3 to 6 months online basic computer training course

Hello, I’m Vijay Sharma! With 18+ years of expertise in teaching basic computer skills, I invite you to join the “All in one computer course – one-to-one live session daily.” Elevate your computer skills from basics to cutting-edge concepts, all from the comfort of your home. Let’s connect, learn, and shape your digital future together! 🚀💻✨

Top 7 Benefits of online college classes for students

Online college essay: In this busy world, it seems to be difficult to devote time to continuous study in the classroom. Some who recognized this problem of the students introduces the concept of online college. This concept is new to the whole world and is the need of the hour. Students who can not devote … Read more

Learn computer skills at home or in the café, Which one is best?

Traditionally people choose to visit the cafe or computer center for learning computers and various other technical skills. But from last 5 to 7 years people are more interested to learn computer at their home by doing online courses. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages and we will find out the best method to … Read more

Top 5 Benefits of Online Learning for Students

Online learning includes online courses, online degrees, online college classes/tuition, blog, videos, images, presentations, animations, diagrams, and various other visual objects and tools. The biggest benefits of online learning for students are low fees, freedom to choose a learning schedule, a variety of learning sources to choose and access to broad skills and expertise. Thousands … Read more

What is online learning and how it can be effective

Online learning is an innovative way of distance education. And the world is becoming familiar with online degrees, online courses, and various online learning programs. When you learn about any subject and objects through information technology tools and methods such as websites, videos, eBooks, blogs, chat, webinars, assignment, test, and surveys to achieve your academic, … Read more

Why should students learn to code

Learn in this article about the Importance of programming skills for students. How students can obtain leadership and discipline through coding and programming in school, college and after basic computer education. Programming is the most indispensable part of technology today. Without computer programming, virtually nothing would work- from phones, satellites and the internet to nuclear … Read more

8 Inspiring Reasons to Launch Your Own Blog Today

In this article, you will learn the top reasons why you start a blog. How to take advantage of blogging. 1. Start the blog to teach people online from your experiences and knowledge. You can start a blog to share your knowledge and experiences with others. If you know how to create a memorable and … Read more

Importance of MS Word in Education

Importance of MS Word in Education

Microsoft word is one of important tool to use in Education. Microsoft word can benefit teachers and students to create new innovative methods of learning and teaching. Microsoft Word and Microsoft office suite for students help to transmit educational materials and practice systematically in school and university faster with higher quality. Microsoft application is a teaching … Read more

Importance of Communication Skills for Students  

In this post, I am describing the importance of communication skills for students. Why communication skills are important for school and university students to learn more from teachers. What is the importance of good communication skills after school and college in the student’s professional and social life? How do conversational skills impact the workplace, career, … Read more

Why managing your time is important to concentrate on studies

Time management is important for students to do their studies with focus. Time management is important for students to get high marks. Students’ success in their studies depends much on managing time efficiently. The habits and morals they acquire during school time and at home will stick with them throughout the future. Time management shapes … Read more

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Importance of self study for students

Importance of self study for students