How technology has affected communication


In this essay, you will learn how technology has affected communication in our lives and business what are its effects on the face to face communication and how it has affected us positively and negatively.

Technology speeds up communication between people. Technology provides the convenience to use more than one method of communication.

Now people can use email, social media, chat messengers, video conferencing, video calls, images, videos, symbols, diagrams, charts, emoticons, etc. for communication.

But technology has also impacted us positively and negatively in our daily life communication. Here are the Top 12 Examples, How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Before the evolution of technology, humans were more focused on their goals, we were more productive due to lack of distractions, we were composed to be of creative nature due to lack of luxury of information, life was slow, and the competition was small due to lack of communication gap among people and business.

The communication was not as fast and destructive and it was not viral as it is today.

How the overuse of Technology has affected communication negatively

Technology should not affect humans adversely, it is not created to affect them in that manner. But when we overuse it, when we forget the basic rules and methods then it hits back at us. This is true for any communication machine and technology. Even if you eat too much you become unhealthy. If you sleep too much you will become unhealthy. There are certain limits to each machine.

I hope in the future new inventions will be able to inform users that they’re using such apps and the web too much right now, and they need to take a break. I think these big IT companies and even startups can build these applications to inform and guide users that now it’s time to cut the phone, it’s time to relax, etc., that can be a solution. But now let’s learn how the overuse of communicational technologies affects our daily life:

1. Technology affects the peace of mind:-

Many people show off money, pride, reputation in society, power of position, luxury in communications, etc. The truth is absent in communication. I am not saying it was not the same before, but today it’s more prevalent in communication due to technology.

The rich-poor, good and bad, right or wrong, and best and worst comparison communication through images, videos, group meetings, and debates are affecting the peace of mind.

2. Technology destroyed the love and emotions of people:-

Love and emotions are absent from communication. People just forward the content. The communication is manipulative. It’s based on data, market demand, reputation in society, and popularity. Society treats the rich and poor differently. Society selects leaders based on popularity and not on principle and merit. Now, these things are reducing the love, trust, and emotions of good people.

It’s was not this way earlier, because people did not have access to other states’ content and viral things.
We need to think about how many of us love to plant new trees. Do we love nature? Do we communicate with respect? We are affected by technology and living competition on this earth.

Today we are ready to communicate with almost anyone, and many of us do not have time to communicate because we are busy with our own lives and problems. We don’t have time for others without meaning (money, reputation).

3. People are busy and but wasting time:-

People are really busy these days, but they are not busy with business, personal, career, or environmental development. Most of the population is communicating through mobile (chatting, sharing, liking) and they think it’s important for them to communicate and react.

People are so much busy that they forget the practical side of life. For example, I am communicating with you, but at the same time, I am busy on my mobile phone. This is reducing the quality of communication between us.

Our behaviors have become such that we want to achieve everything quickly. It looks like we are in a race. Sometimes it creates anger and destruction in society, and we forget why we are in such a rush. Where we are going. What we will achieve at the end of the day.

Actually, that was not the case before technology took over our life. People were so calm and cool. They were having so much patience. For example, Thomas Edison failed 9999 times but never lost his focus, commitment, behavior, or communication with people, and invented the light bulb and so many other things after that. Today, we fail at the first attempt and we start approaching consultants.

It looks impossible because today we want everything faster. Actually, technology is driving humans to do everything faster without thinking and it’s affecting our communication. For example, when someone WhatsApp you something, it’s important to see and respond. It seems urgent and very important work. We need to respond because we like and believe in other people and we care about their message. No matter if it’s just a joke or a music video.

Today, technology is greatly affecting the communication between thousands of people in a split second. Many things are wasting our time and we’re becoming more busy than productive. The debates, questions, and viral communications are not achieving the desired results and conclusions. There are even newer topics to communicate the next day and we start looking for the next conclusions.

3. Human reaching the top level of concupiscence, Anger, Greed, Fascination, and Jealousy:-

The use of technology in communication is increasing concupiscence, anger, greed, fascination, and jealousy, it’s because technology has created higher competition in the market, everyone is fighting with each other for career, business, income, and reputation. It’s creating stress in communication. That’s leading to anger and stress in society for winning.

And thus, communication is affected.
Social Media content and many apps are producing vulgar content, far more than educational content. It’s creating and attracting people for concupiscence. People are laughing at personal attacks and companies are getting benefits by targeting poor mindsets.

Personal attacks mean here, reducing and comparing someone’s intelligence, making jokes about teachers, and leaders, and treating failures like criminals, etc. and that is teaching our new generation the very worst lessons of communication.

4. Highest standard of communication but lack of integrity and trust:

Trust and truth are absent in communication. People are using mobile, and computers, and sharing various types of content. But not all content that is viral influences society positively. Everyone just forwards the messages without thinking about what will be its impact the other person.

And I think this content is created or approached by a certain group of people to disturb society so that they will forget the main agendas of practical life. Such as career development, personal development, and national development.
One Listener and thousands of speakers.

Communication has massively affected interpersonal communication between two people. Today, due to technology more and more people want to speak, they want to share their thoughts and knowledge. It’s not bad, but the problem is that only 1 person is listening and thousands of people are speaking. So the communication is not from leader to follower, but the message and communication are spread from the crowd to followers.

This is also a case of information overload where the listener is overwhelmed by too many people demanding his attention. He is not able to focus properly on deciding his priorities in life to take appropriate action.

But before the advent of technology, there was One speaker and thousands of listeners. Everyone was hungry for listening and implementing the positive in their daily life. Today, people argue the positive, they even find and look for perfection and perfect idea instead of what they are getting. They are not satisfied.

For example, there are thousands of videos on a single topic but no one is producing unique content except a few. Most communication is from trolls to make posts go viral. The standard of communication is poor and is only present to support their own agenda rather than listening to what others have to say.

5. People were more interested in learning and execution:

Before technology came along people were crazy about learning, they carried books, and they were habitual learners. They used to go to Satsang (religious choir), Used to listen, and implement lessons of Ramayana and Gita and very religious practices in daily life. They followed the shlokas, dohe, and poems chemistry in their daily life.

And today, we replaced that with media content. So if the public is becoming mad, it’s because of the quality and practical side of the content. Even if the content is inspiring there is most often a hidden agenda behind sharing it. The most important duty of today’s public is to just like, share, and then forget. Implementation if any bright ideas take a back seat as soon as we move to the next piece of content.

What does this mean? It means most people just share the content but do not implement it in their own life. Communication is just artificial. In the future, Artificial intelligence and machine learning will affect communication in an even bigger way (both positively and negatively) than we ever imagined. It’s because the communication will be Pre-planned according to the people and situations at hand.
Here you can learn what is this.

How the balanced and wise use of Technology has affected Communication Positively:

Every object has a minimum of two sides or facets to it, and many of them have 5. If there are negative effects of technology on society there are also many positives. So, let’s learn in the following points, how a balance between life and technology can build and enhance communication:-

1. More than one method to contact: –

Technology is like a garden in which there are many trees providing different varieties of fruits in varied colors. So the Internet is like a garden and social media, emails, videos, blogs, forums and mobile phones are the trees. Each tree contains its own nature, environment, and fruits.

Whereas an email tree is mostly used for business purposes, a social media tree is for personal communication. Videos tree for learning and listening. Blog/ebooks/books tree is for communication with writers’ thoughts, and point of view on a personal and professional topic. Etc.

Communication is not only what two people or thousands of people talk about. It’s also about the brain to brain communication through blogs, messages, etc. It’s also about the heart to heart communication.

I just mean to say here that today we have more than one method to contact and communicate with people. Today, we don’t have only WhatsApp but we also have Facebook. Today, we have mobile but we also have emails and lots of other things to communicate.

But the important thing here is this- Do we know what to communicate, when to communicate, and on which communication platform? And due to this, there is demand in the market for new skills, what we call communication skills.

2. Faster communication:-

Communication is so fast and everyone is within reach all the time to communicate. In business, the email ID is the new address after technology provided it. Email ID is mostly used for business communication and the connectivity and uses of the internet are mostly through emails. Here you can learn more: Uses of Email in Business Communication

On social media, just share a few of your images and people start communicating and about your images according to their viewpoints.

Today, if people see you’re online, it means you’re ok. But they will contact and seek you, wondering about your well-being if they don’t find you online for a few days, then they will message or call. Else it’s enough for many that you’re online meaning you’re fine so they don’t need to communicate. Someone once said that people have 1000 friends on the internet, but still no one is with them to share and enhance emotional communication in real life.

3. Variety of communication content/Tools:-

It was not so easy in the past to communicate and transcribe or transcript communicate in other languages. Today, a single behavior is able to manipulate thousands of other streams.

Such as video communication being converted to text, articles being converted to quotes converted to jokes, jokes being converted to lessons, lessons being converted to marketing lines, etc. Google Translate and Grammarly are a few basic tools that technology has put at our fingertips.

Today, people do not want to stress the brain to think and compare, they just want to read and understand fast. It’s very bad if they are not developing their critical thinking skills. But as I told you, we’re at the high speed and that’s why smart classroom, smart class, and readymade creativity is there for people to just download and play.

Technology is producing personalized communication and solution. New age writers are targeting the diverse interests of people, they are analyzing the data and it’s becoming more productive and streamlined.

Today, you can say one thing in a thousand different methods such as by using images, diagrams, paintings, symbols, charts, videos, email, and just status updates. But still, technology is unable to process and transmit the emotional touch in communication yet.

Related: Uses of Video Conferencing software in your Business

4. The highest speed of learning:-

Technology speed up everything and learning is not an exception to this. Today, we learn and consume information more than food and fruits. The doors of our brains are always open to new information.

Some of us are able to learn and the one who is able to learn and manage that much data and information in the brain will be happy. Else the external commands are changing the mood and people are becoming habitual, and stressed and it’s not ok for people to live in this way without changing habits.

So the speed of learning is good if someone is able to maintain accuracy. The speed of communication is ok if others are understanding and digesting your inputs.

Related: How to improve your leadership skills in the workplace

5. Bigger audience to influence:-

Nelson Mandela always said -“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”. It’s true, and the world is changing with education. There are many more than 5 angles of education and the line between adverts and education is blurring. Some educate you to buy the products, and by selling these products the companies become bigger and change the world.

It’s because the sellers are educating you online and communicating about the products and services.
More and more people are becoming habitual to the internet day by day. It’s becoming part of their life. There are many uses of the internet in our daily life.

So the sharpest and most clever brains are taking advantage of this technology to communicate with people. And many times you see they are communicating in order to sell you something.
Personally, I invite teachers and professors to start communicating with the youth, and students so that they will be able to build and grow moral principles inside them.

6. Faster impact of communication on people and society:-

Technology impacts our life faster both positively and negatively. Anything can go viral, and I saw that mostly it was negative. People start reacting to the information without finding the source.

Without thinking if it is really good for society and their own family. But if we just think and write the way it should be, not how it benefits the self, it will be helpful for everyone. Then truth and honesty in communication will impact us much faster through technology than any other method.

RelatedHow to improve communication skills at work

7. Communication is easy:-

Communication is easy but more time-consuming. It’s better to call the person and communicate rather than type, but our overloaded brains are not able to retain all that information unless it’s written. The problem arises when there are ready-made listeners, ready to consume anything you present.

That’s why we just share and talk and we know someone will like or use it. The easiness and convenience are costing money and time but if its intentions are positive for productivity then it’s good to use technology.

Related: Why is communication important in business

8. Highest opportunities for learning and earning:-

Everyone is communicating with technology. The browser is communicating with the user. Software is communicating with responses, when you sign in to the website, the website is communicating and directing you.

It’s creating many opportunities for teachers and educators as well as for companies to communicate with people and sell products. Freelancing website, SEO, social media marketing, eCommerce, email marketing everything is possible through technology.

All the words, images, designs, and all type of content is communicating with us, and that’s why businesses are able to sell their products and services online.
In conclusion, I will say that communication by using technology enables everyone to exchange information and experiences.

If we follow good communication skills we can use many tools and platforms for research and development of nature including a synergistic development of humans, our environment, and natural sources. Technology has affected communication tremendously, but it is entirely dependent on us how we use it.

If we don’t use it prudently, it can result in many lost opportunities and disappointments. But If we use it wisely, it will open our doors to many opportunities and benefits.

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