How to understand computers – Easy Introduction


To understand computers you need to learn more about the basics of computers. Computers provide everything for users and anyone can understand computers.

I will try to explain here with simple examples and an easy introduction that helps you to understand computers better. Let’s start with the definition: What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can store, calculate, manipulate, analyze, visualize, arrange, and manage data and information with high speed and accuracy.

The name of the computer in Hindi is “Sangnak” which means a device used to calculate numbers. But today’s computers are doing almost everything that was impossible once. Here you can learn how computers work and you should read this article and it is very helpful to understand and imagine the functions and operations of computers.

There are two parts of a computer

Software: Software is an internal part of a computer that we can only see and can’t touch. In more technical terms software is a group of programs designed and developed to perform specific tasks.

A program is a group of functions and classes. A function is a group of instructions. Instruction is given to computers by users in various methods such as click, type, code, etc. for example Windows, typing tutor, tally, adobe Photoshop, MS office etc. are software designed to perform specific tasks.

Such as windows is the main software that helps to recognize hardware and display a screen (desktop) where users can command computers. In another way, typing tutor is designed and developed to improve typing speed, and Adobe Photoshop is designed to perform graphic designing tasks. Tally software is used for accounts works such as balance sheets. Etc.

In other words: Computer software is like a soul (AATMA) in the computer. We can’t see and touch but we can feel that something is there and because of souls we’re accessible to other human beings. The soul is the main operating system in the human body without software (The soul) computer is useless and the same it is the body that it is useless without the soul. Because of the soul (operating system), the body (computer) can receive commands. Our entire ear, eyes, arms, and fingers, are all the physical components of the body. So, it is the same in computers, the screen, mouse, and keyboard all are physical components of computers we can use them to convert meaningless things into meaningful because of software. So, the software is the most important part of computers.

Hardware: Hardware is the physical component of computers as I explained in the above paragraph. Hardware is a part of the computer which we can see and touch. Keyboards, monitors, speakers, printers, scanners, light pens, and web cameras all are physical components of computers that we can see, touch and use to command computers. Such as we (the human body) receive commands by ear, eyes etc.

In the definition of computer, you learned that a computer can calculate, manipulate, store etc. data and information. So, what is it?

What are data & information?

Data is a collection of facts but not all facts are data.   Facts are incidents, actions, imagination, creativity etc. When we write something specific objectively then it becomes data. For example, 8999032 xxxx numbers are data. But it is not specific or objective. We don’t know what it is. But we know that it is something and something is not data. Read MoreWhat is data in Computer

In another example: today is a very hot day. Ok, Is this data? No, it is just fact. Fact is not data only objective facts or facts that are measurable are data.

So, if it is like this: Here is the data: 899xxxxxxx is a mobile number. Today is a very hot day the temperature is 40 degree Celsius. But this is not done yet! It is going to be!

Information is the collection of meaningful data. So in the above example, there is data but that data is not meaningful. 899xxxxxxx is the mobile number that’s ok, but is not providing any information and today is a very hot day the temperature is 40 degree Celsius, similar. Read More: What is information in a computer with examples?

My questions are: Is this providing any specific information that will be helpful to add to anything? Yes, this can be! But generally, it is not!

I hope you are agreeing!

Here is meaningful information:

89xxxxxxx is the mobile number of abc.

Today is a very hot day in Shimla and the temperate is 40 degree Celsius.

Now, it is information.

That’s why the combination of meaningful data and information is called knowledge.

We use computers to calculate facts, for example, I feel the heat outside the home, this is a fact. Now we use a temperate machine or computer to find the exact figure of temperature. That’s I think, how it works.

When someone asks us anything we give answers. The correct answer is based on data + information: and knowledge is output.

So, to understand, why we work on a computer or why we use a computer or why the computer is effective then learn the following examples:

  • We can convert meaningless data into meaningful information.
  • We can manage unmanaged data and information. Example: We create folders to collect specific files.

That’s how it all works.

So, to understand computer better, you need to use them by analyzing everything.

The process of understanding computers:

  • See the connected power cables to computers. See where it is connected, which is going where.
  • See what happens when you press the power button on the CPU. Such as seeing the lights, the sound of a fan, and green and orange lights in the front panel of the CPU cabinet, seeing and analyzing what is displayed on the screen. What is happening?
  • See the welcome screen! Why it is coming, what is this?
  • After that, you can see the Desktop. Understand why it is called Desktop.
  • Understand when you move the mouse to the start button. What it says! Click to start or start. Mean shuru kare!
  • Press both mouse buttons on anything and see what happens!


The above method is looked like self-study and analytical thinking.

I hope the above information is good to understand about computers. What do you think?

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