Top 7 benefits of Cloud Based Data Storage for business

The importance of data in business is even more than important. Data brings power to the business process and system. The easy availability of business data speeds up productivity and increases efficiency in work. Today almost every small, medium and large business and companies rely heavily on data for marketing, business decision, and production. Each … Read more

Top 3 basic uses of data

There are unlimited uses of data in daily life, business, profession, research, education, media, development, science, and problem-solving works. The most important thing in all of this process is decision making in which data analysis, data mining, data science, analytics helps. In general, here you can read and learn what is data. Data is most … Read more

How our minds are harvested by social networks

Have you noticed how popular certain mundane and even stupid ‘surveys’ on social media have become? Like “What is your Chinese name?” or “Who is your gossip friend?”. These quizzes, personality tests, games and friend comparisons appear harmless and even irresistible at first. Who doesn’t want to know what type of animal they were in … Read more

Powerful Uses of Cloud Computing in life, business and education

For users, Cloud Computing is an operational technology in which computer/mobile/tablet users can store, calculate, arrange, manage, host, create, publish, delete, share, edit, and manipulate remotely hosted system software and applications software,  Data & Information by using the Internet. For service providers, it’s a new stream of generating revenue from the same product through SAAS. … Read more

What kind of data can be stored in cloud storage

Whatever you see and access on the Internet and computers everything can be stored in cloud storage. It means you can install business software on clouds. You can store songs, images, client’s data, videos, backups, websites, content and almost everything. Cloud storage is a cloud computing service model in which more than one user can … Read more

How to use a blog to promote your business online

1st is that target the needs of users and find keywords using Keyword Planner. And then inform the Google users about your business, products, and services solution. 2nd is that target the desire on social media to promote, for website traffic, and to sell more products on the business website. 3rd is s that show … Read more

Top 12 Benefits of Internet Marketing for your business

Internet marketing benefits all kind of businesses by promoting and selling products & services online. The reasons behind the benefits of marketing on the Internet is low cost, higher value, broader audience, any business can advertise, availability of market research tools, tracking tools, marketing is on the internet is automatic and various platform and options … Read more

How to understand computers – Easy Introduction

To understand computers you need to learn more about the basics of computers. Computers provide everything for users and anyone can understand computers. I will try to explain here with simple examples and an easy introduction that helps you to understand computers better. Let’s start with the definition: What is a computer? A computer is an … Read more

How computer work – here is the easiest ways to understand

Let’s understand: Computers work on the commands & instructions given by users. A user is a person who is using computers to convert data into meaningful information. Users give instructions to computers by keyboard and mouse (input devices). There are various input devices such as microphones, scanners, light pens, digitizing pads, web cameras, touch screens, … Read more

Importance of Data in Business

The importance of data in business is determined after seeing the results based on true facts. Data is important to take calculated risks in business. In simple words, if your post gets 200 likes on Facebook then it means something. This meaning is created by data. Basics of Data: The collection of facts is called … Read more

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