Online marketing best practices and ideas


Use these ultimate most trending online marketing best practices to grow your small business. These ideas are creative and already used by big companies to market business online. So, If you’re looking for unique and different online marketing best practices, please get the ideas you’re looking for in this article.

Online Marketing is routine work to be successful online and offline business nowadays. And for that purpose, online marketing tools helps SMEs to reduce cost and grow the business faster. But to use online marketing tools you need strategies that work.

Your website, Email marketing, content marketing, SEO, SEM, Branding and Social Media websites etc. these are most used online marketing tools around the globe that can also help you to grow your business. And for that, you need to learn how to use minimum one marketing methods to grow your customer base.

Online Marketing Strategy 1.0 = Lead your brand personally on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook

People care about your business and services if they are meaningful and helpful for them to live a better life. But no one knows how effective they are until you’re not going to tell your targeted customers, how your products and services are beneficial.

So, my first online marketing strategy is the lead your brand personally on YouTube Channel, Facebook Profile, and Twitter social media platform.  These are Social Media Website existed to connect people. Social Networking websites improve the quality and speed of communication.

This is a great opportunity for you to lead your brand on Social Media.  Communicate and build a relationship with those people have similar values like yours. If you believe you’re clever then target similar people. If you think the horse is your favourite animal then target people who like and share horse photographs.

You can also try to build a network with authority people in your area. Tell them or pay them to produce and share your business content on social media websites and with their followers.

Remember, you don’t’ need the celebrity to promote your business. Celebrities or popular people charge more money from you and you can’t build a true relationship with your customers. Celebrities, Popular TV Stars, Sports star are only used in marketing for instant results. They are not effective in long term. You have to pay every time for them. But why others, when you can do it.

Related: Top 3 Social Media Marketing ideas for Small Business

The disadvantages are many hiring celebrities to promote business. But one of is that “they don’t know and use those products they are promoting.

It’s simply misguiding customers and taking advantages of their fan following to buy the products of that company. And because of this, companies are able to sell fake and low-quality products through celebrities.

I am not against brand promotion through celebrity; I am just telling it can be manipulated to cheat people.

But do you know about the most successful companies, high-quality products, higher in cost and great in profits? I think you know!

Steve Jobs market his products by themselves. Baba Ramdev uses his own image to advertise Pantajali Ayurved products by its own by TV and Products banner. What do you think? They also hired others too. But because they have beliefs and know that their products quality and values.  And you can see in advertisement their confidence is higher than other product promoters in the advertisements.

That’s why I think you’re the best celebrity to promote your products. Because you created that, you know how it works, you know the quality of your products, you’re connected with your business emotional and purposefully that’ why you have to promote your products own without spending money on Celebrities or stock images.  It’s challenging marketing strategy but you will get the higher conversion, more sells and more profit in low cost.

Here are some tips to use your personality in growing business.

1. YouTube + Website + Social Media

The first strategy is to upload a video on YouTube that you think will a guide for your targeted audience. For example share tips that will grow your audience business.

Second, if you got 100 views in 24 hours then write an article related to that video. Also, embed that video in the bottom of the article.

Create one line marketing phrases of that article and video. And share on social media.

Related: How to increase YouTube video hits, views, likes and subscribers

2. Social Media + Website +YouTube

Research what are the most popular things your targeted audience liked on social media. Where they are commenting and what they are sharing.

After analysis creates similar and shares posts e.g. image, video or article. See if they like it or not. If yes, then create a fully focused article and taking that person in mind.

After that, you can share that article on social media. If the article starts getting traffic after 10 days from Google then record a video. And Upload and embed it with your published article content.

Related: Facebook promotion ideas for small business

3. Website + Social Media + YouTube

Write an article based on keywords research. Publish the article and share it on social media, record the video or create tutorial related to that article, you can also create slides, infographics etc.

Related: Online Marketing Strategy that will Generate More Business Leads

So, in this above online marketing practices and ideas, you can use your own images, own video in the article. You don’t need a stock photo to add in your article. Your own personality is enough and stock photos are robotic and don’t have any real mean. If I am looking to buy something on your website, or I am looking for certain services, I want to see the real person, not attractive stock photos. Because those photos are known by users today, they know you’re using them to convincing us to buy, people want real people. They want to deal with you. That’s what I think. I don’t mean, you stop using stock photos. But in your sales page trying using your own.

I am not forcing you to implement your personality in products and services, I just want to try this method and see how many leads and conversion rate you will get.

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