How to get things done quickly and efficiently


I am sharing some of the best productivity tips that you can use to get more things done in less time. I am sure that if you try these you will be able to 3x your productivity or acquire the ability to get more things done in a day or in less time or at the workplace or at home.

Getting more things done in less time is important to achieve smaller and bigger goals in business and life. Getting important things done is as important as planning. Every perfect plan can fail if you do not take action. The only way to get more things done is to take as many productive actions as you can take in your available time. So, it’s very important how you use the time to increase productivity, confidence, and growth.

How to get more done in less time?

1. Wake early in the morning:

If you start your day late you can’t get more done in a day. You will get less time to complete the work in a day. You will find yourself under stress and an increment in work pressure. That’s why wake up in the morning between 4 AM to 5 AM and leave your bed.

In the early morning, you will not get distracted. You can start working on your to-do list. You just have to see the list of today’s or long-term business or income goals. And you don’t have to think that you complete all these tasks or need to achieve these goals. Instead, you just have to start doing 1st work. And you will be able to finish all of them before sunset.

If you start thinking you have goals and you have to achieve them all then it will create pressure on you. That’s why just pick up 1 thing and follow it.

Read More 7 Advantages of Waking up early in the Morning

2. Take 10 to 20 minutes break:

Breaks are important. It gives us time to think about where we’re going, how much we achieved, and how much is left. What we have done so far and what is left. Breaks give you time to collect your thoughts. Combine them to focus on the next task.

This is also important for your physical fitness and to re-enable your body posture.

Read More12 most powerful methods to stay motivated at work

3. Think less and do more:

Thinking about tasks, goals, and dreams is important. But thinking each day or every time about goals, problems, and difficulties without taking action is not beneficial. Stop creating plans and strategies without testing or implementing any of them.

Just understand this with the seriousness that without action nothing is possible in life, business, and the workplace. Take your time to understand and analyze the importance of thinking.

But too much thinking or overthinking or analysis will make you negative and stressed. Instead, start working on small tasks.

Read more: 5 ways of unlimited motivation to achieve life goals

4. Stop using social media without reason:

Watching Videos, Reels, and News is informative and entertaining. But set time for entertainment and social networking. Regular use of social media without good or productive intention is an addiction. Social media keep you connected with the people and world. But you do not need that while working.

Whatever you’re watching is the input of someone or actions of code or people. For example, if you visit the office or just open your laptop and start watching YouTube Videos or Start using Facebook then you will surely watch something there that can distract you or consume your time.

Use your time effectively. Time is money. If you spend time watching random videos and reels on YouTube or Facebook then actually, you’re wasting your time and you will not be able to get more things done in less time.

Read MoreTop 9 Productive Uses of Social Media in our daily life

5. Be confident and trust in your goals and plans

Confidence is important to take action. You can’t take 1st step if you’re not confident or if you do not want to win or do not want to achieve your business goals then you will not be able to get things done in less time.

It’s because you do not care if you fail. Getting failed is now becoming your habit. And you’re happy to live with failure instead of working on it.

So, if you want to get things done, you know better what needs to be done and what is important. So why not you do that?

Trying to win is a better option than giving up.

Read moreHow planning can help you to achieve career and business goals

6. You do not win every day, but you have to try to win

You have to accept the truth that you can’t be a winner each day. Some day you get failure. Another day you win. But that doesn’t mean you will not try today. You just have to find the reasons behind your success and winning in past. And you will decode it.

For example, each of your newly uploaded videos or published blog posts or projects or initiatives can’t be successful. Success and failure are not in your hand.

What is in your hands are the efforts that you have to put each day and time into your work. You have to work consistently to get good results. You have to publish new blog posts consistently to get more traffic. You have to upload new videos consistently so that one of them becomes viral. You have to learn programming each day so that one day you will be an expert.

A plant does not become a tree in one day. If you want to become a tree then grow like a plant.

7. Think in advance about what needs to be done next:

Plan your next step B while working on step A. You do not have to do it forcefully but organically. Whenever you’re fully focused and you have to be in that time you will get small clues or ideas about your next step that relate totally to the current task. This helps you to start working on task B because you have already analyzed it.

But if you do not have a plan for the next task then you will get free or start doing anything randomly.

That’s why many create a to-do list or things in advance for the day or week and month. And then they start working on that.

While many people are not able to complete their to-do lists. It’s because they write too many tasks or plans that later become pressure.

To solve this problem, only write 1 or 2 most important tasks first, and when 80% of that work is completed then write 3rd or 4th.

8. Talk less and get back to work:

Not all have the same goals, time, and priorities. Many of the people who are interacting with just pass their time by talking with you. They just use you as time pass. While you can’t tell them directly. So, the best thing is that response less and focuses on the work. Let them know that I will talk to you later, just give me 1 hour or 2 hours. I am working on something important. And make sure that your work is more important.

While if you get phone calls or office visits from a known then after asking about your well-being. Ask, how did you come today?

9. Be clear about your goals and priorities:

To achieve your daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and if you want to get more done in less time then be clear about your goals.

You may take time or research or investigate to make the right decision. But once the decision is made then be committed to that. And complete the task.

For example, if you made the decision to learn to program then be committed to that and keep learning until you’re not able to write programs on your own.

10. Work is Worship:

If we get paid without work or without any service or value addition then that money is not good money. Work is important in everyone’s life. It plays a big role in our careers, business, and life. If we do not work, we will not get paid or not get money. And I am sure that you know the importance of money in life.  Doing work is very important whether you’re a businessman or doing the job or a student. Student work is to study. We get paid for our time, work and values.

But if we prefer friends over work, tv over study, entertainment over education, and time over goals then how we will be able to get more done in life?

Our work is important for us, our families, our country, and society. Whether it’s small or big does not matter. Work is work and work is worship. If we get paid without work or without any service or value addition then that money is not good money.

That’s why work like you’re worshipping God. See God in your work. See God in your customers. See God in your teachers. See God in your students. See God in your readers. Love them and love your work.

If you do that you will be able to 10x your progress within weeks or months.

It’s because now you longer think about your work is like work, you think of it like you’re worshipping god. And obviously, you will not use social media while working, you will not chat, and you will not start gossiping with friends.

I do not mean that do not give time to family and friends. Give time for everyone no problem but as per priorities and importance fo the work. Do not be available every time for everyone. Give importance to yourself and your work.

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