Top 5 reasons to learn Web Development other than Job


Web(www) is the way to create, access, and provide career, and business opportunities through websites on the internet. Websites, web services, and applications are created to exchange data, information, and knowledge between people and machines.

The use of the Internet for everyone is different in various stages of life. There are various uses of the internet in our life, business, and education. The use of the internet for common people or internet users is possible, beneficial, and successful because of the web or websites.

The popularity and the use of search engines, social networking websites, eCommerce, OTT platforms, and consumption of digital content through a computer, smart TV, mobile, and IoT devices created the demand and need for web development and programming services.

Common people, communities, governments, banking, businesses and almost everyone is dependent on the web for their daily operational activities. And also, for survival and growth. The web provides speed, transparency, and accuracy in communication. Everyone wants to be a part of or access the Internet and the web for communication, problem-solving, and innovation.

But due to this, it’s also creating security and privacy challenges for people, governments, nations, communities, and people. The development of decentralization, blockchain, artificial intelligence, data management, machine learning, and many other Web 3.0 technologies and methods can expand the user experience and secure the delivery of data and information through the web.

That’s how the web is creating new opportunities for business and careers. That’s why the demand for software developers, web developers, and app developers is growing. And along with this, we can see new business, profession, and job roles such as content creators, SEO experts, YouTubers, bloggers, social media marketers, Web Developers, and many others.

A web developer is someone who develops websites, web services, and applications by using various web technologies or programming languages such as HTML, CSS, javascript, python, and many others. In simple words, a web developer is a creator who creates dynamic web pages (landing pages), web tools, business websites, marketplaces, and portals along with the team or on their own.

A developer is a creator or builder. Who uses his/her creativity and programming languages to solve problems or for innovation. Now let’s understand in detail why you need to learn Web Development or the Importance of learning web development:

Top 5 reasons to learn Web Development  for Creators and Entrepreneurs

Many students, freelancers, bloggers, content creators, YouTubers, designers, WordPress experts, SEO experts, and small business owners have entrepreneurship capabilities. But due to a lack of direction or guidance or inspiration, many are not developing their creative powers. I consider Web development as a creative power in the modern era. And with this in mind, I am writing these top 5 points on why learn web development. I hope you will like it.

1. Learn Web Development to Create Dynamic Websites (User Experience):

Top 5 reasons to learn Web Development other than Job

While website builders, WordPress, and eCommerce platforms solve the immediate problems of small business owners. Anyone with the use of website builders and CMS can create a business, eCommerce, and blog websites within a few minutes and hours.

But these are good for small projects and websites. And helps to solve your short-term goals. You can start a business online by creating a website through website builder and WordPress.

But when you need a more functional, dynamic, feature-rich website to provide a great user experience then you will need web development skills.

For WordPress can be WordPress Development HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL or MongoDB, Ajax, and JavaScript. Similarly for Shopify development and others.

As a business, it’s costly to hire and manage a team of web developers.

If as a business owner you have at least basic web development or programming knowledge you can better manage remote and in-house web developers. You can track and test code and get the outcome you’re looking for.

And as a business owner, you learn Web Development skills, you can create a complete business website or online store.

For example Website builders, lead generation plugins, Keyword research tools, email marketing software, etc. all are dynamic websites or tools. All of these tools are created with the use of Web development skills and programming languages.

Read More:

The Seven types of business websites that you can create

Pros and Cons of using WordPress for website building

Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of using Website Builders


2. Scale your Business with Freedom:

Scale your Business with Freedom

Scaling a business with a website builder and WordPress has lots of complexities. You have to pay for premium plugins and also need to hire WordPress developers.

Not only that if you’re targeting 10000+ daily visitors then you also have to move your hosting to a cloud hosting service provider.

That’s why it’s important to choose the right technology at the start to create a website. While WordPress or Website builders solve your maximum problems through paid apps and plugins.

But you can’t depend on too many third-party services for scaling. This will create lots of maintenance and security costs.

But if you learn Web Development, you can create the function and feature just with a few lines of code without paying for anything. That’s more effective. And you can scale as per your choice and budget.

Learn MoreTop 7 things to consider while building a website

3. Learn Web Development for Innovation:

business innovation with web development

It’s ok, that you’re running a business and you’re in the marketing field. And you’re making enough money and success in your profession. That’s a great feeling!

But you also have to remember that’s the time when we feel satisfied and comfortable.

If you’re not upgrading and growing consistently in your profession then someone will be there to replace you. You have to step outside of your comfort zone and need to think about how you can help the audience and customer more.

For example, your customers not only want WordPress websites, but they also want traffic, landing pages, and CRM solutions. They also want to buy stocks or they also need infrastructure, and an in-house team to run their business.

Are you able to provide that?

Even if not that, during working in your profession, you got brilliant ideas to build your own tools for clients. It can be to automate your current services.

If you have one to two hours each day why not invest those hours in building the tools and working on the next innovation?

But you can do that if you have programming or web development skills. Even you can build an app and learn mobile development.  It’s not mandatory to learn only Web Development. The concept of innovation also belongs to apps, websites, tools, and IoT.

With programming skills, you will have the power and skills for innovation. That’s why you need to learn Web Development.

For example, You can program or create your own keyword research tool or competitive analysis tool that will be unique and will give your business a competitive edge in the market.

Learn MoreImportance of innovation in business essay

4. Skills for a startup and entrepreneurship

Skills for a startup and entrepreneurship

If you see the recent history then you will find that in startups one of the founders was a software developer or engineer. You will also find that many digital marketers and influencers looking for software engineers and developers as a partner.

It’s because the combination of marketer + developer is great for any startup. One can work on development operation and another one on marketing.

So, if you want to start your own business or SaaS startup you must learn Web Development skills. Even if you’re a marketer, you can start creating the platform on your own.

And obviously, if you become skilled in Web Development then you can manage marketers as well because you have a good marketing track record in history.

Learn More: 20 creative ideas for Web Development Projects

5. Make Money – Increase personal income:

Make Money

Web development is complex in the beginning or in 1st few months. But once you start practicing and creating small programs you will become efficient in writing code. Sooner you will become eligible for programming and web development tasks.

There are various ways, opportunities, and challenges to earn money with web development skills.

You don’t have to be great or an expert in Web development to earn money. Even if you’re good at CSS you can bid for CSS projects. If you just finished My SQL then you can start bidding on SQL projects.

You don’t have to learn all the development stacks to start working as a freelancer or to start earning money.

You have to become good at coding and creating small things such as widgets, plugins, sidebar, menus, cart pages, landing pages, forms, etc.

So, earning money as a freelance web developer is the best use of Web development skills.

For example, Marketing companies need data and web scraping tools and scripts with Beautiful Soup in python.  You can write data mining or web scraping scripts and sell that with customization or as per the needs of data.


I don’t know what you particularly want to achieve through learning Web Development. But let’s suppose you are a student, creative, content creator, and small business owner.

As a creator and creative Web development will make you knowledgeable and you will be able to explore new growth Opportunities in the Technology field. Web development skills give you the power to create a new solution.

And the growth or success of creators and creatives is always in the creation. Creation of new solutions and tools. 1st start to build it and solve your own business. And then when it starts helping you then launch it to the public and make it big.

This will help you to grow financially and professionally. That’s why learning web development is not just an option but a path for personal or professional development. Yes, it’s difficult but that will be considered an excuse.

If you have big dreams then try to avoid excuses and focus on solving the complexity. Make your learning process smooth and easy. Do not force yourself to learn web development. Instead, learn it with interest and creativity. And enjoy every line of the code in the journey.

And anyone can learn Web development with the right attitude, guidance, and mindset. If you want to learn more from me on “Web Development” please let me know through comments.

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