Importance of national youth day in India


National youth day is celebrated in India every year on 12th January on the birthday occasion of great spiritual leader Swami Vivekananda. His words and quotes are driving life of millions of people around the world daily.

His words are the source of inspiration for students, leaders, entrepreneurs. Swami Vivekananda’s life stories, lectures, speech, writings are natural sources for personal development.

National youth day was declared by the Indian government on 12th January 1984 to support encourage, inspire a young generation of India. The ideal leader was Swami Vivekananda. His quotes and sayings are world-famous and inspire him to take action.

Why do we celebrate youth day?

As you know the development of a nation is depending on the development of youth. The younger generation is more creative, energetic, hardworking, and innovative. That’s why they are great in technologies, sports, business, education, health and politics. Today’s youth will be future doctors, sports personalities, entrepreneurs, educators, and leaders.

Even economic development is highly dependent on the young generation’s efforts.  So, it is highly important for any country to help, support, encourage, and inspire the young generation in their personal and career development. That’s why the national youth day is celebrated in India and in other countries every year.

How youth day is celebrated?

On 12th January, Government and non-governmental organizations, schools, collage, and people celebrate national youth day in India by doing various social and personal development activities. Such as the following:

  • On this day people donate blood in Blood Donation Camps opened by organizations.
  • Schools and colleges organize speech contests and group discussions on the life of Swami Vivekananda.
  • To inspire, educate the young generation of India, TV programs, news, leader’s interview, speech, debates etc. you can see more on national youth day.
  • On national youth day, our Indian leaders teach us lessons of responsibility, unity, development and inspire us to take action towards our goals with dedication and hard work.
  • On youth day people share quotes, wallpaper, photos of Swami Vivekananda on social media like Facebook and Twitter. And people like me also learn and write about Swami Vivekananda that helps all of us to celebrate and encourage the youth of India to their personal development goals.

Challenges in front of youths of India!

Youths of India are known for their creativity, self-confidence, integrity, patriotism. Swami Vivekananda, Bhagat Singh, Chander Shekar Azad, Sukh Dev, Rajguru, etc. all did great sacrifices in their personal life for India when they are young.

All our freedom fighters and spiritual leaders are great and inspire us to do what we’re capable to do and most of us are doing and achieving the success that we want in our life. But today’s time most of us are forgetting the quotes, sayings of our great leaders. And we’re becoming selfish.

This selfishness is converting into corruption and pollutions etc. And we all are following this daily and part of this. Following are the challenges in front of the youth of India:-

Career development (jobs, business) by using outdated and theoretical knowledge produced by universities, colleges. And we know about it when companies ignore our degree and theoretical knowledge. It’s obvious that companies hire for a job only updated and practical students. So, it’s a challenge in front of youths in India.

My Personal Suggestions for career development

  • Try to find jobs on Upwork or freelancing sites. Learn about online jobs and business. There are great.! Also, you can use youtube and online courses to learn practical and updated skills. Read More: What is freelancing and how does it work
  • Create your profile on LinkedIn, Create your own website, and explore your talent, skills on the internet and on your personal website.
  • Use Facebook for knowledge and other social media. Try to learn new skills in your free time. Improve your English and communication skills.
  • Try to value your time and the people who are helping you in your career.
  • Know the importance of parents and respect parents, elderly people.

Personal development (self-confidence, willpower, discipline, hardworking) by seeing and following corrupt politicians, negative TV news, indiscipline of govt. employees, behaviors of doctors in hospitals.

For example: if I am an honest, disciplined citizen of India and working hard for personal development and I see politicians, doctors, government employees doing corruption in front of me then what do I do? Do I become Mahatma Gandhi, do I become Bhagat Singh, and do I become Swami Vivekananda? Or do I become Arvind Kejrival? This is another big challenge and questioning Indian government policies for youth.

My Personal Suggestion for personal development

  • Handle tough situations in business and life creatively by learning from the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda.
  • Try to avoid negative news channels or news that will make you aggressive or angry.
  • Don’t worry about the corrupt people, don’t get angry just do what you’re capable to do. Get the power, knowledge, tools, and support of people to fight against corruption and corrupt people. Don’t try to be a star quickly, consider everything else, and discuss with your parents about your actions against corruption.
  • I also request to you please provide me an answer in the comments: What I can do if I am seeing corruption in front of my eyes? I also asked one of my friends and he said: “Close your eyes”. Might be, he was right, because how do we fight? What alone we can do? And in the situation where his family totally depends on his actions for basic needs.
  • Be patient and wait for your time. Slow and study gets the knowledge and power and act when the iron is hot.

Indian youth is affected by the above things. The youth of India feels cheated every third day when we use various elements of government. I don’t mean that everything is corrupt in India.

So, it’s too much tough to explain my feelings right now right here, but I think you got my point. We’re the youth of India need a positive environment for personal and career development and other things. And we’re capable to follow the sayings of leaders. That’s why national youth day in India is really really important to celebrate. The words and quotes of Swami Vivekananda help us in our personal, career development, social development, and economic development.

So, learn and implement the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda in your career and life and see the results. I am also trying to implement the teachings of Swami Vivekananda in my life and I hope my readers and country people should follow the path of Swami Vivekananda taught us. Let’s celebrate national youth day in India with great actions.

Just leaving you now with my favorite quote from Swami Vivekananda! 

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

My another article will be important for you: Importance of education in our life

Vande Mataram!

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