10 effective ways to setup Career Development Goals with examples

Career development is an important part of life. This starts with setting up career development goals effectively. Career development is enhanced by your personal, family, social, environmental, and national development. Development in a career can be achieved by setting and achieving specific goals. There are many things that help to set up career development goals. In … Read more

Introduction of Leadership with examples

Introduction of Leadership: Leadership is the process of actions and operations, creativity, and emotions of mind, body, and soul. A leader is one who inspires (Self/Others) for the fulfillment of the mind, body, nature, and the activities of the environment to a particular purpose in business, career, and life. He works for the (Self/Others) foundation … Read more

How to Stop Being Addicted to Your Mobile Phone

Remedies for mobile phone addiction: Mobile Phone is a very productive technological communication tool. After the advent of Apps, Internet connectivity and social media, mobile phones have become the go-to tool in our daily life. These advances in mobile phone technology created new kinds of habits, crises, uses, and operations that look impossible to stop. … Read more

Importance of Motivation in our daily life

Importance of Motivation in our daily life

Motivation is important for everyone. Motivation is important to live. We can’t live our daily life happily without motivation. Motivation is the presence of purpose and desire to achieve daily life, career, and business goals. Just an example, Motivation helps us to get up early and become productive. When we are inspired, excited, and getting … Read more

5 ways of unlimited motivation to achieve life goals

Motivation is important in life. But unlimited motivation is important to achieve dreams and goals.   Insult, inspiration, interest, internet and I can attitude are the secret motivational words to become successful in life. We all watch motivational videos and success stories that inspire us to work on our dreams. There are various online courses teaching … Read more

Importance of planning in career and business

Planning is important to achieve personal and business goals systematically. Advanced planning is important to adapt and succeed during constant change. Behind the success of any organization, the execution of planning plays a very important role. The importance of planning can be considered by seeing the consistent profits and market value of an organization. You … Read more

How to improve your communication skills to work as a freelancer

Communication skills in the freelancing business don’t just mean that you are proficient in spoken or written English. Having good communication skills means how well you talk to the client overall and how well you are able to understand him. It also includes how you prepare your freelancing job proposal and how you converse during … Read more

Is freelancing right for you? Who can work as a freelancer?

In this article, we will read about who can be a freelancer, what he needs to do in order to become a freelancer, what are the benefits of doing it, and how his personal development is possible through these things. So let’s begin. The most well-known place for freelancers today is Upwork, which is an … Read more

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Importance of self study for students