Articles on Online Education and Online Learning


This is the list of best articles written based on a personal point of view and observations.

In these educational articles, we’re covering the importance of education, online learning, college importance, technology importance in education, how education helps us, and how education makes an impact in society.

Not only that we’re also covering the posts containing disadvantages of online education, online classes, and technologies.

We have categorized these articles on education based on each individual topic and subject related to Education. Articles are easy to read and find. Please visit the highlighted link to read each article.

Articles on Education:

1. Importance of Education:

This article is fully focused on Education, and why education is important for individuals, society and everyone. It explored the negative impacts of life without education. This article also covers how becoming educated benefits humans.

So, to read this article please visit: Importance of education in our life

 2. Education in Society:

This article fully focused on the social benefits of Education. In this essay article, you will read how education impacts society positively, and how education plays its role in social development, culture, and human behaviors.

 Article link: Importance of education in society Essay

 3. College Education:

In this category, we have published 3 articles on college education. While it’s a big debate about whether to go to college or not. Study in college or try some other options. Why college degree and bachelor degree courses are important or not. These articles help you to find out the comparison and impact on students and their careers without a college education or with a college education or degree.

Please visit the following articles on college education and degree courses:

4. Girls’ Education:

While education is important for everyone. And each person deserves as a citizen to be educated for the development of society and nation. But this article is fully focused and dedicated to girls’/women’s education.

In this article, you will find how education makes a positive impact on the life of girls and women. You will also read how without education girls/women are humiliated by society and people in life. And with education, we can make a change in the life of girls and women’s education.

 To read this article, please visit: Importance of Girls’ Education in this World

 5. Education Technology or Technology in Education:

With the use and development of Technologies, we have made various changes in our life. But the involvement of technology in our education systems and the development of education technologies changed the ways of learning and becoming educated.

Each technology comes up with advantages and disadvantages for individuals, society, and the world. Society can accept or neglect technology but in most case societies with the wrong policies highly impacts the life of students and educators.

While technology also improved education and created ways for everyone to become educated which was not possible a few decades ago.

So, all of this and more you will read in the following articles: 

We hope that the list of the above educational articles will help you to read and get useful points on education assignments, speech and debate, and exams.

If you want a list of Technology articles then please visit: Top 20 Articles on Technology – Gain Critical Tech Insights

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