Life without Internet


Life with or without the Internet and Technology is possible only when we plant more trees and reduce pollution. In today’s modern living standard, it’s a topic of discussion that is life possible without the internet? Internet experts call the internet is evolution element behind life. Life experts say it is increasing stress and speed of life.

Educators are analyzing the internet based on advantages and disadvantages in student’s life. Internet is a part of life for professionals differently; where online business communities say it’s very important for economic development, Politicians say the Internet is a solution to remove corruption & Career consultants say there are so many job opportunities on the internet for college graduates.

I am saying that it depends on how much you know about the ‘Internet and Life’. I am saying that the internet is important to use in business and career to become successful in life. But what other people oppositely say about life and the internet is also correct.

So, we need to analyze what is the importance of the internet in our life. What are the various positive uses of the Internet? Also how the internet could be very dangerous in certain situations in life such as cyber-crime, privacy, and security, or when used wrongly to win election? When we understand the life and internet practically then 90% of people agree that it’s really helpful to live a happy and prosperous life. But benefits are possible when we know the uses of the internet in our daily life. So, we are agreeing that life is great with the internet. But let’s look at the life without internet.

I can say living is possible without the internet. If we know that what are the purposes of life and what is important to live. The purpose of life is to live. The world is a village after the internet, it is proved. In which, some people understand that development is important for life. Yes, it can be! Where others don’t agree on the way we’re developing.

For example, tell me, what is development?:

More hospitals in the country mean development or healthier citizen in the country is development? The invention of the cashless economy (money) is development or everyone can live happily in their life is development?

Rich and poor, black & white, casteism and communalism are development or we all can live together safely and happily is development?

Industrialization is development or planting new trees is important etc. Such questions are really best for debate you can see often in the speeches of politicians around elections.

The expert can say it’s human behavior. Every human think differently. It’s a way how you look at this. Some say it’s to maintained balance. But I say, it’s a leadership quality and values.

Yes, obviously, Internet & life expert views and the history remind us that everything happens for good. But the lesson that we’re learned from history about the life and the internet is that development is important in life. Change is important to move forward towards the end. But this is possible if we know the importance of education in life and especially the value of education in schools and colleges.

Today we want everything fast in life similar to Google search results. We want quick technical support and we can’t wait especially when we are paying hard-earned money. But why we’re getting late, it’s a question. But yeah! Everything is important for life similar to internet technologies. If the internet stopped for the next 24 hours around the world then what will happen? It’s very scary to imagine. We can’t live without water, plants, animals, earth, and other living elements. But we can live without the internet.  God is more intelligent than us. God is not Artificial Intelligence.  But all we need to understand is about artificial intelligence and its good uses. At the same time, we need to save our planet.

Tum Internet Ho, Koi Mazboori to Nahi,

Mein Jo Search Karun, Muzhe Mil Jaaye, Ye Jaroori To Nahi,

Ye Kaya Kum Hai, Ki Tum Base Ho Mere Mobile or Computer Mein,

Mein Tumhe Istemaal Karun, Yaa Harpal dekhun Ye Jaroori To Nahi!!

Let’s understand life without the internet in a story. A great composing story was written by our guest author Miss Deepika Thakur:

Internet is a good thing that made life easier. While others find the internet is responsible to make people much dependent and lazy. We can’t ignore that there are positive and negative impacts of the internet on society. But everyone has his own vision and views.  Following the story of life and the internet may help you to figure out the can life is possible without the internet, have a glance:

“Haha! I’m very happy today…I realize that I’m the only king of this whole world…the KING…me ‘Internet’..”, the Internet was proudly speaking to his girlfriend ‘Life’.

He was making her feel demoralized and discouraged. Life, who was sitting on a chair, stared at him, put the phone back on the table & stopped playing Angry bird.

“So, you think you are the king of world!! Hmm?” She repeated his words. ”But what is your existence without me? Remember you are made by a Human having ‘me’ in Him & youuu….”

“Shhhshh…”Internet stopped her in between…”Listen, my dear”, he said putting both arms on her shoulder & making an intense eye contact..”Ok! I admit that your human made me..but now I ruled him. Your human could not imagine his life without me!” Internet trying to make her confessed while walking slowly.

 “I’m a technology, I made things smooth, easy interesting. See, if you don’t have friends, I’ll give you 1000 of them. If you are shy, I’ll provide an open place for you without any interruption. Without travelling I can take you to the world tour within few seconds.”

“ These are smaller things..see the big ones; online banking, online games, online GK, online Hollywood, Bollywood, everything..haha everything online..Digital!!”

“Do you know I provide you internet banking and digital transactions facilities? I am making your money transactions faster and reduce the cost to print new notes?”

“Yeah! I know you have various kinds of payment gateways installed on websites. You can also use OTP to secure transactions. But our data can be compromised and hacked. Do you know cybercrime is increasing because you’re tough to control by humans? Their are various types of hackers in your family.” Life said & now there was a rapid conversation between the two.

“So, You think that I don’t have option. I am bound to use you. If I don’t use you, the government will punish me!”

“Oh! But I am artificial Intelligence and I only work according to algorithms.  There are HTTPS requests that directly send to server and you don’t need worry, after seeing the HTTPS in the website, where you can access your debit and credit cards.”

“Do you know I helped you in getting study notes online, online degree programs etc.?”

“Yes, but they are all equal and tough to choose which is best. There are only top 10 search results. It’s very confusing to choose the best. Is it the number 1 is best”.

“I am programmed by human and you know humans value the winners”.

“So, You mean to say, no matter black or white or brown methods people can use to get rank higher”.

“You know Life there are various tutorials, video and blog who helped you in learning basic internet and life skills. Everything is on the internet, why don’t you use me and search for better information. I am not to destroy life and but I am here to make your life successful and prosperously. It depends on you how you treat. The better you treat me the greater is our relationship on this planet”.

“Even my sweetheart, you can pray your God online..”Blinking one eye Internet said .

“But…”Life trying to say, “no-but” Internet ignoring her, said..

“Just admit you exist only because of me ..ohhh, I think you must be aware that India and other countries and along with societies believes me that is why he is in favor of the online world. Now everyone is dependent on me & why should they not..I’m offering them whatever they demand within a few seconds. I value their time.”

“Sweetheart, I love you & sometimes when I’m not around you then who connect us’s me your Internet. From any of the corners of the world, I’m always there for you.”

“Ok stop now! Mr. Internet”, Life smiled.

“I’m happy for you, my love, that you are so valuable in your virtual world. I’m happy about your growing success. I respect you & feel proud of you that you made my human’s life easier, smart & fast. You provide everything quickly. Your greatness is beyond my words. So, Thank you very much for all this! “

“But my dear, feelings emotions, reality, purity, clarity of mind couldn’t be found online.”

“Ok! You provide 1000 friends online but how many of them are trustworthy? Why we are always alerted to beware of virtual friends? Yes, you open up people but this is making them much self-centric. They don’t want to hear other. You are making them so habitual that they are ready to fight others when they don’t get you. They don’ know the neighbor they are living with…which is not good for a healthy society.”

“Yes, you provide everything online; online banking, online everything but a single damage in your system make the things disastrous…Everything connected to you will be crashed & the world will be darkened.”

“Of course your online Bollywood, Hollywood etc. is a great entertaining job, my love…but you know the youngsters are becoming lazy & habitual of you. Some of them want to spend 24*7 time with you which is also affecting their health.”

“Hmm, the cashless digital world can be good, but many of the persons are suffering due to this change. He doesn’t rely on you only. For him, the ‘life’ is important first. You are invented for me…For making me smarter, faster,  more accurate & in more comfort.”

Yes, change is important for development. It’s hard to change. Like the change from job to business. Or change from college to deadlines based jobs. This kind of innovative decision is great if planned properly. 

“Yes,  I also love you dear, when you are away, it’s you who connect me to you..but while chatting with you, if I’ll not take care of me & concentrating on your chat even on the road & suddenly any vehicle will cross over me, then!!! Do you think, you still will exist?

“You know, it happens so many times that people are so much busy with you that they don’t even remember the place where are they!!”

Now there was a silence in the room…

 “How could I even imagine myself without you my life! We are for each other”, Internet whispered, having his head down. Now the proud of his voice had gone. He was trying to hide his eyes from her. Life sat beside him taking his hand in hers.

“ Dear, we both are important. If you say the rose smells sweet then I’m the one who makes people to feel that!”

“ You say rain is beautiful, but without touching it how could anyone know!”

“ You give recipes, smart ideas, motivation, songs, friends everything, but if no one will use it in real then there is no meaning of these things!! Ok! God is also worshipped online these days but can you help that hungry poor who sat outside the temple?”

Now Internet was about to cry! Life feel it & said dramatically,

“ok, you stupid! Now it’s enough, I‘m hungry let’s eat something..ok?”

“oh! wait.. why eat? Just show something , my Internet, on your pretty screen…my stomach will be filled..haha..” life naughtily said.

The Internet looked at her innocent & sweet face.

“Not me Life, it’s you who is base of the entire universe. I exist because of you. You can survive without me, but I can’t live for a nanosecond without you. I thought people want me, but they only want me, to make you better!”

Thinking this Internet is going with his beloved Life to the café. They seem more lovable now. Life and Internet is made for each other.

life without internet happy ending

I hope you guys have concluded your own vision now. Be the master of internet technology not a slave of it in life.

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