What is task manager in Computer? : Windows Task Manager Tutorials


The task manager in the computer is one of the most important and functional windows options. Task means in the computer is ongoing work, processing, reading, standard programs, and manager mean managing, monitoring, and reporting.

So, the task manager in the computer shows the status of running windows applications and services. Task manager shows how CPU, Memory, Hard disk, SSD, Wi-Fi, GPU is working, utilizing, speed and uptime monitoring. Not only that task manager helps computer users to control and monitor all the process, application, and work that is ongoing in a computer.

Intro Task Manager Video Tutorial: 

1. You can check the status of application processing power:

By using the task manager (in MS Windows OS) or activity monitor option (in macOS), you can see how much certain application or windows service is using the processing power of your computer. Such as you can check how much google chrome is consuming CPU power.

For example, while I am writing this post or working in Google Chrome, I can see that Google Chrome is consuming 5% to 10% of my CPU power, 1500 MB to 1600 MB Memory, and 0.1 MB/s disks, and 0.1 Mbps network. It means power uses are very low. But when you type fast or work faster in computer or chrome then power usages get increased.

Similarly, you can check how much processing power Microsoft Word is using while you’re working on a word application.

It’s very effective in the case when your computer is running slow. So that you can investigate and find out what causes your computer to run slow. Once you find out, then you can turn off or close that application or processor services, and your computer will start performing well again.

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In computer repairing and troubleshooting, task manager is a very useful option in windows task manager in computer.

You can open task manager by right click on the taskbar on the computer. The Taskbar is at bottom of the windows screen on the computer where on right you can see time and date, internet connection, sound, and battery sign (if laptop).

After right-click, the 1st option is about the process. It will show you how many applications and background processes are running. To close the running application, you can right-click and then click on end task.

2. Monitor the performance of physical parts (hardware) of a computer:

Through task manager, you can check or monitor the performance of your computer hardware (physical) parts or computer hardware components. Through this option especially in windows 11 and 10, it’s visually very communicative and easy to understand. You can find it on the second option or just on the right side of the process’s menu.

Under this performance menu, you can see how much your CPU (Central Processing Unit) is consuming the running programs. For example, if your CPU processing power (frequency) is 2.00 GHz then while running a 3 to 4 application, you can see 12% of 1.65 GHz. If you’re running more applications or computer games or heavy graphic designing or animation software then it can be 40% to 80%.

And when it goes above 90%  then in most cases, your computer will shut down automatically or become very slow.

If you’re not running any application or heavy application but it’s still showing 90% consumption, then it also means that there is a problem related to processing. It can be background services or windows own service file that causing the error, or it possible that your CPU/Fan is not running or have dust.

Similar to CPU performance. You can also see performance and consumption of (HDD)Hard Disk Drive, Memory (RAM) performance, SSD (Solid State Drive), Wi-Fi (internet Connection), Graphics card, and network connection in the task manager.

So, such things are very important in computer repairing and also troubleshooting the fault on your own. And for basic computer course students, it’s very important to learn about task manager. Even it’s very important to learn it while you’re doing any type of online basic computer course. It’s very small but one of the most essential computer or PC or laptop skills to troubleshoot and resolve basic computer management and maintenance tasks.

And it will also help you to check the performance of CPU and hardware components before you buy a laptop or computer or if you’re buying 1st hand or 2nd hand computer.

3. App History:

App history option in Task manager will help you to find out resources used by the application or currently in use. For example, if you want to know what your kid was running on your computer. You can check that here.

It’s also helpful for computer technicians or common users to find out, what caused the computer to shut down accidentally or automatically.

In this option, you can find out, how much a single application is consuming CPU time mean how much time the CPU has invested in receiving input and processing output.

4. Startup:

This option is again very important and useful for the computer user to set and remove default windows startup programs.

In Windows computer, you can see that one drive, printer application, Cortona, Bing wallpaper, skype or any other application that you’re using but also require to start along with windows start.

It means many applications and services by default that are important to start along with windows start are included in the startup option in task manager or activity monitor in computer.

This option is very effective. If your computer takes too much time to load windows 10 or windows 11 or any other version then there are higher chances that any startup program preventing to load window. It means the startup program taking more time to load and then it affects windows (operating system) loading speed.

You can disable startup programs from this option and you can also add a new start-up program that you want to start automatically along with windows.

5. Users

The 5th option is about users in task manager. Where you can see the number of users using this computer or the number of users exist on this pc. Commonly, you can see by default users as per your computer or laptop manufactory name or the name that is added during windows installation.

This is option is very handy, if you want to see what computer programs and services used by the computer users.

For example, if you have 2 users’ accounts. One for the kid and one of yourself then through this option, you can see what services and programs are used by another user.

And through administration control (Administrator user (main user), you can disable and enable program permissions for the users.

6. Details:

The details options show you all the running .exe files on your computer right now. .exe is the setup file or the main executable file (installable) in any software. Remember, if your computer is virus infected then you can also see the suspicious(any name) .exe file here. Even many times viruses existed by copying the name of an infected application.

Learn more: Why is it important to install antivirus software on a computer?

You can also how many google chrome tab is opened.

This function and all task manager options are also useful if you’re giving access to your pc to another user or team member or technicians. From here you can monitor what is happening in real-time.

But you have to open that or need to ask to open it when they do (Remote technicians or freelancer) anything in the computer. Even you can record video of computer windows screen while giving access to another user or while using online computer maintenance services or remote freelancers.

7. Services:

Services are the most important part of any type of operating system. You can say it’s a pipeline of the operating systems to work and perform. In services, windows need to use various software, hardware services to run. For example, SQL Server, Xbox, audio, video services to run related programs. If you end these services then your computer will not perform the way it was.

For example, if you disable the audio service, then you will not be able to listen to music or audio on your computer.

Make sure that you don’t make any changes in the services without proper knowledge and awareness. It’s because making changes is easy, but reverting those changes if somethings go wrong is very difficult.

That’s it. I think it’s enough for you to learn the basics of Task Manager today in this basic computer series of articles and videos.

So, I hope you learned lots of things today, about task managers in computers. How it works, what is it, and how to use it. I hope all of the above task manager explanations were or will be useful for you.

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