Grow your business with these SEO service providers


SEO is a continuous process of increasing website and business visibility in search engines such as Google and Bing.

In this process, the website is optimized with relevant keywords and search phrases that your customers/audience search for related to your products and services.

If your website page experience, speed, content as well as product or service is also relevant to the users that page will get organic traffic. In this process technical SEO, on-page SEO, relationship building, website speed, keyword monitoring and testing, keyword research, auditing, and many other small things are included such as alt tags, meta descriptions, and link structures.

So, in this post, I will share with you in more detail why you should get your website SEO done, and the types of SEO services and ways to get it done.

This is a very lengthy subject that needs to share lots of details. But I will try my best to make it short, quick, and easy for you to understand SEO and its importance in order to grow your business online.

Why should you get your website SEO done?

1. Very good returns on SEO strategy and practices over a long period

You will get good and long-term returns on the investment of time, money, and effort in SEO. Because you will continuously get traffic from the search engine, that too without any paid advertising. Read MoreHow does SEO help your business to grow online

And most importantly, you will be able to attract only great and high-quality traffic and people to your website. Due to this, you will get a higher conversion rate, more sales, and growth in revenue.

2. Improvement in Website User Experience

When people visit your website or landing page after seeing advertising or posts on search results. It should open quickly, links should be correct, it should be mobile-friendly, and there should be no SEO errors. Otherwise, without Technical SEO of the business website, you will get less conversion and return or no other long-term benefits from on-page SEO or unique content. Read MoreWant to make a good website? 7 things that matter to users most

3. Competitive advantage

Search engines are becoming more smarter and intelligent day by day. As currently, they are using AI chatbots, and NLP to filter and analyze the right content or website or business to display on search results.

Getting ranked and tons of traffic is now difficult and more important than ever. The right websites and businesses that have fully optimized websites for users, mobile, and people will get more traffic and it’s free.

4. Cost-effective and more profitable

SEO is very cost-effective in comparison to advertising and paying money to portals each month to generate leads.

If for example google or Bing is a listing website and not a search engine then at least you do not have to pay for the listing on google and Bing.

And if your website or business gets qualified you will get ranked in the top 5 or 10 or in the number 1 position. And you will get 100 to 10K visitors each day or week or month. While on an actual listing or business portal, you have to pay 1K to 2k monthly to generate leads. And you must pay each month.

And the inside thing is that portals also get their website SEO and advertising is done with your own money. So, if I were in your place, instead of paying every month to the portal, I would have got my website SEO done. Due to this leads would be available continuously and unlimited.

SEO is not a quick lead generation strategy and marketing method. But if you cannot wait 3 to 6 months or do not try the SEO process on your website for 3 to 6 months, I do not think you will be able to capitalize on the online marketing power.

SEO is competitive. The more it is the more beneficial it is for your business and growth. That is why you should do the SEO of your website or hire an SEO agency or expert to get done the SEO of your website.

The goal of using SEO services is to increase organic traffic to a website by improving its ranking for relevant search terms and keywords. Increased traffic will increase conversion and sales. Sales will improve cash flow and income.

But to increase income and growth in the business organically you have to invest your time, money, and intelligence in the below SEO services.

7 types of SEO services that increase website ranking, visibility, and organic traffic:

Every website or business owner must get their website SEO done once. At least in the beginning and after a year. There are many benefits of SEO for business. Some of them are as follows:

1. Keyword Research and Strategy Development Services

Keyword research is the main part of SEO. Even this start before booking the domain for the website. Keyword research is the process to find popular and relevant keywords related to your products and services that people are searching online through search engines like Google and Bing. You will be surprised and curious when you do keyword research using Keyword Research Tools.

Benefits: Knowing what people are searching for on the search engine, you can modify and decorate your business, product, and series according to the wants and needs of the people. Due to this not only your sales will increase but your business will be discussed all over the world and across the city.

2. On-Page SEO Optimization Services

There variety of things involved in on-page SEO such use of keywords in page titles, URLs, paragraphs, link structure, and meta descriptions. Links to other relevant posts within the website and outside the website as well. And the use or optimization of images, videos, tags, and meta descriptions are some of the essential on-page SEO practices. Read More: What is on-page SEO? Best 28 on-page SEO habits

Benefits: On-page SEO improves page experience and makes it user-friendly and focused on the people. The structure and optimization of the page content, layout, use of images, internal links, external links, paragraph style, heading style etc. make it easy for search engine crawlers or bots to scan and understand the page content quickly and accurately.

3. Technical SEO Services

Website speed, mobile-friendly or responsive, layout, sitemap, robots, error-free code etc. are part of technical SEO. Read More:  What is a technical SEO Audit? Technical SEO best practices

Benefits: Before you advertise or make or launch a website in public or social media or submit it in the Google search console. Your website should be technically and user experience-wise correct and excellent. So that you get the benefit of 1st impression, content, social sharing, and advertising as well.

4. Off-page SEO Services

Link building and creation of connections with other websites, guest posting on the other websites, social media marketing, and promotion through influencers is part of Off Page SEO.

Benefits: Off-page SEO is like word-of-mouth marketing on the internet. This increases the trust of customers or audiences and builds authenticity, and more importantly traffic.

5. SEO-friendly content creation SEO services

SEO-friendly content creation involves the creation of informational content in the form of blog posts, images, videos, and podcasts related to the main keywords of the website.

Benefits: Using this service will help you increase the organic traffic to your website and build long-term relationships with readers or obviously conversion into the customer.

6. Local SEO:

Optimization of a website for local keywords, local customs, and local search terms and phrases. The goal of using local SEO services is to get your google business profile and website in the top 5 results. This also includes ratings, reviews, and all other google business profile details.

Benefits: The benefit of getting local SEO done is that your google business profile and website will become more visible. It means whenever someone searches in your locality or in a specific geographic location related to your product or services your business website or google business profile appears on search results.

7. Website SEO auditing Services or Consulting Services

This involved the current performance of your websites such as ranking, keyword, speed, errors, and strategies. Website SEO auditing also needs to be done periodically or in order to increase website traffic from 1K to 100K or 10 to 100K per day or month.

Benefits: It gives ideas on what needs to be improved in order to increase its traffic. How much does that cost? Where to hire and how to hire. Process of payment, reporting, and analysis.

How to hire an SEO expert or agency?

  • The 1st and most important thing is that hire an SEO consultant or SEO manager before hiring an SEO agency. It means who can manage the SEO agency on behalf of your business. This will build a communication channel.


  • An SEO expert or consultant can communicate or monitor or analyze the work done by an SEO agency better. He/She can communicate with SEO agencies in their language.


  • While you can also communicate directly if you understand what they are going to do and how that will be beneficial for you. But beware of SEO scammers or fake SEO agencies as well.


  • Give them separate access and back up your website.


  • Try if an SEO agency gives you a dedicated manager so that you can talk to him related to your website.


  • Audit your website on your own or through a consultant. And make a list of things and strategies in order to increase its traffic. Find the errors and problems on your website. For this, you can website auditing tools such as seoptimer or SEMrush Here is the list of best SEO tools.


  • You should have your own SEO plan. But also, before hiring an SEO expert or Agency ask them to audit your website. So that you will get an idea about the process and cost. Do not pay upfront without auditing. If their analysis is correct or looks ok then hire them.


  • Before sharing your plan, ask the agency to show you its SEO plan in order to increase your website traffic. After that compare your plan with their SEO plan. And make the best.

Which one is best for you? An SEO agency or Freelance SEO specialist?

A freelance SEO expert is easy to manage and monitor. It’s because he/she will do all the work including auditing, pricing, planning, execution, delivery, and almost everything.

If you’re doing an online business along with a job or running a business from home but do not have time to manage the SEO then hiring an SEO freelancer is the best option. Freelancers also cost you less than agencies. But the problem with Freelancers is that they need confidence or trust from your end, to get the job done. They get demotivated.

But a freelancer will be more flexible and dedicated than an agency. He/she will be ready to implement your ideas and plan. You can hire them as an SEO assistant as well.

An SEO agency is a great option if you have a good budget. But they are not flexible. It means they have their own plan, and a team of experts to manage the SEO of your website.  A good agency can grow your business 10x but obviously, that needs money. With an SEO agency, you will get keyword research experts, content creators, outreach experts, and almost a single person for each department.

I think the problem with many SEO agencies is that lack dedication because they are managing multiple types of similar businesses. It is because it is tough for them to rank 20 same types of business in the top 10 search results. They can make only 10 as per the 10 blocks.

Whether you hire an SEO agency for a Freelance SEO expert or hire a permanent SEO specialist at your business or do it your own. But the most important thing is the planning, execution, and performance tracking. SEO takes time but not year. SEO work needs full freedom to implement creativity. Sometimes things can go wrong. Instead of increment, it can decrease. But in that time, you need patience because SEO is a continuous process of experiments, failure, and success.

So if you invest in on-page SEO, Technical SEO, content marketing, local SEO, and solving or helping people through your product and services, I will assure you that you will get more traffic, sales, and conversion than your competitors. It is because not all are doing the way I explained in this post. And I hope you will like or it was helpful to you.

I do not force you to do just exactly this. But I highly recommend if not all but at least many of the ideas best to get your website SEO done correctly, effectively, and successfully in order to increase traffic and business.

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