How to start working as a Freelancer?


Get easy to follow and execute Freelancing tips and guides. These posts are based on my personal success and failures in Freelance Work online.

I am sharing all my freelancing formulas, success tips, the lesson from failures, and various important things that are important to becoming successful as a freelancer.

This is not like a common 300+ word article on freelancing. This is a complete book in one article about freelancing a You will get various ideas and tips that will help you to work online from home. I hope it will be helpful for you to start working online and on freelancing websites such as Upwork, Freelance, Guru, Fiverr and Free up etc.

1. What is freelancing?

You want to earn money online by working as a freelancer. But do you know what is freelancing? I started freelancing at the end of 2014 and still today, I am working for a couple of clients. And at the same time, I am running my IT training business in Shimla. So, according to my experience what I think is freelancing, you can learn here:  What is freelancing? Definitions and meaning with examples and if you want to know about the advantages learn here: Top 4 advantages you can get by working as a freelancer and for advantages and disadvantages working as a freelancer then go here: Advantages and disadvantages when working as a freelancer.

2. Can you work as a freelancer online and offline?

Normally anyone can work as a freelancer. But it’s very important to understand the current situation of your career before you begin to work as a freelancer. It’s because you want to do it part-time, full time or just test the water. Or just for earning quick money in any way possible. I think you should understand this article about who can work as a freelancer? and if want to understand the quick money-making methods.

3. Select the right online platform to work as a freelancer from home

There are various new and old websites on the internet that you can use to start freelancing. Upwork, Free up,, guru etc.  I think the right platform is where plenty of clients post jobs and projects. The right platform can be where you get clients at less cost. Freelancing platforms are earning a commission based on your works and project prices. You have to pay them because they are connecting you and securing your payments from clients. But when I started, I started with Upwork. I still use it today. But after years, I think if you have your own website and you can get clients directly on your website from Google then it is a great way to get clients. But it can be hard to rank your services on Google in the very beginning. But you can do that part-time. You can work on your website part-time to attract new clients.


Tips for getting more freelance clients

How to find long-term freelance clients and build strong work relationships

4. Create a Freelancing profile that inspires clients to hire you.

Your profile plays a big role in your freelancing business success. In which you included your name, photo, expertise and description, and all career experiences. The better you’re Upwork, and freelance profile the higher the chances that you will get work and clients. Learn in the following articles about How to create a great profile to get more clients: –

In this article get explanations of how to create a high-quality and professional profile on freelancing websites that will help you to get more clients and work.  How to create a professional freelancing profile to get more clients

As you learned in the above article, the one question that makes it tough for all freelance beginners is how to get experience, and how to add and create a portfolio that inspires clients to hire you for your services. But for that I have written another article, only dedicated about how to get work experience, how to create a portfolio, you can get tips on the following guides:

How to get work experience to add to the portfolio on your freelancing profile

What to include in a Resume – 11 Resume Writing Tips

5. Tips for a freelancer working on Upwork: – Guide for freelancers

Now if you want to start freelancing with Upwork, if you want to get more clients on Upwork then the following are the article that will be very helpful for you. I have very good experience with Upwork and so I am sharing within the following articles. You can say this is a Stepwise guide to working as a freelancer on Upwork: –

A cover letter is the most important part of the freelancing business. That’s why it’s important that you practice more on the cover letter. The cover letter is like you’re marketing your skills to potential clients. The better you are in marketing the higher you create chances to get a project. You can read my Upwork cover letter writing tips with examples.

After this it’s important to find a good client, a good client means payment on time, available to communicate, having a clear vision or goals, etc. but it’s tough to scroll and get an idea about which one client or project is right for me or not. So, you can get ideas here about: How to find good clients on Upwork?

Now for more clients and regular work, it’s important to keep applying for projects. But sometimes 60 connections are not enough. And it takes months to get the next client. For that, I think if all freelancers promote their profile or market their skills on all possible networks on the Internet then it’s possible they will get more work and exposure for their skills. So, here you can go: Ways to promote yourself as a freelancer, especially profile

Here is one by one 14 tips that will help you to get the first client. 14 Tips to get your first client on Upwork

If you’re a serious freelancer then you can’t depend on one source of income. Yes, it’s great that currently, you have 4 clients or 10 clients. But even after that, you can’t guarantee that they will be there forever and keep paying you for your skills. You’re a freelancer; it means you’re doing business by using your skills. Backup Plan for Upwork freelancers.

Now learn the following articles, it’s a complete overview of Upwork and my experiences. I think the following things can be helpful for you or especially for beginners and intermediate freelancers. If you’re working on Upwork, if you’re thinking to start freelancing on Upwork then the following articles will be helpful for you:


Now, Learn in the following article about why clients decline job proposals. The simple answer is they hired another freelancer that best fit their jobs. But why you’re not? Is this answer that simple, I don’t think? I got my first job after 60+ failures, but today, I get the next project after 7-8 failures. Why? It’s about what you learn from your failures and what to do after failure. So, I combined my experiences in the following articles.

Why client decline the job proposal on Upwork?

What to do when the client declines the job proposal on Upwork?

As you know we have the same skills. A Graphics designer is equal to another graphics designer based on skills. Web site designer or web developer is equal to another website designer or web developer based on skills and experiences. So, we have similar skills and experiences. But few freelancers are getting more jobs and some of us are not? Why. I think it’s about how someone is selecting the best project and how they are applying for that job matter. So, here you can learn about this, How to apply for jobs on Upwork websites. This article is based on my earlier experiences and it’s very helpful for beginners:  How to apply for the job or projects in Upwork

Now following are some bonus articles for you on freelancing and tips to get more clients on Upwork, and another guide for beginners bidding on Upwork with Photoshop skills.

Tips for getting more freelance clients

6. Improve your Freelancing Business Skills – Technical and Marketing Skills

I hope that the above tips and articles are helpful to you. But now it’s about how can you grow as a freelancer. What is the clear path that anyone can follow to work online from home?

So, if you want to start freelancing as a web developer, or want to work online with you’re web development or website designing skills then, learn this guide and you will get many ideas and practical tips: How to start freelancing as a web developer?

Now following are the basics of freelancing and any business. Each guide is focused on particular skills. As you know you have technical skills. But is technical skills enough to become successful in freelancing or working from home? Today, I think business skills, people skills, and marketing skills are more important than technical skills. It’s because if you have 1 skill but you have great marketing or selling skills, you will get enough work and money using that one skill. But I learned this lesson a very hard way. I have various skills and experiences, but not able to market those skills according to the market demand.

That’s why it takes me lots of time to build consistent cash flow in my business or online freelancing career. So, the following are my guides and tips that I think you can follow and execute.

That’s it, friend. What I learned so far about freelancing. I am not saying that freelancing is easy. But I know that nothing is easy and simple in this world. Especially for a person who has a dream to be rich and to work online from home. But it’s all about us, how we approach a situation. If you are a positive, hardworking, and honest individual then with great technical or any type of skills you will become successful as a freelancer.

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2 thoughts on “How to start working as a Freelancer?”

  1. In freelancing everyone face some tough time and beginner are the most victim of it. These are very helpful for them. Thanks for maintain these. Thanks


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