Practical ways to improve your computer skills to stay ahead


The more you practice and use your skills the more you will learn and improve your computer skills.

You can also take challenges and can do difficult work that requires advanced use of skills such as video editing, data scraping, website creation, online marketing, and various others.

When you do challenging work then it will improve your computer skills. For example, writing a resume in Microsoft word required basic computer skills, but the creation of resume templates in Microsoft word required advanced skills. Similarly having good internet research skills is good but presenting that research is productive and easy is another skill.

If you’re already good at operating and using the computer in your personal life. Then you can also think to learn something new or advance skills. For learning, you also need goals and purpose.

For example, to improve your skills you can set the following types of goals to achieve:

Build and run your own blog website –  You will be able to learn to build a website in WordPress. Later you will learn SEO when you will try to get more traffic to your blog.

Build a mobile app – You will learn iOS or Android Mobile app development and programming skills.

Start YouTube channel – You will learn video recording and editing. And also you will learn and improve your public speaking skills.

Run Online business – This will help you to learn about eCommerce, internet-related business, web applications, tools and portals, online advertising,  selling, and digital marketing.


All of these are challenging works or goals for computer beginners. But in the process of achieving these goals, you will be able to improve your computer skills for beginners to experts and masters.

So when you do challenging computer work and new tasks then the process of solving the challenge will improve your skills, and creativity and that helps in your career and business development.

Whatever you learn on the computer but whenever you learn something always try to practice that. And you can also make sure to learn and create as many samples or exercises while you learn.  And you also have to work on bigger and more difficult tasks. Not only that you have to remain updated with the software and hardware parts.

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If you want to be a teacher in Computer or Information Technology then you have to spend a daily minimum of 2 hours of learning. And to teach students with quality you have to have practical computer skills, that come with the work that you will do.

You can also improve your skills by following tech expert videos and blog websites. If not enough, then you can do online courses. And once any new release comes in the software, you have to practice and check that immediately. So that you can stay ahead in your career and job.

Also, read the following articles:

Online Basic Computer Courses – Learn Essential Computer Skills

Top 11 Most important Computer Skills to learn for career development

Consistent improvement in any computer skills helps to produce more quality in a quick time. To improve computer skills there is a fixed answer that is to practice more. But it’s not only about practice, it’s also about how/what to practice. If you’re practicing, but practicing in the wrong ways instead of creative ways then it’s tough to improve your computer skills.

For example, if you’re typing daily for 2 hours to improve computer typing speed, but you’re practicing by watching the keyboard then it’s not an improvement. Might be you can improve to 20 wpm but you can’t compete with the people typing at 50 wpm without watching the keys/alphabets on the keyboard.

It’s because you’re practicing, but not practicing that is important to achieve your personal, official, career, and business goals by using computers.

So in this article, I will share with your the top tips that will help you to improve your computer skills.

If you want to improve your computer typing skills then:

  • Practice daily for 30 to 60 minutes each day. You can find typing lessons online and various other tutorials. But one thing that you need to remember is that don’t watch the keyboard.
  • Type newspaper headlines and stories. It will help you to practice new and trending words.
  • Type news headlines scrolling at the bottom of the TV.
  • Set timing to type 1000 words within 5 minutes.

Here you can learn more:

Computer Typing Lessons for Beginners: Essential Typing Lessons

English typing speed practice tips & Increase Typing Speed

asdf lkj typing lessons & Top 3 Basic Typing Lessons

If you want to improve your document writing and editing skills:

  • Create as many exercises as you can in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • You can include admission, registration forms, resumes, letters, tables, job letters, applications, and various other forms to create.
  • Whatever documents you have or find try to create them on your own in ms word.
  • If you want to become an expert in document writing and editing, you can do online courses, you can watch videos on youtube, can read blogs and books. The goal should be to learn and practice your skills for 1 hour daily on the latest and trending documents. So that when you work in the office or for clients then it takes less time with the highest level of quality.
  • Try to teach and explain your Word skills to others. When you try to communicate about words and options you will get more ideas. Even you can start teaching your kids or spouse or parents.


Basic Microsoft Office Courses: Learn Word Excel PowerPoint Skills Online

List of Microsoft Word Exercises for Students

If you want to improve your data management or excel skills then:

  • In Microsoft, excel uses tables, charts, and various other formulas and functions to create more accurate and easy-to-follow exercises.
  • You can see a sample template and then create the new one by making changes to the existing layout and functionality.
  • You can practice on youtube excel tutorials.
  • You can create new forms and visualizations for your own financial and data management.
  • Under the use of Microsoft Excel then create min. 5 samples for single use.
  • Create and learn more min. 2 ways of doing the same thing.

If you want to improve your writing skills then:

  • Improve your subject vocabulary. If you’re writing medical content then it’s important to learn 5-10 new medical words daily. Similarly, if you’re writing on politics, it’s important to learn and use 5-10 political words daily. Overall the goal is to improve the vocabulary and it can be from a dictionary, newspaper, watching news and documentaries.
  • Write your daily activities in the diary. If you want to improve your storytelling skills in English then write in the English language. Communicate with yourself when you’re writing. It’s because only you’re the 1st reader and listener of your content.
  • Try to become knowledgeable and clear about the subject that you’re writing about.
  • And obviously, write daily.
  • Learn Copywriting, sales copywriting and business email writing skills.

If you want to improve your graphics designing skills then:

  • Get inspired by the designs of other graphic designers on the web and try to create them on your own.
  • When you see TV/Magazine/Newspaper advertisements and then try to create them.
  • Practice various design tools. It’s also that few designs and creations are easy with the specific tools. For example, if you’re trying to do photo editing in adobe photoshop then it’s good but if you’re trying to create a logo in adobe photoshop then it’s a little tough than adobe illustrator and Corel Draw.
  • Explore your creativity and complete your design.
  • Always focus on the message that you want to communicate to people through your design and painting.
  • Create designs for your own personal satisfaction.
  • Allow creativity to take over your thoughts.
  • While practicing or implementing your creativity you can record videos and upload them on YouTube for feedback. If you get a good response then great if not then it means you have to improve and in this loop, you will become great in graphics design.

If you want to improve your programming skills:

  • Learn from open-source platforms, code, StackOverflow, and GitHub.
  • Try to write your 5 lines code into a single line.
  • Write syntax so that others can edit and make changes to that.
  • Practice the various coding styles and methods of programming experts.
  • Find new problems and create solutions.
  • Watch exercise-based programming video tutorials and then practice them.
  • Try to do small works or tasks in Programming such as data scraping, browser automation, website blocking etc.
  • Communicate with others related to technologies.
  • Read blogs and watch programming events or technology-launching videos.
  • Join the online programming community.
  • Try to solve the problems of others or answer people.
  • Start a blog and write on the topics in which you’re an expert or have good basic knowledge.


Learn more here: How to learn computer programming by yourself at home

The common thing that you find is that you learn from experts and use their ideas in your own projects. Keep learning about the subject as deeply as possible by practicing new and creative stuff.  Always open your mind to trying new things or creativity.

Learn from all the available sources such as free videos, online courses, ebooks, promotional mail, and social media.

A creative mind can learn from anyone. So be creative and keep creating things. The more you learn about your subject the more it will reflect in your words, designs, communication, and created materials.

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