Why client decline job proposal on Upwork?


I know that when I started, my first successful job proposal comes after more than 40 declines. This is the problem faced earlier by hundreds of freelancers. The client needs 1 or 2 freelancers to hire and he declines others. That’s OK.

And in this case, many new freelancers give up and feel dominated. They try very hard. But they fail to get a single job on Upwork. Many are trying for the last six months but still, clients are declining their job proposals. I think an average job proposal failure rate is 10 to 15 percent.

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Before being hired on Upwork, new and average freelancers face 5-10 declines every time they start applying for a new project. Many successful freelancers on Upwork got hired on first or in the second proposal. And many are invited by clients privately on Upwork to apply for their job. If you want to be hired on the first or second or third proposal then you don’t need to be the luckiest just follow Upwork guidelines.

So, today I am writing about the things that are most essentials to follow after the client declined you.

Reasons why Upwork clients decline our job proposal

There are many reasons and causes why clients do not hire one of us for the job and decline the job proposal.

  • When a profile is not well written and does not highlight your strengths and skills.
  • When do not have a professional-looking profile image?
  • Our profile title and description are not to the point.
  • Profile overview or description is too much or too less.
  • Spelling and grammar mistakes in the job proposal and in the profile description.
  • A profile is not 100% complete.
  • Not a single skill test passed.
  • Copied profile or profile is written by others
  • Not a single item or details about sample works
  • Client feedback is negative on past projects.
  • High hourly rate without a single past experience.
  • Cover letter or job proposal not written correctly (spelling and grammatical mistakes)
  • Too late to apply for the job.
  • Skills and eligibility are not matched to the job.
  • Not answering the question of clients.
  • Not replying to messages of the client.
  • Not available for the chat.
  • Lack of communication or quick reply during the interview.
  • Test job not below average.
  • Not explaining the process of the job in the job proposal.
  • Not a single external link that the client knows more about you.
  • Negative responses from social media, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • The client hired someone else and closed the job.
  • The client closed the job without hiring any freelancer
  • Too many applicants for jobs.
  • We applied for a job that we are not confident about.
  • If we are writing a job proposal very fast, without reading the requirements of clients.
  • If we overpromised in the job proposal e.g. 20 logo sample
  • If we are not doing this seriously
  • You are thinking freelancing is a Timepass.
  • When job stats are less than 90%


But if you can think big then following article helpful for you to become a successful freelancer:

Ways to get more clients without freelancing websites

10 ways to grow in your IT career professionally

If you’re doing better than above reasons but not getting jobs then don’t worry keep applying or if you have thought you’re doing something wrong or confuse about anything then ask me in the comments or ask on Upwork community.

Note: It is not written by upwork authority. This post is from me (Vijay) and behalf of my personal experiences and knowledge.

Thanks and all the Best!

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1 thought on “Why client decline job proposal on Upwork?”

  1. I am submitting the 100 of proposal in a month but didnt get any response from client. Hardly I get a 5 reponse but that project didn’t mature. what should I do for more improvemnt.


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