Time management is important for students to do their studies with focus. Time management is important for students to get high marks.
Students’ success in their studies depends much on managing time efficiently. The habits and morals they acquire during school time and at home will stick with them throughout the future.
Time management shapes the student’s mind into the direction of discipline and a sense of duty. Discipline is extremely important especially in school life to become better students. Time management is a skill that enables students to use their time productively and efficiently.
Time management is not taught as an academic subject in schools. Students have to utilize their 24 hours to become the best students and experts in the subject. The focus of learning time management skills is just to develop the habit of spending time wisely.
Why is time management important?
1. Students get a minimum of one year time to pass one class. One whole year’s time students spend on completing the syllabus, doing homework, and giving exams. Some students only start studying seriously when the exam dates are near.
If students manage their time for studying as early as they begin a new class and study regularly by the following timetable then it helps them to accomplish more in the class than other students.
2. Today businessmen, leaders, and freelancers need to take control of their time. All of us are not productive in our 9 to 5 working schedule. Today we are fighting with time to control it. It’s not that easy while there are hundreds of commands being given to us. We are busy but not busy with things that generate value.
Today managers try to make their employees productive at the office. Employees are also learning to manage time effectively. That’s very important to achieve success at work with less effort. Students need to follow a to-do list and need to set a timetable for every activity. If students prioritize their tasks based on their importance then it will very helpful in their careers.
3. During exams, students need to complete the attempted question paper. During exams the time is limited. Within that time they have to prove what they learned in the whole year. Some students have great knowledge and know almost everything about the subject but they failed to attempt the question paper in 2-3 hours fixed time. That is why managing time for all questions is really important.
All questions are important to get maximum marks. Students need to understand what question requires more time. How can all 10 or 5 questions be answered in 3 hours’ time? Three things are very helpful for students to attempt the question paper.
First of all, if the students learn regularly about the subjects and questions then they don’t have to worry about the time because they know the answer immediately without too much thought.
Secondly, if they learned well from their teachers how to attempt the question paper in a fixed time they will do well.
The third is their own creativity. For instance, a few students do the most difficult questions first, which takes more time, and then go for the other questions. These kinds of time management skills are really great.
In the future when students face time management questions in an interview they perform better. Time-conscious students who are great at managing time during their studies are able to do more work later in a job than others. They don’t get stressed because of project deadlines. They become more productive than others.
As you may be knowing, how to become more productive at work is a trending search on Google. Today when you can see that many governments and private sector service providers waste the precious time of citizens and customers, that’s poor time management.
Our students are the future of our country and if they waste time and have poor time management skills, then how will they become great doctors, engineers, businessmen, team members, etc? Such people today live with stress and anxiety because of competition and deadlines. Poor time management skills are another reason for stress.
Stress leads such people to follow bad habits. That’s why I think if students are great at time management then we can hope they will definitely contribute to the development of our nation.
Teachers, schools, and colleges try their best. But parents also need to understand to teach good habits to their kids. In that way, the teacher’s time will not be wasted on teaching time management skills.
But it’s also true that if parents are not punctual about their own time how can their kids be? That’s how I think. I can be wrong but this is my opinion.
The goal of time management for students is to reduce stress and increase confidence for exams. We often heard of the term “exam fever” from students. Which is nothing but anxiousness due to the lack of time needed for studying.
Students often say they don’t have enough time to study. So where is the student’s time going? Why do some students excel while others keep complaining about the lack of time?
Not all students know about time management skills. Even some students perform better than others without knowing or thinking about time management. Students have more time than any other person. The aim of students is to perform better in the exam and implement the lessons of teachers in real life.
Today students’ time is consumed by various things. Such as a heavy load of homework, the family getting together, gadgets, the Internet, games, and TV. Everything looks interesting and important when we’re students. But when the exam comes students and parents start getting stressed.
Competition to get more marks increases stress in students and parents. But some students are still happy and confident to perform their best and parents don’t even feel any stress. That’s how good habits play their role. Generally, it’s all about having good time management skills that separate good students from average ones. So let’s try to understand where this time goes. How students can get their time back for using it on beneficial activities.
Usually, a student’s time allocation is prefixed by the school and universities as per their schedule and timetable. There is a fixed time for each class, lunch, and physical activities.
Teachers and authorities try to make sure that students stay focused on the tasks at hand. They try to utilize every minute by avoiding wastage of time on unnecessary activities. Schools and teachers do their best in managing the time of students in schools. But what about the time of students after leaving school? Do all students know how to manage time effectively? Unfortunately not!
Many students think that since school or college, time is over they can spend their time as they wish. That’s great! Students need freedom. They are right! They have the freedom to use social media. They have the freedom to play games. They have the freedom to choose whatever they like to do.
But hours and hours spent browsing the Internet, posting selfies on social media, playing games, and chatting on WhatsApp never come again. Without following the proper timetable for entertainment and studies, students will waste their precious time on such activities.
All those activities which do not add anything to the student’s knowledge and development are a waste of time. Students lose focus on what was taught at school. At the end of the day, students fall behind on their homework and the time needed for exam preparation.
So, let’s take a look at a few tips on how students can maximize their time. What are the ways that students can follow for utilization of time to achieve better results?
Time management goals for students
Students’ time management strategies should be created by considering the specific end goals. Following are examples of time management goals that help students to create a timetable that they can follow along with enjoying.
The first goal of students –Time to study what is taught by teachers in schools or in college.
The second goal – Time for class homework
Third Goal –Preparation for upcoming exams
Third goal –Time for Family & Friends
Fourth Goal – Time for playing games, watching TV & social media
Fifth Goal –Time for physical activities/Exercise/Yoga
So let’s create a timetable sheet based on the end goals of students. Following is an example of a Timetable created by including 5 subjects and considering the above goals. This timetable is not included school time. In this timesheet example, we’re including only time spend at home.
Below time table is just an example that students can follow by customizing it according to their suitability. You can create a Timetable or schedule in a Microsoft Excel sheet or in your notebook.
Time – Table, School Time – 10 am to 4 PM
Morning Time Schedule |
4 AM to 5 AM | Studying English Subject | 1-2 questions / Chapter |
10 Minutes Break | ||
5:10 AM to 6:10 AM | Studying about Math | 1-2 questions/Chapter |
break | ||
6:20 AM to 7:20 AM | Studying Social Science | 1-2 questions/Chapter |
10 Minutes Break | ||
7:30 AM to 8 AM | Yoga, Exercise | |
Break | ||
8:10 AM to 9 AM | Bathing, Praying, Breakfast | Healthy diet |
10 Minutes Break | ||
9:00 AM | Ready to go to school | |
Evening Time Schedule | ||
5 PM to 6 PM | Evening snacks/ Sleeping or rest | |
6 PM to 7 PM | Playing outdoor/indoor games with friends | |
7 PM to 9 PM | Home Work | |
9 PM to 10 PM | Dinner/Watching TV / Spending time with family | |
10 PM to 11 PM | Remaining Homework if any else studying particular subjects | |
11:00 PM | Sleeping |
I know that the above-given timetable or schedule looks very tough to follow but it’s great if anyone will follow this kind of routine during their study time. It will make students punctual, disciplined, intelligent, and sharp-minded. Studying daily and making it a habit not only reduces stress in schools but also makes students happy and healthy.
Related: Time management strategies for college students
Goal setting is important to manage time effectively for students
Setting goals is important in our life. Not all the time we need to set goals. We can also achieve bigger things without setting goals. We need to set goals when we’re not focused and when our time is wasted on unproductive things.
When there is a tough situation in business and life. Or we’re facing competition or fighting for good things. Then we need to set goals.
Goal setting for students is also important but It’s not necessary to teach small kids very early in life about time management. It can be too stressful for them to understand and grasp at such a young age.
Instead, we can try to build good habits without giving weight to goals. If students follow good habits and utilize their presence of mind for the greater things no other external advice is required. But this kind of case does not come into our life all the time.
Students can set time management goals by considering the following things:-
- Set goals for the subject in which they are not performing well or getting low marks.
- Students can set goals for good health. They can set to become smarter and healthier.
- Students can set goals that they will include in the Timesheet specific time for study, time for personal development, time for family, and time for friends.
If students set goals by considering the things they are not good at then definitely it will help! Setting goals for study, creating a to-do list, and enjoying life without the stress of study will be helpful.
When students set goals and priorities for the task they will achieve more grades than others. Why because they managed and lived a life not only for entertainment but for a cause.
If someone’s parents want their kids to become doctors, engineers or something else then they have to be like that from start to finish. Setting goals and using a to-do list helps students to prioritize their time on specific things they want to improve.
If someone’s goal is to improve English they can set and get time to study daily about English. Such as they will learn each day 5 new English words each morning. So this is why goal setting is important for time management.
Prioritizing tasks based on their importance at a particular time is the key to effective time management. The most effective time management for students is the prioritizing of tasks. Not all tasks are important. But students need to find out which task is more important than others.
When do they have to be done and within what period? Which is the right time for a particular task? For instance, during a break during the preparation for exams playing computer games are not important, but if they do yoga during that break it will calm their mind and help with the exam preparation.
So, if you’re a student then think about what is possible to do that helps you to become a good student. What are the things you have at your disposal that can help you to manage time?
Take help from parents, and ask them how you can utilize time. How they can support you etc. Time management is just the presence of the mind. In this case, you have to decide what is right for you in this time and situation.
Related: Best online courses to learn Time Management skills
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very Useful Article indeed.