Maximizing Your Earnings as a Teacher: Alternative Income Options


Today with the help of the latest technologies I believe that every teacher can make more money by using available resources and opportunities on the Internet.

It can be more than 70000 or less than 1000 rupees per month for all kinds of teachers. And it depends on someone what types of guidance he/she is following on the internet.

So I am writing this post as a best of my experiences and ideas that can be helpful to make more money as a private or government teacher, as a computer teacher, as a tuition teacher or b. Ed freshers or MA, M.Com or MSc Degree holders as well.

I hope it will provide you with creative and solutions. Methods in this post are focused more on Online Income Sources or platforms and what can be the process for Teachers to earn money online.  So let’s start:

Research on Available options on the Internet.

Don’t just earn money but exchange values. Now research is the most important part. Don’t ignore this and never start without this. There are two methods people use to research when they plan to earn money or start a business, 1st you can learn everything whatever the methods and resources you see on the Internet. And 2nd method you can copy (that most people do).

Both methods are effective. You don’t need to invent anything if your goal is to earn more money, you just need to learn the uses that are already invented such as Websites, Blogs, Videos, Digital Content, E-commerce and video conferencing etc.

As a teacher, today you’re more powerful than you think. if education is the weapon then the Internet is a battlefield.

And it’s the right time to use education as a tool to change the world. Start small.  But you also need some technical knowledge to use and access the power of the Internet. And the great results depend on your knowledge, how much you know about the Internet, Money, Business, Values and Technologies impact on your earnings.

Best Options for Teachers to earn more money online

1. Blog related to your expertise that is very helpful for students practically and even they can pay for it:-

Revenue Model: Advertising – Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing – Amazon, Advertisement –

Money is paid by Third-party companies for advertisements and sales through the advertisement or affiliate link.

Cost: 15 to 20 Thousand Approximately. (Domain, Cloud Hosting, WordPress Theme, Website Designer Labor Cost).

Duration: Earning will start from 1st day then if your content is so valuable and effective for students, your website or platform is responsive. Practically, 6th months to 1 year.

Skills Required:  Passion for demanding subjects. Communication Skills, Marketing Skills, Writing Skills, Revenue Stream Development Skills, and Basic Knowledge of Search Engine Optimization.

Tips: The more quality and demanding content (values) you produce or write, the higher will be the traffic (students)from a search engine or social media and the greater the earning.

2. YouTube, Create videos like you’re taking students’ classes:

Revenue Model: Advertising – Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing – Amazon, Offline Coaching Center marketing.

Money is paid by Third-party companies for advertisements and sales through the advertisement or affiliate link.

Cost: 20 to 30 Thousand Approximately. (HD Video Camera, Lights, Video Editing Software)

Duration: Earning will start from 1st day then if your content is so valuable and effective for students and your website or platform is responsive. You can also hire a website designer/developer to design the website effectively.

Skills Required:  Passion for demanding subjects. Communication Skills, Marketing Skills, Revenue Stream Development Skills and basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization.

Tips: The more quality and demanding educational content (values) you upload in a video, the higher will be the views, like in videos.

3. Create, Design or Sell Digital Educational Content or products:-

Revenue Model: Direct Exchange, Affiliate Marketing – Amazon, Advertisement.

Money is paid by Students when they buy your educational content, Teachers, and Third-party companies for advertisements.

Starting Cost: 20 to 30 Thousand Approximately. (Domain, Cloud Hosting, WordPress Woocommerce Theme, SSL, Website Designer Labor Cost)

Duration: Earning will start from 1st day then if your product is useful for students or common people and effective for students and your website or platform is responsive.

Skills Required: Passion for demanding subjects. Communication Skills, Marketing Skills, Revenue Stream Development Skills and basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization.

4. Teach and Create your Own Online Courses

Many companies and universities are launching online degree programs and online courses. There are various learning apps for students. You can create similarly but find out do they require any educational material, or teachers, to teach online on their platforms.

Revenue Model: Direct Exchange.

Money is paid by Students when they enroll in the courses.

Starting Cost: Video Recording Cost, Editing Cost, and Marketing cost

Loop cost: Commission to Platform

Duration: The day students enroll in your course.

Skills Required: Communication Skills, Marketing Skill, Revenue Stream Development Skills

5. Explore the branches of your subject

Explore the various branches of your subject. Create your own lecture, notes, learning, and teaching material for that subject.

For example, an Accounts teacher or Economics Teachers/students can write about the analysis of GST, they can create videos and Add-on Information products.

6. Manage Your Time:

Get some free time and manage or spend your time wisely. So that you can get time to learn and implement steps each day to earn more money.

7. Prepare to earn money online and Execute your plan

Take small steps each day.

Learn More:

Importance of planning in life essay

How to increase the value of your time while using the internet at work

While there are many people writing about how to earn money online, you can learn that also.

Conclusion: Earn as much money as you can as a teacher part-time or full-time online or offline. But remember one thing, never stop teaching. And no matter what are methods or you use to teach. And remember, teachers can play all kinds of roles when situations demand.

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