handle and defeat the challenges. So let’s begin and learn the solutions to the above challenges:

1. Be determined, positive, enthusiastic, and fearless:  

It’s good if you have only one content writing project and working only for one client. The benefit of bad behavior from the client is good for your career and growth as a content writer. The bad behaviors can be late payment, no appreciation for hard work, low-quality communication, etc. whatever it is, but it’s making you unsure about your job and career.

The solution is that you need to change yourself, it’s because you can’t change client right now:

Follow the solutions:

  • Analyze your work and promises. Are you delivering as per the promises? Find out the reasons why the client is uncertain. What you did do that changing the behavior.  So analyze everything. After that whatever the reason. Work on that. Improve quality. Improve communication. Dedicate yourself to the work. Don’t’ just work for money but work for excellence.
  • If you can do it it will improve your own skills and commitments. It will make you positive.
  • Keep applying for other projects. Keep searching for content writing works. So at least if you have 2 clients then you can feel secure.
  • Work on your own project or website. Work on that in free time or get time to work on that. No client will remain with you forever. One day they will go. But few cases can be an exception. But whatever always prepare yourself for challenges and uncertain situations. And the best preparation is to work on side projects, send the proposal to new clients and companies. And market or advertise your content writing and market services online and offline.

And to do that you have to become determined, positive, enthusiastic, and fearless. Believe in yourself and build a mindset of a winner.

2. Learn and research about the product and services:

Might be you are good at fiction writing. But clients’ demanding you to write on products and services that you never have used or you’re seeing the item the first time.

Or it’s also possible, that you got the content writing project that is looking so much difficult and you’re looking to give up.

And you don’t have the option to say no.

So what to do:

  • Learn, research as much as possible about the work. It can take 1-2 hours to find the first solution. But you will be able to do it if you’re willing to do it.
  • Learn and use vocabulary.  If it’s a medical product then learn about it and follow the medical vocabulary. If it’s construction tools then find and communicate with the people who are doing construction works.
  • Go to youtube and watch the videos and uses of the product.
  • Study and research the exciting content, comments, social media pages.

If you do it, for 3-4 days regularly. Then writing on anything can become easy for you. No matter you have used it or not. But yes, make sure that you know who is the reader, what they want from learning or reading the product, article, and sales page.

3. Manage your time, work extra hard, and start early:

Almost all freelancers and professionals want to do something extra for income and career. And it’s good. But what to do and how to do it is the biggest challenge.

But to do it there are the following methods:

  • You need extra time. For that, you need to get up as early as possible. It’s good if you get up around 4 AM in the morning and sleep not before 11 pm. It means you have 4-5 hours.
  • Give time for yourself to plan and initiate. Take 1-2 months. Only to study and research. Learn business and entrepreneurship books, learn new skills, or upgrade your technical skills by joining online courses, listen carefully around your circle, what kind of solutions people want to pay for.
  • Be silent and don’t discuss its future with your job mates, friends right now. Even you can discuss it with only positive people.
  • Set a small goal. For example, write 1 blog post each day for the next 100 days. Do it no matter, how difficult and uncertain you’re about it’s a success.
  • When you walk towards success even with a less valuable product, low priced services, you will find the best solution on the way. You can’t get all the ideas by sitting or standing in the place.

You can be able to do it. But for that you have to work extra hard, you have to manage time. And it’s very important for your career, business, and job.


4. Find and train the people who are ready to do any kind of work:

It’s important to keep searching for people and need to build their talent. It takes time. Even more, than 1-2 years to build the 2-3 people team that is motivated to work on your goals and their own dreams.

But you need to target or need to hire those people who need the work. Who is ready to work hard on any level for earning.

You don’t need to hire an expert content writer you’re not able to pay. Even you don’t need to hire higher qualified people who are not willing to work on the job.

The people you can find and train are the following:

  • Hire and train those people, unable to get educated due to low income.
  • Build a team of hard work and dreamers.
  • Invest in the development of unemployed people.

Might be they will take time, but needy people will do everything for you. If you do everything that they need. You will get everything that you need. But do it carefully, many are more clever.

5. Analyze your work and start searching for another project and client:

Analyze your work. If you’re doing hard work but the client is not paying you as per the profit that you are generating for them then follow the following methods:

  • Improve the speed of work that you’re doing for the client. Get time for yourself and then utilized that time for learning and upgrading the skills.
  • Start applying and connecting with other digital marketing companies, clients.
  • Make it a mission for the next 15 days, that you will be able to get a 1-2 client.
  • Double your efforts on your own projects, blog. So that they become profitable as soon as possible.
  • Test the client, communicate with the client about the payments.
  • Start saving money as much as possible. And start focusing on your work more than anything else.
  • Communicate about your situation with the family so that you get time for work and they don’t feel insecure.
  • Be diplomatic with the client.

It’s always good that you have at least 2 income sources or clients. But to do that it’s important to work hard, manage time and priorities.


6. Save money, feel secure and free:

If you’re working for 2-3 clients and have your own projects as well and handling a team of 4-5 content writers, developers and designers then it’s really tough to get time for family.

But you can do the following things:

  • Look for ways to delegate the work. Hire new people, it can be a manager, assistant.
  • Discuss with the client that do you want to hire new people to faster the work, can you able to increase the prices, etc. and then pitch according to your demand.
  • If you’re working solo, then discuss with the client that you want to leave for the next 5 days.
  • Save money as much as possible. And if you have money, you can feel confident to take the risk.
  • Get yourself free and enjoy and explore new places with family.
  • Work more on your side project. So that you get freedom from working for hours, I mean at least you can take your decision.

7. Research, discuss, think, and analyze data and your focus:

If you’re running your own project or business along with clients projects but unable to make it profitable then work on the following methods:

  • Get time to relax and think. Think about what’s possible.
  • Focus on the targeted customer. What can you do for them?
  • Think about the things that make the product and services profitable. Might be the expenses are higher, might be the team is not producing the results, might be you’ve targeted the wrong customer for the product. Find out the problems in your business, analyze the data, discuss the project. Set new goals and plans and then work on them.
  • If you’re blogging on your own website, along with the client’s project then it’s possible that you’re not getting time to post more on your blog, you’re not monetizing it with the right methods, you’re not implementing the right SEO and content marketing strategy.

But if everything is good but still it’s taking time to generate profit then wait. Keep working and walking towards your goals. Sooner or later you will find the results that you want.

Just don’t get frustrated and distracted from the work.

8. Don’t depend on freelancing websites,  explore and work on creative ways to get projects and connectivity with the clients:

Nothing remains permanent and as stable as we think. And we as a freelancer have to prepare ourselves for this challenge. Freelancing platforms are doing things that make their services more effective and profitable. They don’t care about your situation. And no one cares what the problem you’re facing in your personal and professional life.

So it’s important that you don’t depend on a single source for freelance work as a content writer. If you’re skilled, hardworking, and want to achieve your dreams and goals then it’s easy for you.

To find more works, you can try the following methods:

  • Contact with the business owners who are getting less traffic to their websites. And create and pitch the plan in front of them offline or online.
  • Increase the traffic to your own portfolio website. Try to get projects from your own website rather than a freelancing website.
  • Think like there is no freelancing website, but still you want to work for the USA, Australian clients. Find out the genuine ways of doing it and if you can think of it, you can do it.
  • Contact digital marketing agencies, but don’t apply for a job and instead contract with them.
  • Don’t think you’re a content writer, and now you can only do a job. I mean don’t think about yourself that you’re small, instead, think how larger you can make your content writing and marketing business.
  • Be creative and innovative to find new ideas and solutions.
  • Learn from the expert and successful freelancer and follow their tips.

9. Work extra hard, double your efforts, and spend more on assets than liabilities:

If you’re earning $300 from writing and $100 from your blog but unable to save money then you can try to save money by the following methods:

  • Don’t’ waste electricity, water, petrol, and gas. It is indirect income.
  • Use and purchase tools that matter the most. Don’t buy a laptop if you have a desktop and you can work on that.
  • Don’t buy things to showcase your richness. Be rich from inside.
  • Invest some part of the money in your skill development by doing online courses.
  • Invest in team building.
  • Double your efforts and hard work on the content writing projects and business.
  • Value your time and money.
  • But don’t compromise on healthy food, physical fitness, skills development (learning).
  • Sell the items that you don’t need.
  • Find new ways to increase the profit from the current works.
  • Prepare your mindset to become rich not by spending but by earning, investing, and saving.
  • Balance your personal, professional lifestyle.
  • Invest in assets than liabilities.
  • Run a monthly RD and use remaining the income.
  • Believe in God and be fearless.


10. Don’t think too much, take action on every opportunity quickly :

No one knows the future. We can’t control our future. But we can control our present so that we can hope that the future will be good. If you have the capacity to write 3 articles per day but you’re writing only 1 and spending other time on entertainment and social media then who is responsible in the future if something goes wrong.

To become sure and confident about the future. You need to write more, you need to improve your skills and motivation. You need to work extra hard. And when you do it for few months, you will be able to save money, you will be able to get more clients, you will be able to update your skills and now you can enjoy the money and freedom to be as a freelancer.

We have to focus on today. Just today. If today is the best day at my work and I did whatever I am capable of doing then I will never think and will be worried about the future.

Hard work makes you confident. You will start believing in yourself.

But you need to start. Once you start slowly then sooner it becomes faster. And once you get the momentum in writing, you will be able to write as much as possible that you never imagined was possible.

The adventure and success are in trying to become successful that you never imagine.

Bonus Points:

  • Prepare yourself for the battle and challenges:

Keep improving your skills and work capacity. Keep saving the money. Keep marketing your services and products and keep building and training your team. And keep working on the side projects. It makes you prepared for the future. And set a mind to tackle every obstacle that comes in the path of your success.

  • Work extra hard when the situation is good:

Everyone worked hard in a tough situation. But sometimes the situation looks bigger than us. And we are unable to compete. So it’s the greatest solution is that work harder, try more and explore as much as possible from your inside when the situation is good when you’re earning good money when you’re getting good clients. I mean take the benefits of a good time and don’t spend it on entertainment and too much pleasure and parties.

So the tips shared above is not only beneficial for content writers, freelancer but also for those who want to do more and facing various professional challenges. And I hope it will be helpful for you.

If you have any questions and suggestions, feel free to ask and share.

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