10 Innovative Ways Technology Tools Transform Business Operations

Improving business operations is vital for long-term success, growth, and sustainability. It allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions, meet customer demands, and stay ahead of the competition. In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, technology plays a vital role in optimizing and streamlining operations. Embracing the right technological tools can lead to increased … Read more

ChatGPT: Is it just an AI chatbot or a new disease?

Hi, this is Vijay Sharma. I am sharing with you in this post the initial things about chatGPT. Which I found right and wrong in its use. The purpose of this post is only to research, awareness, and education about AI tools. You can disagree or agree with any of the ideas. I surely encourage … Read more

Best Basic computer course syllabus for beginners

If you want to use the computer for your business and career development and even to perform daily life activities the following computer skills are very important to learn. These are also important skills to learn before you start learning advanced computer courses and training. If you’re teaching basic computer skills or running a basic computer … Read more

How to automate your business by using modern technologies

The best method to automate the business is to combine the power of human and artificial intelligence technologies to achieve specific business goals with accuracy and high speed. To automate your business process, to grow profit and to expand business you must use the computers, internet, mobile, robots, artificial intelligence applications, cloud computing, and many … Read more

What is business automation? Top 3 Examples of Business automation

Business Automation: Automation is the use of a computer, internet applications, machines and communication tools in the business that enables product/service to run smoothly without constant monitoring, efforts of business owners and team. Everything that we’re using as a consumer is the part of the business process. Almost everything that we see, touch, use, and … Read more

Advantages of Software As A Service (SAAS): Cloud Computing

SAAS means the software as a service in cloud computing. Consumers have to pay each month or year for a license and they don’t need to have a server and don’t need to install it on the computer. Consumers (one or thousands) can access the software (with unique usernames and passwords) and it’s all part … Read more

How our minds are harvested by social networks

Have you noticed how popular certain mundane and even stupid ‘surveys’ on social media have become? Like “What is your Chinese name?” or “Who is your gossip friend?”. These quizzes, personality tests, games and friend comparisons appear harmless and even irresistible at first. Who doesn’t want to know what type of animal they were in … Read more

See the World through Google Lens, coming soon on all Android phones

Alphabet’s Google unveiled its latest breakthrough in mobile phone technology by rolling out Google Lens for All android devices in a phased manner. All those science-fiction scenes in movies where you can see the world through a high tech device that identifies objects in real life is now a science-fact, a reality made possible by … Read more

How to Stop Being Addicted to Your Mobile Phone

Remedies for mobile phone addiction: Mobile Phone is a very productive technological communication tool. After the advent of Apps, Internet connectivity and social media, mobile phones have become the go-to tool in our daily life. These advances in mobile phone technology created new kinds of habits, crises, uses, and operations that look impossible to stop. … Read more

Powerful Uses of Cloud Computing in life, business and education

For users, Cloud Computing is an operational technology in which computer/mobile/tablet users can store, calculate, arrange, manage, host, create, publish, delete, share, edit, and manipulate remotely hosted system software and applications software,  Data & Information by using the Internet. For service providers, it’s a new stream of generating revenue from the same product through SAAS. … Read more

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Importance of self study for students