Difference Between Website Builder And Web Hosting


A website builder is an Automatic Method or Artificial Intelligence used to create and design websites and web hosting is the way to run a website online. There are various ways to build any type of business or personal website. And website builder is one of them. Let’s understand the difference between a website builder and web hosting point-wise.

  1. The website builder is used to building or creating a website.
  2. Web hosting is used to host websites. It’s like a rented building or flat.
  3. A website builder is like a Microsoft Word application in which you can create resumes or business letters and forms similarly website builder is an online application that is used to create a website.
  4. Website is like a form or resume but the difference is only that it is hosted on the web host (server) online not on the offline computer.
  5. Some Website building platforms and applications provide domain, hosting, and design templates. But web hosting services provider, only provides domain, hosting services to host websites.
  6. Hosting means you can save your website on the server. And the domain name is like a folder name in your computer on the server.
  7. For example, if you have a shop in a building then it means you have a domain website and it is hosted on the server. The building is like a server. And the shop, products, and material are as a website and the name of your shop is the name of the domain that is designed by the website builder. Online Courses to Build an eCommerce website with Squarespace
  8. For example, Sharma Coffee House is the name of your shop. And you rented a flat in a building and have created beautiful coffees house for customers, they love your services and place.
  9. Now if you need a website then you first buy the domain, with the name Sharamcoffeehouse.com it means you want to run a website and want to get orders and bookings online. After this, you need a place to open it or build it.
  10. Similarly, you have a flat offline to run a coffee shop and you pay rent monthly or yearly.
  11. Now you buy hosting from a hosting provider based on the best hosting plans.
  12. For example, single domain hosting shared domain hosting and VPS hosting etc. You buy shared hosting it means you can host as many websites as you want. Such as if you take a whole building for rent it means you can open and start a number of shops.
  13. But if you’re looking only for one shop, you can buy single domain hosting, such as you have a flat and you want to run only one shop.
  14. You can also create Sharma coffee House in another way, such as by using a website builder. In which some website builders have all in one plan. In which you only have to pay 400 to 500 rupees per month.
  15. Use of website builder is the fastest method to create a personal and business website.
  16. The website builder does not have that much-advanced features and designs as you got when you developed the website by hiring a website designer or developer.
  17. The website builder is a ready-made solution to create a website for you. You don’t need any plugins or code. Everything is already set out for your customers.
  18. While hosting is nothing other than space for you inside the building in which your website can run day by day.
  19. The website builder is an application that runs online. But it is itself hosted on the server. Website builders can’t run online without hosting.
  20. Web hosting is a rented place for a website on the Internet. And website builder is a tool that is used to create websites.
  21. The website builder is like a shop that helps other people to create shops. And that shop is already hosted.

Learn more: Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of using Website Builders

Now let’s understand this in a quick explanation: Domain, Hosting, Website, Website builder.

Domain: Your website name such as www.sharmacoffeehouse.com it is the same as the offline shop name.

Hosting: It is a place that runs your www.sharmacoffehouse.com automatically. Similarly, as you have a flat in which you pay rent monthly.

Website: Group of a variety of Content, It is a shop that contains coffees, chairs, lights, music and decoration, billing, staff etc. Similarly, the website contains your product information, products photos, videos, text, users, payment gateway (to receive payment online), contacts, gallery, blog etc.) And when customers type sharmacoffehouse.com in the browser it will open your website.

Website Builder: It is used to create and design product information, gallery, contacts, blog, payment gateway etc. Design and create space in which you can fit and adjust your content so it is easy for the customer to find out.

Learn more: Best eCommerce builders: Top 2 eCommerce website building methods

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