10 essential steps to create a website for business

Website development or Web development is the process of building and maintaining a website. Which includes ideation and a website development plan, design, selection of web services, development (creation), content creation, security, error (bug) or UI or UX testing, search engine indexing, installation of data analytics system (code), launch and promotion, and maintenance. In general, … Read more

Examples of How Software As A Services Works

Software as a service is a cloud computing business model in which almost everything from software, hardware to the platform is provided on a monthly, yearly and subscription-based price. Software as service means that companies no longer sell software and they sell service of the software. Software as service means companies, small business owners, freelancers, … Read more

How internet changed our lives essay

The Internet is like an artificial universe created by humans through computers. The creation was not the plan but an adventure. And this adventure of a few people transformed our communication and behavior. The more people use it, the more it will impact our lives. The Internet is not only changing the lives of its … Read more

List of leadership skills and qualities that produce Leaders

Leadership skills are the skills that motivate the inventions, construction of dreams and visions, quick and long term solutions of personal, social, economic, political, business and natural problems through self and collective actions, consideration and analysis of responses, that inspire self and others to take actions on the existing instruments for the progress and peace … Read more

Importance of Girls’ Education in this World

Education is very important in life for every person be it a boy or a girl. Women’s education has become one of the key development objectives in today’s world. It is sad to see that being in the 21st century too women are still discriminated and are still denied equal access to education. “A society … Read more

Importance of planning in career and business

Planning is important to achieve personal and business goals systematically. Advanced planning is important to adapt and succeed during constant change. Behind the success of any organization, the execution of planning plays a very important role. The importance of planning can be considered by seeing the consistent profits and market value of an organization. You … Read more

Importance of discipline in school for students essay

Discipline in school life is very important to build a strong and successful foundation for students. We can’t be well educated without discipline. In school education, discipline is a set of rules & regulations that remind us of the proper code of behavior. Discipline is ever more important during school life. Being disciplined teaches students … Read more

English Typing Speed Practice Tips – Increase Typing Speed

You can increase your typing speed by doing regular practice. Computer typing in English & Hindi languages is one the most important skill a person can have, or rather, should have. People learn this skill by taking a typing course and self-practice. Not all computer-literate people type accurately with good speed. In most, IT or … Read more

Why is honesty important in our life – essay on honesty

Honest citizens play the biggest role in the development of any nation. Honesty helps to build trust, improve relationships, and develop societies. That’s why honesty is really important to live freely, happy and prosperous life. What is honesty? Honesty is the highest level of quality in human character. It is a true commitment between behaviors and … Read more

Importance of education in our life

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Discover and understand the importance of education in personal, social, and economic development in this essay blog post. Find out how education plays an important role in building individuals, society, and organizations for growth, progress, and prosperity. Why is education so important because it is a part of our life. Early Childhood and Higher Education … Read more

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Importance of self study for students