Importance of Effective Communication in Customer Service


The customer is the heart of any business. Customers are like the pillar of a successful business. If the pillars are strong the building will last long.

In the same way, if a strong relationship is established with the customer through effective communication the business will last long.

Communication is an art. Communication is the way, through which we can understand the need of the customer. Effective communication is the way which keeps a customer for long. This communication might be in the form of a letter, email, phone call, or in person.

Effective communication skills include understanding the mindset; doing the right talk at the right time. When we talk about Effective Communication skills one’s speaking should be clear, compelling, efficient, and polite.

Effective communication does?

  • Generates more business.
  • Helps to impart the thoughts of two.
  • Makes rewards customers.
  • Develop innovating ideas.
  • Turn up the sale high.

1. Positive language makes customers Happy and comfortable

In customer service positivity makes a huge difference. A little change in your conversational behavior helps in creating happy customers. Language is a very important part of demonstrating, that customers create perceptions about you and your company based on the conversation.

Suppose your company’s manufacturing machine is having some defect and you are unable to supply that particular product for the next two weeks.

How Customer Executive responded:

Without positive language: “we can’t supply the product until the next two weeks; the product is unavailable at this time.”

With positive language: “I have placed your order Sir and assure you it will be delivered to you as soon as possible”

2. Clear communication helps to boost sales

Ensure that you solve the customer’s problem promptly. If one is unable to solve the problem, do transfer the customer’s problem to the concerned department promptly. Be careful while talking and make sure that your communication habits forward the actual message you want to convey. Sometimes there are chances of erring due to one’s communication habits and gestures.

More importantly, you need to be cautious about how some of your communication habits translate to customers, and it’s best to err on the side of caution whenever you find yourself questioning a situation.

An example: The last time I came to the store to buy groceries, I was told by an employee that if I purchased groceries worth $ 100, I will get a free gift worth $20 and I didn’t get any gift after purchasing groceries worth $ 120. I thought that meant I’d be getting $ 20 for free. The employee apologized and I truly believe it was unexpected, but I haven’t been back to that shop just because of the miscommunication. That’s why it’s always making sure that whatever you said to the customer is clear to customers, and always keep it simple and leave nothing to doubt about.

3. Importance of Listening in customer service

Listening skills are equally important when we talk about customer service,  it gives a better understanding of customers’ needs. Good communication is based on listening; it is very well said to listen before speaking. Listen carefully while communicating with customers don’t only hear. Good listeners always give full attention to the customer. Listening turns into more sales.

Listen and look into the customer’s eye to find out about their mood, patience level, personality, etc. all this will help one in keeping customer interactions positive.
Good listening involves practice and many techniques. Keep asking the customer questions it helps in identifying what are the needs of customers.

Support the customer wherever necessary don’t judge. Do involve in the talk when required it boosts the faith of the customer in you. Always listen to what the customer is saying instead of how he is saying. Be very judgmental about your reactions to the customer. Listen carefully and do respond but without passing judgment.

4. Responding to customer’s need

Responding to the customer is the way to ensure him/her that you understand him/her by paraphrasing. Paraphrasing means repeating speaker words in your own words.

For example, the Customer said, “This iron does not heat up”

After paraphrasing, you said, “If I understand you correctly, the Iron that you purchased from us is not maintaining the temperature that you need to set. Is that correct Sir/Madam?”

With the help of this technique, you ensure that both the customer and you agree about the situation you’re discussing the same thing.

5. Importance of  Written Communication and Email in customer service

In this technical era, there is a shortage of time and because of that, there is personal communication is replaced with written communication, so it has become the need of the hour to be more careful while crafting our messages to customers.

Things to remember while communicating through writing are only use simple conversational language because it is the only way here to tell the customer about your product/service.

  • Give a brief description of your product/service as much as possible.
  • Don’t use emotional phrases these lead to negative marketing.
  • Use simple, impressive, and meaningful that conveys your message to the customer easily.
  • Don’t exaggerate the email by writing rubbish write only the significant things in the email.

6. Ability to ‘read’ customers’ minds leads to innovation

It’s not possible every time that customer is present in front of you. Many times you just hear their voice only on phone, nowadays you just order online in that case you can’t even hear their voice.

In that case, you need to go through the taste and preference of the customer and you need to analyze the customer’s preference and create choices for them with your personal experience. This one is the toughest skill and is most important because you don’t want to miss-read a customer and end up losing them due to confusion and misunderstanding.

Apart from all of these customers do have some expectations from the seller/servicer. These areas Follow:

  • Friendliness:

The customer always expects friendly gestures from the seller it enables both to talk freely. The seller should always greet the customer with a smile. Always be ready to provide assistance as per the customer’s need.

  • Empathy:

Empathizing with your customer’s situation is very important. The customer always thinks his servicer offers him services as per his needs, it is possible only when a servicer empathies with him/her. Never forget to thank them and offer a solution.

  • Accuracy:

Keep updated about the product/services you are offering. It helps to provide the customer with correct information thoroughly.

  • Professionalism:

There are various thing a customer consider for professionalism; speak louder and clear; deliver your sentences slowly, pauses are a must while talking, be punctual, your attire, gestures while talking and responding to questioning, etc.

  • Promptness:

The customer never wants to wait so always keep the information ready with you don’t delay in providing an answer.

  • Honesty:

The customer comes to know about it after he/she uses the product/services and the seller must meet the expectations of the customer. Honesty enables to reward you more customers. Honesty leads to word of mouth. So always be true, be honest, and never play the blame game with the customer.

Without effective communication success in any business cannot be achieved. Because It breaks the flow of thoughts, which leads to a reduction in sales.

For instance:

  1. If a Bank is communicating with an illiterate through email, the mode of communication here used has become a hindrance in the flow of communication. which leads to customers going to another bank where he/she can opt for the services where the bank let them opt for the services as per their needs and communicate according to him/her.
  2. If you are not replying to a customer’s mail or letter that is an example of inefficient communication.

That’s why effective communication in customer services is important as equal to selling, marketing, and finance.

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