Create a website for business – Ways to hire a good web designer


Many business owners know about business websites and online marketing. Some of them try to do it on their own by learning and following online marketing tutorials or website-building online courses.

These types of business owners have a basic understanding of technologies. And they don’t feel confused while learning and using it.

Not all take initiative to learn and build a business website on their own. But they find someone good, trustworthy, a money saver, and a skilled person to build a business website. They do everything to negotiate the price and they try to pay as little as possible.

They consult, ask questions, and understand the plans, and almost all kinds of details that are related to the business website before they pay or invest money.

They follow a similar pattern with other 2-3 website designers or website builders. So that they can compare the promises, initial investment, and trustworthiness. And they take 10 to 15 or even 2 months to think and research this. After that, they select the best candidate and hire them to build a website. They pay on time and try to implement their own ideas, which they got while discussing the website with other people.

These are actually clever businessmen or I can say, smart business owners. They value their money and use their networking, communication, and business skills to find a good person. Later you will find that the business owner and website designer now have strong bonding and loyalty to each other. And both are making a profit or able to achieve their business goals.

This happens in the website design field more often while dealing with local clients.

But what did you learn from the above scenario?

You learned many things.

But the top things are:

  1. It’s not impossible to find a good website designer or developer or consultant to discuss your business goals and build the website.
  2. The 2nd thing you learned is that it’s so much important to research and analyze 2-3 website designers and their offerings for you.
  3. A most individual website designer or freelance web developer is very hard-working. They need work, and money to achieve their own family dreams and essential things. If you find that type of person, they will do more for you and build a great website and that makes you more profitable. But you have to pay good money for their hard work and knowledge. You have to praise and appreciate their hard work and knowledge. And they will be able to do, whatever you want to achieve. It’s because they want to grow and you also want to grow. You just have to combine or plan your goals with the website designers’ goals. And both of you will be happy.

I know that so far, you have learned and understood various points. And you’re very near to making your decision. So, before we go to the conclusion of this post, let’s understand the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a website designer or developer to build a business website.

How a good web designer will help you to create a professional-looking and user-friendly website?

Pros of hiring a web designer: 

  • A website designer or developer is a professional. He knows what needs to be done. I mean he/she will handle all the technical details related to your business website. But you have to share your business goals or the reasons with them such as Why do you want to build a website. You can talk to them clearly and also understand what they will tell you to do or understand.


  • As a business owner, if you’re seeing business opportunities online then it’s important to get them or reach them as soon as possible. So that you don’t get out of the competition. To win in business you have to do business. The speed of executing ideas is the most important factor for success in business. And in this case, if you hire a website designer or someone else to build your business website, then he/she will do it faster than you.


  • A website designer or developer or technology consultant is similar to the accountant and lawyer of your business. Every business owner needs a digital marketer on their team. No matter whether your business is small or big. It’s about who captures the opportunity. So, to plan and use technology effectively, it’s good to hire a website designer to build a website.


  • When you hire a website designer, he/she will give ideas to promote your business online. Not only ideas but they are ready to do it. This way not only you will implement suggested plans, but you can also add your own ideas to the plan to implement. But you have to work with the person as a team member. Never show off your ownership.


  • As I told you above if you building a website or paying someone to build your online presence is a digital investment to grow your business. If implemented creatively and effectively it can give you a 70% to 200% return. It can take 1 to 2 years but if you have a strong plan then you will get it.


  • You will be able to save your time and effort so you can invest in the things that you know the best and take interest such as selling, dealing with clients or customers, retailers, or wholesalers. Or you can think to expand your business or think to execute your digital marketing plan effectively.


  • It’s possible that even after investing good money in the business you will not get the result. You have audited your website or business plan with a consultant or someone more experienced to find out the reasons for failures. But even if you don’t do it, try to find out the reasons behind the failure with the person you have hired to build a website or promote your business online.


  • If you hire a website design agency or company, they will do more to grow your business online. It’s because they have a team of SEO, Website Designers, and Marketers. But an agency is a little more costly than an individual designer or marketer when you just starting out.

What are the risks or cons of hiring a web designer?

Cons of hiring a web designer: 

  • It’s possible, that due to your lack of knowledge about websites people can charge you more or over-promise.
  • Building a website is not the final goal. The goal is to get customers or sales or revenue. It’s a step-wise process. The money $100 or $500 you invest in building a website is not enough. You also have to invest in its marketing. It means you have to keep paying until you start getting the results.
  • It’s a disadvantage if you don’t have control over your investment. I mean it’s possible that your website designer hasn’t done anything transparently. They booked the domain from their own email ID, they just added the content from copying other websites on your website, and they provided you fake traffic data statics. Not only that, if you want to make certain changes to the website, you always have to contact them. And it’s possible that sometimes they don’t have time for 2 to 3 days.

Ways to hire a good and professional website designer or freelancer or someone to build your website:

  • You can search on Google and contact the local website designer. A local website designer or developer is good if your project or business is local. And also, you can communicate and visit the designer for changes or the designer can come to your office frequently as per need.
  • You can also use your business network to find out someone in relatives who works in digital marketing or website design field or build websites. It will help you to reduce costs.
  • If you want professionals and more experts then you can hire them on a freelance website such as Upwork, or Fiverr freelance, or you can search on Google “hire website designer” you will get plenty of options to choose from and select.

Cost of hiring a website designer or agency to build your business website:

  • It’s possible, that due to your lack of knowledge about websites people can charge you more or over-promise.
  • Building a website is not the final goal. The goal is to get customers or sales or revenue. It’s a step-wise process. The money $100 or $500 you invest in building a website is not enough. You also have to invest in its marketing. It means you have to keep paying until you start getting the results.
  • It’s a disadvantage if you don’t have control over your investment. I mean it’s possible that your website designer hasn’t done anything transparently. They booked the domain from their own email ID, they just added the content from copying other websites on your website, and they provided you fake traffic data statics. Not only that, if you want to make certain changes to the website, you always have to contact them. And it’s possible that sometimes they don’t have time for 2 to 3 days.
  • If they don’t tell you or you haven’t asked then you don’t know what technology they using to build their website. Mostly no one tells you about their business methods. Even when you buy a TV, you don’t ask the Sellers, how this TV was built. We all don’t go into so many details. We see the output and trust in the sellers and brands. And it does also not look important. But when you build it on your own, you will learn every detail. Yes, it’s important to know each detail. So that if you want to update it or delegate the management work to another company or individual you can give that or discuss that.
  • It’s highly possible, the person you hire is also busy on other projects as well. So it’s tough to get their full attention and focus on your business goals without paying them more.
  • It’s also possible, that the person just uses the same design, theme or technology from their last client. If they use it, then the cost has to be less.

Hire or buy the top website creation services sellers on Fiverr

Here are the top website sellers on Fiverr to create any type of website. Whether you want to create a WordPress website or want to use website builders such as Wix or want to build an online store through Shopify. We hope and expect that this list of website design services, freelancers, and experts will help in hiring a good web designer.

WordPress Website Designer

If you’re looking to create a business website in WordPress using page builder, your own hosting, and themes and plugins then you can take a look at the following sellers:

Wix Website Builder Experts

If you’re looking to hire Wix website builder experts then follow the top-rated service providers below to create a simple and professional Wix website.

Top-rated eCommerce website builder expert services

If you want to create an online store website or eCommerce website using Website builders such as Wix, Squarespace, Weebly etc. or CMS such as WordPress + WooCommerce then you can hire the below top-rated experts or buy any one of these services:

Top 5 tips to take a good decision on hiring a website designer to create a website: 

  1. If you want to have a business website, but the budget is low and you want to learn website building and digital marketing skills then you can do it on your own. It will take you 2 to 3 hours daily for 6 months.

As a business owner, if you have marketing, selling, and technical skills, you will be in a more powerful and controlled situation in your business than those who depend on others.

  1. If your time is more valuable and you’re busy handling other parts of the business then obviously it’s good to hire someone to build your business website.
  2. If you don’t want to build a website on your own and do not want to hire someone else to do it, then you can discuss this with your spouse or friend or kids. For example, if your teenage kids are free these days, then approach them to help you in building a website. It’s because most of the students or youth are aware of online marketing and selling. It will also help them to learn a new skill. And later they can also help you with your business.
  3. You can also hire any trustworthy youth who needs money and work. And then you can invest in their training and learn digital marketing and website-building skills. While learning he/she can work to build and run your business website for years to come.
  4. If you find it difficult to learn technical skills to build and run your business website then no problem just invests in someone and plan to get a return from this investment.

So, friends, I hope that no longer confused about building a business website by hiring a website designer to create it. Now you can try to go with one decision.

Things to remember:

  • Building a website is one thing, but making it successful or achieving your end goal is more important.
  • In the beginning when you start building it on your own, then it will look difficult and time-consuming. But when you do it and work on this regularly you will start learning it fast.
  • Before hiring a website designer, it’s important to discuss your business goals. It means you have to talk about the end goals such as whether you want to generate more sales or you want to bring more customers to your offline store through the website. If you do it, it will help you both to plan your website, content, and marketing strategy effectively and also budget.

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