Learn your 1st programming language without losing interest


Whether you learn coding online programming courses, free programming video tutorials, programming books, in class or on your own. You have to remain interested, positive, and excited to learn to code. Else, coding becomes hard and boring.

So do not lose your interest just based on what others say. For example, someone can say that python skills can pay you more than Javascript.  And if you just change your mind from Javascript to python then it became more difficult and time-consuming for you. Instead, check out the facts and figures before you make up your mind.

But as far as if it’s because of earning money, then earning money is a different skill and method. If you solve a problem for someone then you will get paid. Now whether you solve it through python or Javascript or C# or dart nothing matters.

The top uses of programming skills are to solve existing business problems and 2nd is to build innovative and creative solutions that help you or someone else achieve their goals. In both these conditions, you’re not easily replaceable and you’re master in your trade, then you will earn more.

You can earn money in thousands of ways when you have programming skills and mastery. The 1st goal is to become a master in one thing at the beginning and one way of earning money. Once you did that you can diversify your skill set and build multiple income sources.

Each one of our earning abilities is different. Someone working as a programmer in a company can earn a monthly $2000 dollar. But there can be another person creating programming content and earning $5000 dollars. While freelance programmers earning sometimes higher and low.

Related: Top 5 reasons to learn Web Development other than Job

The 1st most important thing that you can follow is to start looking for the easiest, most interesting, and most scalable path as beginners. Instead, they learn the basics of programming.  Accept the difficult as a challenge. After that learn 1 or 2 job-specific skills such as landing page creation or web scrapping to get a job or freelance project. Especially if you’re looking for jobs or want to work as a freelancer.

Once you got a project or job or start earning some money from your programming skills then you can diversify it through blogs, Tools, YouTube channels, and online courses to build multiple income sources. And in that time, it’s possible you will be earning $20000 dollars per month.

  • I personally started learning programming with C language back in 2006-07. Learned it for a few months and then stopped learning due to various practical reasons or excuses.
  • After that, I started to learn it again with PHP in 2013. Learned it for a few months then stopped.
  • Then in 2017 started again with C# and the process was the same.
  • In 2018, started again with Python and Django and then stopped learning them again.
  • After that in 2020 started again with dart and flutter and then changed my mind after learning it for a few months.

Now you can say that I failed various times and was not able to continue. Why? It’s because the reason for learning programming was different each time.

The 1st time when I started learning the C language was because it was in my computer course syllabus. And I was interested in that. At that time, I don’t have personal access to the computer or the internet. I didn’t aware of its power and future scope. But I stopped learning because the course instructor resigned from his job.

After that I never found the motivation and interest to learn. Instead, I was looking for jobs as at that time it was very important for me. And luckily, I found a job teaching basic computer skills. I got access to a computer, but never found someone to teach me during that time.

And I was not having easy or less costly access to the internet and I was not aware to learn it. While at the same time, I was more worried about how to teach well. So, I invested more time in improving my basic computer skills so that I can teach them well and can continue my job.

Lessons that can be helpful for you:

  • Don’t try to focus on earning money very soon in your career. Except until you don’t need it very badly. Instead try to become more aware and knowledgeable about the software, web/app development, your career, current opportunities, and trends in the programming field. So that you know what needs to be learned to grow.


  • Try to take the advantage of the internet for your career and business. Today, there are various online learning resources and information available on the web to learn to program and grow your career. It was never that easy to learn new computer skills in villages or in a small city 20 years ago but today with the power of online education platforms it’s possible. So be serious and take these opportunities with both hands.


  • No one will teach you programming, you have to learn it by yourself. No matter whether you do an online course, hire an instructor, join a computer science degree program, participate in Bootcamp and watch free videos, read books or whatever you will do, no one can teach you until you don’t want to learn or start coding or practice. Even if you just start with c = a+b or
    c = (“Hello World! – “*5)
  • Practice through coding exercises and small projects video communicates with expert programmers online, message them about your programming difficulties, and work on creative web development projects.

It looks like everyone is teaching you to learn to program and still you’re not able to learn. Instead, think no one is teaching you and you have to learn on your own. Learning programming is your job, not others. Others can help you through blogs, videos, courses, boot camps, and forums. But 1st you have to help yourself to become serious to learn to program.

When you will be serious to learn to program, then you will not be worried about the course, platform, instructor or institute. After that, you will try to get the programming lesson from each programming and learning source and move forward.

That’s what students need to do. But we understand everything but we don’t move or take action. It’s because we become dependent on others for our growth such as on courses or tutorials. And it’s not good if you do not use your own creativity and capacity in your professional life and career.

So, the point is to learn the basics of programming as soon as possible with any language so that you can keep yourself interested in the process. If you start programming with more advanced topics, you will lose interest.

That’s why it’s important to start with the basics. And even if you don’t know the basics of computers yet, then I suggest you learn the basic fundamental of computers, software, and the internet. Explore as many software applications as possible. Analyze the software design, functionality, and speed and learn the documentation of software.

My case was different. But it’s more than enough time for someone to lose the learning interest in one subject after so many failures and changes. But I never loosed interest and I am still learning like you.

But I lost interest in the selected computer programming languages just because of the opinion of others on the internet. I was personally interested and seriously learning python. But I stopped doing it, just because I was using WordPress and I started providing blog and small business website design services. So, I thought WordPress development services as a business or trade are good to go.

WordPress development is also a great subject and has hundreds of opportunities. I was getting WordPress projects on Upwork. So, I thought it’s good to learn PHP and SQL. But sooner I lost interest in providing WordPress services due to various reasons.

But the problem was when I stopped learning PHP and SQL. I was running a business. It was a good business decision. But not good as far as learning one thing is concerned.

The 2nd time I started with C# because one of my best friends suggested I should learn and work in backend programming. At that time, he was experienced enough in C# .Net Core and he was a full-time C# developer employee in a company and also a freelancer.

So as per the scope and guidance from him I tried to learn C#. I learned it very comfortably. But sooner I was not able to continue. Most of the time he was busy with his work and not able to reply. I never mind that. Even he replied once a week or sometimes daily.

I found that I was disturbing him. I watched and follow various sources and methods online to learn and become eligible so that we can work together. As it was the goal. Related: 5 ways of unlimited motivation to achieve life goals

But I quit C#. And started to learn Dart and Flutter after a few months of break. Done that but lost focus again. Now that time I was only working as a blogger and freelancer. And I was also doing local WordPress projects. My goal was to build a mobile app.

But the information that I found on the web says, you can’t build a complete mobile app on your own. You need a team and knowledge of various technologies to run a mobile app business. And you need lots of funds for cloud hosting and various other things.

That was again a negative point. It was also difficult financially due to the covid-19 pandemic.

So, let’s make the story short. In 2021, I was very happy learning and using python programming skills. I have invested the last 6 months only in Python. I never invested such a long time in just learning one thing. And now I know what I will do after learning python programming skills. And I am also aware and fully understand that learning never stops.

In this programming learning cycle or journey, I did many mistakes and faced various conditions.  They might not be mistakes or the good points can be the mistakes. I never finished programming yet, nor do I have to tell others whether I am learning or know to program or not!
The point is, Is learning to code important for my career and business?
If it says, yes! Then just start learning it each day. Even for 20 minutes.

So how did the change happen in my learning attitude?

  • I started learning more seriously. I decided to stick to one programming language. Whether I will be successful or failure for me let’s see.
  • I stopped following the advice on the web. Instead, I observed and analyzed them. I used them as learning or things to remember.
  • I decided that my success in programming or through programming depends on me and not others. Others can help me. But 1st I have to help myself.
  • I expected less and focus on the core concepts of programming and logic.

So, my friend, please remember that each of our conditions, goals, and situation is different. I was more interested in the business side of computer programming. Or you might be thinking to work as a freelance programmer. Each learning source or teacher is different. Each one of our experiences is different. We can’t copy or we don’t have to copy the path. What’s best for others is not good for me. And what is good for me will not be good for you.

Instead of that, what we can do is we can learn from others. But then implement them as per our goals, creativity, and situation. To become successful in an IT career, you have to build your plan. And then you have to execute that with full focus and strategy without losing interest.

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