Top 6 Most Powerful Uses of Microsoft PowerPoint


Powerful Daily life uses of PowerPoint:- Microsoft PowerPoint is application software used to present data and information by using text, images, diagrams with animations and transitional effects, etc. in slides that help to explain the topic or idea in front of the audience easily and practically.

In other words, it is used for data and information visualization. It is another most useful packaged application of MS Office since the ’90s. In this way it is very easy to understand PowerPoint:-

Microsoft Word: – Microsoft Word is used to create and edit professional-looking documents.

Microsoft Excel: – Microsoft Excel is used to perform Calculations and analyze information.

Microsoft PowerPoint: – Microsoft PowerPoint is used to present documents, perform calculations, analyze data, and report in slide shows.

These three applications are mostly used by everyone in their daily official life.  It means you can use Microsoft Word to document data and information, then you can use Excel to calculate and analyze data and information after that you can use PowerPoint to present that or other data and information in slideshows with custom effects.

I hope it was well explained.

Microsoft Office or word, excel, and PowerPoint skills are considered the basic computer and workplace productivity skills. You can learn Word, Excel, and PowerPoint skills while doing a basic computer course. You can also learn these basic computer skills online. Here you can learn: About PowerPoint Presentations: Useful things you need to know

Top 6 uses of Microsoft PowerPoint in our daily life: 

The following points are well-documented detailed explanations, reasons, skills, and methods of PowerPoint use. You will learn the real and most effective uses of PowerPoint in education, business, profession and daily life.

So, in this way, there are various uses of PowerPoint. Uses are depending on the creativity and imagination of users. That creativity and imagination will come into your mind from learning and exercises. Thinking in this way, I have listed the following PowerPoint uses in this article.-

1. Uses of PowerPoint in Education: –

Let’s start to understand PowerPoint uses in Education. I am covering schools and college teachers. What teachers and students can do with PowerPoint?

Teachers can use PowerPoint in the following ways:-

Teachers can use PowerPoint to teach lessons, chapters of any book, or the whole book in one PowerPoint slide. In this case, they can create or delegate to create a complete presentation of a book.

In this presentation, they can cover each chapter on a different slide. In each slide, they can highlight, mention, and teach the most important points that are essential to cover in that chapter.

In the intro part, they can highlight what that book is all about by using charts, shapes, text, and animations. And they can end the slideshow with the conclusion or a new conclusion.

How it can be Beneficial: –

Students are smart because of technology and gifted smartphones from parents, so, today’s teachers have to be the smartest.

Teachers can create an interest in students’ minds about the topic. Every topic and book is boring for students until they don’t feel the reason and excitement behind it. That’s why presentation and effects on images can make students excited.

Teachers have to create a presentation from their creativity and knowledge. It will look like cartoon movie, it can be a hero in the presentation, and it can be a cricketer representing a slide or chapter.

I mean if there is a topic regarding the Power of the Prime Minister (in the Political Science book) then teachers can create and add the current prime minister in a way that showcases the powers. In this case, they can insert an image of the Prime Minister on a slide and then add text boxes (written powers), and then showcase them one by one in a circle. I hope you got my point.

What is the implementation process of PowerPoint in education?

This process can be the smartest way to implement PowerPoint in the presentation.

  • First, select the chapter or book. Then write a little story in creative ways about the whole book or chapter. The endpoint should be like a climax in a movie.  Now create slides one by one.
  • Play the presentation and keep students focused on the screen or whatever method you’re presenting this information.
  • Get some feedback or test students’ smartness after the end of slideshows.
  • Now you can email that presentation to students or their parent’s email ids. You can also upload that presentation by saving the presentation in window media video (click on Save as type, and select Windows Media Video) on YouTube or if the school or college has a website, you can upload that presentation to the school website.
  • After that student has that data and they can access that material & example at any time. If you don’t’ use this method or this kind of method then it’s tough to store creativity and examples in students’ minds because technological creativity is now creating complex structures in the brain with data and facts.

But if data and information are present in a way that is easy and explored inside the sense of students then it’s a great way.   And PowerPoint is very helpful in this case.

But it required teachers to learn PowerPoint first and I don’t think governments spending enough budgets on teachers. So that budget can be used for training teachers that can help them to improve their technological thinking and imagination.

Only teachers can teach the right uses of Technologies for this generation else is marketing. But if teachers don’t know or even teachers are learning methods from kids or students then the future is unimaginable in negative ways. I have a lot to say, but I hope you got my point.

It’s easy to learn the function and features of PowerPoint from YouTube. But to implement each function, you have to think according to the message you want to send inside the brain of students. But as you know you have to be Unique.

Other use of PowerPoint for Teachers

  • Use PowerPoint to create quizzes by using Hyperlinks.

Suggestion: – If you’re a teacher but have less technical knowledge, then you can take the help of computer teachers or technical people in the school to create a PowerPoint presentation related to the topic. You can also discuss it with the Principal to hire someone to have great or basic knowledge of computer, who is capable of using various computer applications such as PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Search Engines and social media, etc.

Students can use PowerPoint in the following ways: –

No matter, whether teachers are presenting or not presenting the books and class topics in slide shows. If you have a computer or access to Microsoft Office then you can create a presentation on your own. You can create a presentation for self-learning, you can create to show to teachers. You can create it for speech or various school programs.

What you or your students can do?

  1. Follow each step you learned from the teachers in the class about the topic.
  2. I hope you have notes created during the class.
  3. After that open PowerPoint, and create the first slide with the chapter name.
  4. Then highlight each point covered in that topic with little description and images. Make sure you’re writing from notes or books, do not copy text from the internet.
  5. Save it as a PowerPoint file (.pptx). And then save another copy as Windows Media Video, if it is not MP4, and then convert it into an MP4 video by downloading ppt to video converter or video converter. Make a special folder on a computer with the name of the book. Create each video using PowerPoint slides and effects or features.

How is it beneficial?

  • You like to watch videos instead of reading books. Right? It might be, but when you watch, it will much easier for you to understand than learning from your own notes. You can be habitual to videos and screens. So this method can be good for you.
  • Every student, especially college students have a Smartphone. So paste that video on the mobile phone. When you’re free or have time, you can watch those lessons and notes.
  • During exam times you don’t have time, sometimes urgency. So, in this case, videos can help you in learning quickly.

Conclusion: I only support the right method of technology implementation or integration in education, especially in schools and colleges. I support the productive use of computers and the internet.

Teachers are most precious for any nation or real VVVIP people who play a great role in national development. If you provide them tool then they know how to use them and when to use them. Some teachers even don’t need technologies to explore creativity in students’ minds. While others have everything their results are not that better, they are committed to technologies.

Related: –  Top 8 Most Powerful Uses of Microsoft Excel in daily life

2. Uses of PowerPoint in Business

Business is all about creating a plan, execution, marketing strategies, and making processes and systems easier to follow and integrate. In this case, PowerPoint is used to create a business plan, organizational structure, marketing plan, execution strategies, processes, and system. In PowerPoint menus, there are various formatting options similar to Word and Excel. So it’s not that tough to use. And I think it is the easiest application software in Microsoft Office Suite.

Following are the uses of PowerPoint in various business/organizational works:-

  1. After creating a financial/marketing plan in an Excel sheet, now you can add that data one by one (like a process e.g. a-b-c-d-e). It will helpful later, when you need that plan or present that plan in meetings and seminars. In a worksheet or document file, it’s for the audience to read the whole page of text or calculation in the worksheet. So PowerPoint provides the option in which you can add specific text that is most important to show in slides one by one.
  2. You can use PowerPoint to create the execution process. For example, if you’re training your team, on how to do Amazon Listing one by one, or how to send an email or how to schedule social media posts, etc. you can create and showcase this method by using images, diagrams, and circles. This method is very helpful in training remote workers.
  3. You can use PowerPoint to create your organizational structure. There is a Smart Art option in Insert Menu to create an organizational chart, and process. It will help to showcase the process of any work to others and customers.
  4. You can also create animated marketing videos in PowerPoint. That you can upload to YouTube or embed in your blog or website. PowerPoint has exceptional animation effects and tools. So, you can take advantage of these options without using special animation software.
  5. In PowerPoint, you can use it to create animated movies related to products and services. Yes! Short movies. You can use various slide for each scene. You can also insert the shapes in a story and text in slides. Custom Animation or Animation pane, effect option, timing, etc. are very helpful in this to create short storytelling movies. You can set up the timing for each object separately. For this, you can use the On Mouse Click Option or Automatic (start with previous)

3. Uses of PowerPoint for House-Wives

Housewives can invest their time in learning PowerPoint or presentation skills. The greatest uses for them are the following:-

  1. Housewives can use PowerPoint to create slide shows. In which they can create calculations, numbers, Alphabets, or all kinds of lessons they want to teach kids in slideshows. Also, their presentation skills can help in the homework of their kids whenever they get presentation-related homework from schools. They have to use some advanced techniques but there are tutorials on YouTube and the Internet to learn such PowerPoint skills.
  2. They can also use it to create a photo album and presentation in which they showcase their precious moments with family. In the background, they can insert audio or song in the photo album.
  3. They can also use smart art to create a family chart. I mean how many people are in the family and what position by using Smart Art to showcase relationships in a diagram. Later they can use animation effects.

4. Uses of PowerPoint in Governance and citizen services

As you know so far that the use of PowerPoint is very effective in the visualization of complex data and information. I found that it’s very tough in the Government Office to follow directions and systems. If the process of creating an Adhar Card, the Process of applying for a Driving License, etc. present on slides or any screen and then it will be very helpful. We all can watch it on the government website or in the office. Or they can print it. They can also include images of the office, departments, or related persons. So, the citizen when visiting any government office they find it easy to file documents or access government services. Etc.

5. Uses of PowerPoint for Job Seekers

This is one of the best uses of PowerPoint for skilled people or job seekers. In PowerPoint, they can create a Digital Resume or Multimedia resume. Yes! It’s a unique way of presenting skills and knowledge in front of interviewers but very effective and I am totally convinced with this method.

Following are the steps that help to create a digital resume using PowerPoint:

  1. Make a list of skills, diplomas, certifications, and degrees. Whatever academic or technical skills you have.
  2. Now create the first slide with your name and subject. 2nd slide with an objective. 3rd slide with experiences. Etc.
  3. After completing it, save it as a video or PowerPoint show.
  4. Now you can print the presentation and submit it.
  5. You can send the Presentation or showcase your skills and knowledge to interviewers like you’re marketing products and services to customers.
  6. In this case, your skills and knowledge are products and you have to market them to get a job. And PowerPoint will help you to market your skills more easily and effectively.

6. The user of Microsoft PowerPoint in earning money and in starting an online business.

Creating a presentation for companies and organizations is a good business idea that you can start at home. For that, you have to be above average in Microsoft Point. During this, you can bid on PowerPoint-related jobs on the Freelancing website.

You can research, what kind of presentations are in demand. You can also create a WordPress Website in which you can advertise your services related to PowerPoint presentations.

You can also use PowerPoint to create video tutorials or computer-related tutorials and then upload them on YouTube.

It means you can use PowerPoint to teach others, how to use PowerPoint in various ways. And how to get benefits people are missing without using PowerPoint.

To become a master in PowerPoint, you need to practice on 50+ presentations. And each presentation has to be different in style and effects from the last one.

That’s it!

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