How to build a learning environment for your kids at home

The learning environment in school and home plays a big role in students’ development. But due to #covid-19, parents, and teachers facing many difficulties to build a learning environment for kids at home. So, friends, in this article I am sharing a few tips so that you can build an inspiring, encouraging, healthy and creative … Read more

How has technology improved education?

Technology has improved education by using advanced techniques and tools for research and development. Technology has improved the speed of the learning process through the internet. Technology helped to create new and updated educational material and syllabus. Data analysis and visualization technologies have improved the quality of education. Technology improved the student’s security and provided … Read more

Importance of diwali festival in India

Diwali is a festival for all. Diwali festival increases the love in people, builds relationships stronger, develops unity among citizens, and develops/displays and explores the creativity in Indian culture. All kinds of festivals are important in our lives and give us a special feel and presence of soul and body. There are various religious, economic, … Read more

Importance of college education essay

Why college education is important? For a successful career, every student needs knowledge, confidence, academic and technical skills, career opportunities, and social skills. To get these benefits college education is important. The importance of a college education can be determined by the role it plays in our life. But before that, it’s really important that … Read more

Why managing your time is important to concentrate on studies

Time management is important for students to do their studies with focus. Time management is important for students to get high marks. Students’ success in their studies depends much on managing time efficiently. The habits and morals they acquire during school time and at home will stick with them throughout the future. Time management shapes … Read more

Importance of father & mother behind our success in life

Father & mother both are the most important person in everyone’s life. They equally play a great role in child development. I think the father is an inspiration for a kid. While the mother is most faithful and reliable. Desires in our life are very well supported by our mother. While father allows us to … Read more

Importance of parents in our life

Importance of parents in our life

The importance of parents in life depends on our sanskaras and thinking. Parents play the biggest role in our development. Father & Mother play an important role in our mental, physical, social, financial, and career development. They help us in every step of our life. Parents are the most precious gift of God for humans. … Read more

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Importance of self study for students

Importance of self study for students